Preparing for Another El Niño Year

Preparing for Another El Niño Year

As the crisp air of fall settles and the leaves turn to yellows, reds, and oranges, the arrival of winter looms large on the horizon. This particular winter, however, promises a dramatic departure from the norm due to the resurgence of the El Niño phenomenon. With the first signs of its influence already apparent, preparing for an El Niño winter, particularly focusing on tree care, becomes essential for fostering resilient landscapes.

Understanding El Niño’s Impact

El Niño, part of the El Niño Southern Oscillation, is characterized by prolonged warmer ocean temperatures in the equatorial Pacific, influencing weather patterns worldwide. This year’s El Niño, having begun in June, is anticipated to be robust, extending its stay into the early months of spring.

Anticipated Weather Patterns

Historically, El Niño brings about a dichotomy in weather trends across the United States. The jet stream’s southward shift results in cooler, wetter conditions in the South, while the North experiences milder, drier climates. These variations could mean increased precipitation in drought-stricken southern states like Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, offering much-needed relief.

Region-Specific Trends

El Niño’s influence isn’t uniform. California, the Southwest, and the Northeast exhibit less predictable patterns. The strength of El Niño determines the frequency of storms in the Southwest, potentially leading to contrasting scenarios. Similarly, the Northeast, while generally milder, remains susceptible to powerful coastal storms.

Historical Perspective

Looking back, recent El Niño years such as 2018-2019 and 2015-2016 have delivered notable weather events, ranging from record-setting precipitation to large-scale snowstorms. The upcoming winter, paralleling the 2009-2010 El Niño in forecasted strength, raises the specter of increased cold and precipitation, particularly along the East Coast.

Tree Care Amidst Variability

Given this unpredictable weather tableau, how does one ensure the well-being of trees? Adapting tree care practices to the anticipated challenges of an El Niño winter is crucial.

Addressing Drought Conditions

For regions anticipating drought relief, the increased precipitation is a double-edged sword. While beneficial, excessive moisture can lead to root rot and fungal infections. Implementing proper drainage and regularly monitoring the trees’ health becomes essential.

Bracing for Storms

In areas bracing for storms and increased precipitation, securing trees against strong winds and heavy snow is vital. Regular pruning, securing young trees, and applying anti-desiccant sprays to evergreens help mitigate damage.

Coping with Milder Conditions

Conversely, trees in regions expecting milder conditions require adaptation to reduced water availability. Adjusting irrigation systems, applying mulch, and prioritizing water for younger trees are strategies to navigate these challenges.

Beyond Immediate Measures

While addressing immediate weather challenges is paramount, considering long-term tree health is equally important. Planting diverse species, investing in professional tree assessments, and developing tailored tree care plans are steps towards fostering resilient landscapes.

Learning from the Past

Reflecting on previous El Niño winters offers valuable insights. The varied impacts, from record-setting wet conditions to unprecedented snowstorms, underscore the importance of preparedness. By studying past events, adapting tree care practices becomes a more informed, proactive endeavor.

As we stand on the cusp of another El Niño year, anticipating its diverse impacts, the importance of tailored tree care cannot be overstated. The unpredictability inherent in El Niño underscores the necessity of preparedness and adaptability in nurturing our trees.

Taking a leaf from history’s book, learning from past El Niño years, and implementing informed tree care practices are our best defense against the challenges ahead. Whether you’re anticipating storms, drought relief, or milder conditions, adapting your tree care routine is essential for fostering resilient, thriving landscapes.

For expert assistance in preparing your trees for El Niño, consider reaching out to Sexy Trees. Our dedicated team specializes in providing tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of your trees, ensuring they remain robust and healthy, come rain or shine. Take action now and secure the wellbeing of your trees for the seasons ahead.

Top Tree Care Mistakes to Avoid for a Thriving Landscape

tree care mistakes

Trees are the lifeblood of any landscape, adding beauty, shade, and even increasing property value. But trees – especially young ones – need proper TLC to ensure they remain healthy and vibrant. Many homeowners unknowingly make mistakes that can harm their trees and lead to an unsightly or even dangerous landscape. In this blog post, we will discuss the top tree care mistakes to avoid, so you can maintain a thriving landscape for years to come.

1. Improper Watering Techniques


One of the most common tree care mistakes is overwatering. While it’s essential to keep your trees hydrated, too much water can lead to root rot, bug proliferation, and other diseases. To avoid overwatering, make sure you understand the specific watering needs of each tree species on your property. Generally, trees need about 1 inch of water per week, either from rainfall or supplemental watering. Be sure to water deeply and infrequently, rather than shallow and often, to encourage deep root growth.

🌱Did You Know? A strong, deep root system anchors the tree securely and allows it to access water and nutrients from deeper soil layers, enhancing its ability to withstand environmental stresses such as drought and strong winds.


Just as overwatering can cause problems, so can underwatering. Trees that don’t receive enough water are more susceptible to pests and diseases, and can even die from drought stress. Check your trees’ soil regularly to ensure it’s moist but not waterlogged. If your area is experiencing a dry spell, be sure to provide extra water to your trees, especially during the hot summer months. Using mulch around the base of your trees can help retain moisture and reduce the need for frequent watering.

2. Incorrect Pruning Practices


Over-pruning is another common tree care mistake. Removing too many branches at once can stress the tree and make it more vulnerable to disease and pests. As a rule of thumb, never remove more than 25% of a tree’s foliage in a single pruning session. Additionally, avoid “topping” or cutting back a tree’s main branches, as this can lead to weak, unstable growth.

Improper Pruning Cuts

Making improper pruning cuts can also harm your trees. When pruning, always cut just outside the branch collar – the slightly swollen area where the branch connects to the trunk. Cutting too close to the trunk can damage the tree’s bark and expose it to infection. Conversely, leaving a large stub can also lead to decay and disease. Remember to use sharp, clean tools when pruning to prevent the spread of disease and to make clean cuts that heal more quickly.

Pruning at the Wrong Time

Timing is important when it comes to tree pruning. Pruning at the wrong time of year can put your trees at risk for disease or hinder their growth. Generally, the best time to prune most trees is during their dormant season, typically late winter or early spring. However, some species may have specific pruning requirements, so be sure to research the best time to prune the trees in your landscape.

3. Neglecting Pest and Disease Control

Ignoring Signs of Pests or Disease

One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make is ignoring signs of pests or disease in their trees. Early detection and intervention are crucial to preventing these issues from becoming severe. Look out for signs like discolored or damaged leaves, oozing sap, and holes or tunnels in the bark. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult a professional arborist for advice on treatment options.

🦟 Did You Know? Pests are harmful to trees as they can damage their leaves, bark, and roots, weakening the tree’s overall health and ability to grow. Furthermore, some pests can transmit diseases or create entry points for pathogens, which can lead to severe infections or even tree death.

Overusing Chemical Treatments

While it’s important to address pest and disease issues, overusing chemical treatments can cause more harm than good. Some chemicals can be harmful to beneficial insects and even the trees themselves. Always follow the recommended dosage and application instructions for any chemical treatment, and consider using organic or natural alternatives when possible. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, which combine cultural, biological, and chemical methods, can be a more sustainable and effective approach to maintaining tree health.

Not Monitoring for Invasive Species

Invasive pests and diseases significantly damage your trees and the surrounding ecosystem. Stay informed about any invasive species that may be present in your area, and take steps to prevent their introduction and spread. If you suspect an invasive pest or disease is affecting your trees, contact your local extension office or a professional arborist for guidance on appropriate management strategies.

4. Damaging Tree Roots

Compacting Soil Around Trees

Compacted soil around trees can hinder root growth and prevent water and nutrients from reaching the roots. Avoid driving or parking vehicles near your trees, and minimize foot traffic around the root zone. If you suspect your soil is compacted, consider aerating the area to improve air and water penetration. Adding organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, can also help improve soil structure and promote healthy root growth.

Cutting Roots During Construction

Construction projects near trees can inadvertently damage their root systems, leading to tree decline or even death. Before beginning any construction, consult an arborist to determine the best way to protect your trees and their roots during the project. Establishing a tree protection zone around the tree’s critical root zone can help minimize damage during construction.

5. Planting Trees Incorrectly

Planting Too Deep

Planting a tree too deep can lead to a variety of problems, including root girdling, poor nutrient uptake, and increased susceptibility to pests and diseases. When planting a tree, ensure that the root flare – the point where the trunk begins to widen at the base – is visible above the soil line. This will allow for proper root development and promote overall tree health.

Choosing the Wrong Tree for Your Site

Selecting the right tree for your landscape is crucial to its long-term health and success. Consider factors such as the tree’s mature size, growth rate, and environmental requirements when choosing a species to plant. Planting a tree that is not well-suited to your site can lead to a host of problems, including stunted growth, increased susceptibility to pests and diseases, and potential damage to nearby structures as the tree grows.

6. Failing to Protect Your Trees from Wildlife

Damage from Deer and Rodents

Deer and rodents can cause significant damage to your trees, especially during the winter months when food sources are scarce. Protect young trees by installing tree guards or fencing to deter browsing and gnawing. Repellents can also be effective, but may need to be reapplied frequently, especially after rain or snow.

Bird Damage

While birds are generally beneficial to your landscape, some species can cause damage to trees by pecking at the bark or nesting in tree cavities. If bird damage is a concern, try using visual or auditory deterrents to scare them away. Be sure to monitor their effectiveness and adjust your strategy as needed.

By avoiding these common tree care mistakes, you can help ensure that your trees remain healthy, beautiful, and structurally sound for years to come. Remember that proper tree care starts with understanding the specific needs of the trees in your landscape and being proactive in addressing potential problems. 

If you’re unsure about how to care for your trees, consult the professional arborists at Sexy Trees for guidance and assistance. With the right care and attention, your trees can thrive and become an invaluable asset to your property and the environment.

Drippy Nut Disease in Trees: Separating Fact from Fiction

drippy nut disease

Drippy nut disease has garnered its share of attention in recent years, leading to a host of misconceptions and confusion. This peculiarly-named disease can seriously impact the health of your trees, but what’s the real story behind it? Today, we’re setting the record straight by separating fact from fiction. Get ready to learn how to protect your trees! 🌲🛡️

What is Drippy Nut Disease? 

First things first, let’s uncover the basics of this mysterious ailment. Drippy nut disease, also known as phytophthora, is a fungal infection that targets nut-producing trees like pecans, walnuts, and almonds. This disease is caused by the Phytophthora fungus, which invades the roots and bark of trees, leading to symptoms like rotting, oozing sap, and ultimately, the decline of the tree’s health.

The Truth About Transmission 

📣 FACT: Drippy nut disease can spread in multiple ways.

Several factors contribute to the transmission of this disease. Phytophthora fungus thrives in wet and poorly drained soil, so waterlogged areas are the perfect breeding ground for the infection. It can also spread through contaminated tools, plant materials, and even footwear!

🔍 FICTION: Drippy nut disease only affects trees that produce nuts.

While the name might suggest otherwise, drippy nut disease doesn’t just impact nut-producing trees. It can also target fruit-bearing trees like apple, cherry, and peach trees. So, staying vigilant and protecting your entire orchard from this harmful fungus is essential.

Symptoms and Diagnosis 🌡️

Detecting drippy nut disease early can be the key to saving your trees. Keep an eye out for these common symptoms:

  1. Swollen and discolored roots
  2. Oozing sap from the trunk
  3. Yellowing or wilting of leaves
  4. Dieback of branches
  5. Premature nut drop

To diagnose the disease, a professional arborist will usually take samples of the infected tree tissue and conduct lab tests to confirm the presence of Phytophthora fungus.

H3: The Damage Done: A Closer Look at the Impact 🌪️

📣 FACT: Drippy nut disease can have a significant economic impact on the agriculture industry.

When left untreated, this disease can cause tree decline and eventual death. This not only results in a loss of valuable nut and fruit crops but also increases tree removal and replacement costs.

Let’s take a look at some statistics to understand the scale of the problem better:

😱 30-50%: The potential yield loss for infected almond trees

😰 20-40%: Estimated yield loss for infected walnut trees

😨 10-20%: Estimated yield loss for infected pecan trees

🔍 FICTION: Drippy nut disease is untreatable and invariably fatal.

While drippy nut disease can be devastating, it’s not a death sentence for your trees. Early detection and proper management can help control the infection and prevent its spread. In some cases, trees can recover and continue producing healthy crops.

H2: Prevention and Treatment Strategies 🚑

🌱 FACT: Multiple ways exist to manage and prevent drippy nut disease.

To keep your trees healthy and free from drippy nut disease, follow these best practices:

1️⃣ Improve drainage: Since the Phytophthora fungus thrives in wet conditions, improving soil drainage can help prevent the spread of the disease. Consider planting trees on raised beds or installing drainage systems to minimize waterlogging.

2️⃣ Practice good sanitation: Disinfect tools, footwear, and equipment to avoid spreading the disease from one tree to another. Remove and destroy any infected plant material to reduce the risk of contamination.

3️⃣ Apply fungicides: Fungicides can be an effective way to manage drippy nut disease when used correctly. Consult an arborist or agricultural extension agent for guidance on the best fungicides for your specific tree species and how to apply them safely.

4️⃣ Use resistant rootstocks: Planting trees grafted onto rootstocks resistant to Phytophthora can help reduce the risk of infection. Consult with a nursery or tree specialist to determine the best rootstock options for your area.

🔍 FICTION: Once a tree is infected, it must be removed immediately.

In some cases, infected trees can still recover and produce healthy crops with proper management. However, if the disease has progressed significantly, and the tree’s health continues to decline, removal may be the best option to prevent the spread of the infection.

The Takeaway 🎯

Drippy nut disease can pose a real threat to your trees and your wallet, but with a little knowledge and proactive measures, you can keep your trees healthy and productive. Remember to stay vigilant, monitor your trees for signs of infection, and seek professional advice for treatment and prevention strategies. By separating fact from fiction, you can take control and protect your trees from the damaging effects of drippy nut disease. 

Ready to Safeguard Your Trees? 🌳💚

Don’t wait for drippy nut disease or any other tree ailment to wreak havoc on your precious greenery. Get ahead of the game with the help of Sexy Trees, the Bay Area’s premier tree care specialists. Our team of certified arborists is passionate about keeping your trees healthy, vibrant, and downright alluring. 🌴😍

💡 Time for action! Contact Sexy Trees today for a free consultation, and let us show you how to transform your trees into the envy of the neighborhood. We’ve got you covered, from disease prevention and diagnosis to expert pruning and maintenance. 💯

📞 Give us a call at 925-217-7259 or visit our website to book your appointment. Let’s make the Bay Area greener and sexier, one tree at a time! 

Stump Grinding 101: Common Questions Answered

Alamo Stump Grinding and Removal

If you’re a homeowner with a yard full of trees, chances are you’ve had to deal with stumps before. Maybe you cut down a tree and left the stump, or maybe you moved into a home with existing stumps. Whatever the reason, you’re now faced with the task of stump grinding. But what is stump grinding, and how do you go about it? We at Sexy Trees in the California Bay Area are here to answer your common stump-grinding questions.

What is stump grinding?

Stump grinding is the process of removing a tree stump by grinding it down into small pieces using a stump grinder. A stump grinder is a machine with a rotating cutting wheel that grinds away at the tree stump until it’s below ground level.

Why would I need to grind tree stumps on my property?

Aside from being an eyesore, tree stumps can also be a hazard. They can cause tripping hazards and attract unwanted pests like termites and ants. In addition, stumps can take up valuable yard space and make it difficult to mow or landscape around them. By grinding your stumps, you’re not only eliminating these hazards but also creating more usable yard space.

Can I remove a stump myself?

Technically, yes, you can remove a stump yourself. However, it’s not recommended. Stump grinding is a dangerous and time-consuming process that requires specialized equipment and expertise. Attempting to remove a stump yourself could result in injury or damage to your property.

How much does it cost?

The cost of stump grinding varies depending on the size and location of the stump. Generally, stumps that are larger and more difficult to access will cost more to grind. At Sexy Trees, we offer competitive pricing and can provide you with a free estimate.

How long does it take?

The length of time it takes to grind a stump depends on the size and location of the stump. In general, a small stump can be ground in a few hours, while a larger stump can take a full day or more. At Sexy Trees, we’ll give you an estimated timeline for your specific job.

Will stump grinding damage my yard?

Stump grinding may leave a small amount of debris in your yard, but our team at Sexy Trees takes great care to minimize any damage to your lawn. We’ll also remove any debris after the job is complete, leaving your yard looking clean and tidy.

Do I need to remove the roots after grinding the stump?

While the roots will eventually decay on their own, it’s often a good idea to have them removed to prevent any potential problems. At Sexy Trees, we offer root removal services in addition to stump grinding.

What should I do with the leftover wood chips?

The wood chips left over from stump grinding can be used as mulch or ground cover in your garden. Alternatively, you can have them hauled away by our team at Sexy Trees.

Do I need a permit to grind my stumps?

In most cases, you won’t need a permit to grind your stumps. However, it’s always a good idea to check with your local municipality to ensure you’re following any regulations.

Can I plant a new tree in the same spot?

Once the stump has been ground and the roots removed, you can absolutely plant a new tree in the same spot. However, it’s important to choose a tree species appropriate for your climate and soil conditions.

Can stump grinding be done in any season? 

Stump grinding can be done year-round, but it may be more difficult to grind a stump during the winter if you live in an area where the ground freezes. 

How do I choose a reputable service? 

Look for a service provider with a good reputation, positive reviews, proper licensing and insurance, and a clear pricing structure. It’s also a good idea to ask for references and check their previous work.

Are there any alternatives to stump grinding? 

Alternatives to stump grinding include manual removal, chemical removal, and covering the stump with soil and letting it decompose naturally. However, stump grinding is often the most effective and efficient option.

Will stump grinding prevent regrowth of the tree? 

Stump grinding removes the visible part of the stump, but it doesn’t guarantee that the tree won’t regrow. The roots may still be alive and continue to produce shoots. However, stump grinding does significantly reduce the chances of regrowth compared to other removal methods.

Can I rent a stump grinder and do it myself?

Yes, however, it is not recommended. Many home improvement and hardware stores offer stump grinder rentals for a daily or hourly rate. Stump grinding can be dangerous and requires some skill and experience to do it correctly. If you are not familiar with operating heavy machinery or have never used a stump grinder before, it’s recommended to hire a professional stump grinding service.

Additionally, DIY stump grinding can result in damage to your property or injury to yourself or others. A professional service provider has the necessary skills, training, and equipment to perform the job safely and effectively.

If you have a tree stump on your property that needs to be removed, don’t hesitate to reach out to Sexy Trees, your local arborists and reputable stump grinding service in your area. We can provide you with a free estimate and help you get rid of the stump quickly and safely. Remember, a beautiful and safe yard starts with proper tree care, and stump grinding is a crucial step in achieving that goal. 

Take action today and contact a trusted stump grinding service to reclaim your yard!

Aphids, Bees, and Other Springtime Pests to Look Out For

springtime pests

Spring is almost here, and with it comes an abundance of new growth and life. However, along with the beauty of spring also comes a host of springtime pests that can cause damage to your trees. As a tree care company, we like to educate our clients about the various pests that can harm trees so that they can take steps to protect them.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most common springtime pests to look out for and what you can do to prevent them from causing harm to your trees.


Aphids are tiny, pear-shaped insects that can be found on the leaves and stems of trees. They are most commonly found on deciduous trees, but can also be found on conifers. Aphids feed on the sap of trees, which can cause the leaves to turn yellow and curl. They can also cause the tree to produce a sticky substance known as honeydew, which can attract other pests and lead to sooty mold growth on the leaves.


To prevent aphids from causing damage to your trees, there are a few things you can do. One is to attract beneficial insects to your yard, such as ladybugs and lacewings, which will feed on aphids. Another is to use a strong stream of water to blast the aphids off of the tree, which can be effective for small infestations. For larger infestations, you may need to use a pesticide specifically labeled for aphid control.


Bees are important pollinators that are vital to the health of our environment. However, they can also be a nuisance when they decide to build a hive in or around your trees. Bees can cause damage to the tree by burrowing into it to create a hive, which can weaken the structure of the tree and make it more susceptible to disease and pests.


To prevent bees from building a hive in your tree, there are a few things you can do. One is to keep an eye out for bees that are flying in and out of a hole in the tree. If you notice this, it’s important to call a professional beekeeper to remove the hive as soon as possible. Another is to keep trees trimmed and pruned so that bees do not have a place to build a hive.

Other Springtime Pests

There are a variety of other springtime pests to look out for, such as caterpillars, scale insects, and spider mites. Caterpillars can defoliate a tree and make it more susceptible to disease, while scale insects and spider mites can cause the tree to become stunted and weak.


To prevent these pests from causing damage to your trees, it’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of infestation, such as holes in the leaves or discoloration. If you notice any signs of infestation, it’s important to contact a professional tree care company as soon as possible. They can help to identify the pest and determine the best course of action for treatment.

In conclusion, spring is a wonderful time of year for tree growth, but also a time when pests can cause significant damage. By being aware of the most common springtime pests and taking steps to prevent them from causing harm, you can ensure that your trees remain healthy and beautiful all season long.

If you notice any signs of infestation or damage, don’t hesitate to contact a professional tree care company for assistance.

5 Biggest Spring Tree Care Mistakes: Plan Ahead This Winter

spring tree care

Spring is around the corner, and before we know it, the trees in our yards will be waking up. But how often do we stop to consider their well-being during winter? Tree care should happen all year round – not just in spring when leaves are budding or summer when they bloom. To keep your trees healthy and happy this coming season (and every season thereafter), make sure you’re paying attention to some common spring tree care mistakes that too many of us unintentionally make; there’s no better time than right now to plan ahead, so let’s dive into the biggest spring tree care mistakes and how you can avoid them!

1. Improper Planting

This tip is a preventative measure and makes all the difference in establishing a strong and healthy tree. When planting a new tree, follow the directions on the label of the specific type of tree you have purchased; each species has unique needs for sunlight, soil, water, and nutrients.

A few major planting mistakes we often see are:

  • Planting too close to buildings or power lines. Trees need room to grow and spread their branches.
  • Planting in an area that receives too much or not enough sunlight, water, and/or nutrients.
  • Failing to consider the future size of the tree when planting. It’s important to know that mature trees can grow to very large sizes and may need more space than what is available right now.
  • Suffocating the trunk flare with soil. This happens when too much soil is placed around the tree’s base.

2. Neglecting Pruning

Pruning is essential for maintaining an attractive and healthy tree. It’s important to remember that trees need to be pruned differently at different stages of their lives; for instance, young trees will require more frequent and lighter pruning than mature trees.

Pruning mistakes we often see include:

  • Using the wrong tools for the job and making improper cuts on branches. This can lead to the death of a branch or even the entire tree.
  • Pruning at the wrong time of year. Many trees should be pruned in late winter or early spring, but certain species may require a different timing for optimal results.
  • Failing to follow up with proper wound treatment. Pruning can leave wounds on trees that are vulnerable to infection and decay. Make sure you seal the wound correctly with a dressing or paint to protect your tree from further damage.

3. Poor Fertilization Practices

Fertilization is vital for providing trees with nutrients that may be missing from their soil, but too much of a good thing can quickly become a bad thing! Fertilizing mistakes we often see include:

  • Applying too much fertilizer, which can burn the tree’s roots and cause poor growth.
  • Using a fertilizer that is not suited for your tree type. Different species require different nutrients at different rates and cycles.
  • Failing to water the tree after fertilizing. Fertilizer should be applied with enough water to ensure that the nutrients make it down to the roots.

4. Improper Watering

Most trees require deep watering regularly, especially during the summer months when there is less rainfall. Common mistakes include:

  • Failing to water deeply enough for an extended period of time. In general, trees should be watered slowly and deeply for at least 30 minutes in order to ensure that the roots are receiving enough water.
  • Watering too much or too little. Too little water can cause stress or death to a tree, while too much can lead to problems such as root rot.
  • Failing to monitor soil moisture. If a tree is in an area that receives regular rainfall, it may not need to be watered at all; the best way to know for sure is to check the soil for signs of dryness before watering your tree.

5. Ignoring Pests and Diseases

Be proactive about checking your trees for pests and diseases. Various diseases and pests can affect trees, so it’s important to take the necessary steps to diagnose and treat any issue properly. Common mistakes include:

  • Failing to identify the pest or disease correctly. Different pests and diseases require different treatments, so it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis before taking action.
  • Misusing pesticides or other treatments. Pesticides and other treatments should be used in accordance with the label, as misusing them can lead to more harm than good.
  • Failing to monitor trees for signs of further damage after treatment. You may need to take additional steps if the problem persists or worsens despite your efforts.

Taking proper care of trees requires knowledge, vigilance, and effort. While these five common spring tree care mistakes are some of the most frequent issues we see, they’re certainly not the only ones. It’s essential to be aware of all potential spring tree care hazards in order to ensure your trees stay healthy and beautiful for years to come!

To schedule a consultation with an experienced arborist for spring tree care (or anything tree-related), you can reach us at 925-233-6877 or send an email by clicking here.

Crash Course in Tree Fertilizers: How to Choose the Best One

tree fertilizer

There are many misconceptions about tree fertilizers. Most people don’t realize that not all tree fertilizers are created equal – different trees and soil types will yield different results – and tree fertilizer isn’t the miracle-in-a-bag that will save your trees. This article will serve as a crash course in tree fertilizers – we’ll discuss how to choose the best one for your needs, as well as some of the benefits and drawbacks of different types!

Does it NEED Fertilizer?

Many established trees will never need fertilizer, while others will benefit from periodic applications. The best way to determine if your tree needs fertilizer is to have a soil test done. Most tree roots are relatively shallow, so even if the topsoil looks healthy, the tree may not be getting all of the nutrients it needs from just that layer. A simple soil test will tell you what nutrients are already present in the dirt and which ones may be lacking.

Other Signs Your Tree Might Benefit from Fertilizer

  • If your tree is newly planted or young
  • If your tree is showing signs of poor growth such as poorly colored, pale leaves, unusually small leaf size, earlier than normal fall coloring and leaf drop, little annual twig growth, or twig or branch dieback (Note: Heavily compacted soil or poor weather conditions can also cause these symptoms)
  • If your tree is planted in sandy soil with little organic matter
tree fertilizers

Types of Fertilizer

There are two main types of tree fertilizer: organic and inorganic.

Inorganic tree fertilizers are made with synthetic chemicals and can offer a quick-fix solution for nutrient deficiencies. However, they can also harm the environment if not used correctly, as they can easily leach into groundwater. Additionally, inorganic tree fertilizers can burn tree roots if misapplied.

On the other hand, organic tree fertilizers are made from natural materials such as manure, compost, and bone meal. They release nutrients slowly over time and are much less likely to cause root burn. However, they may not be as immediately effective as inorganic tree fertilizers.

The best tree fertilizer for you will ultimately depend on your specific tree and soil type, as well as your budget and goals. If you’re unsure where to start, we recommend talking to a local tree expert. They can help you determine which product will work best for your needs!

Choosing the Best Fertilizer for Your Trees

1. Do Your Research

Before you start shopping for tree fertilizer, it’s essential to do your research. Only some products are created equal, and the best tree fertilizer for your needs may not be the most popular or well-known brand. Start by reading the label carefully. The three numbers on a fertilizer bag (known as the N-P-K ratio) will tell you the product’s percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These are the three most important nutrients for tree growth.

Tree and shrub growth is more often limited by a nitrogen deficiency than by a lack of other elements. As a result, trees usually respond best to fertilizer with a 2-1-1 or a 3-1-1 ratio (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium).

2. Fertilize Correctly

Once you’ve selected a fertilizer, following the application instructions carefully is important. Overfertilizing can be just as harmful as not fertilizing at all! Tree roots are sensitive to high concentrations of fertilizer, and, as we mentioned earlier, too much can cause root burn.

When applying tree fertilizer, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Talk to a tree care specialist if you need clarification on how much or how often to apply the product. They can help you create a fertilization schedule that meets your tree’s needs.

3. Consider Timing

The timing of your fertilizer application is also essential. Generally, it’s best to fertilize trees in the early spring before new growth begins. This gives the tree a chance to absorb the nutrients before it puts out fresh leaves and branches. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If your tree shows signs of nutrient deficiency, you may need to fertilize it more than once a year.

And that’s it! With some research and careful planning, you can ensure that your trees get the nutrients they need to thrive. Just remember: more is not always better when it comes to tree fertilizer. A little goes a long way!

Related Reading: Fertilizer Root Injections to Support Tree Health

Contact a Bay Area Tree Care Specialist Today

4 Reasons to Hire a Certified Arborist

Hiring a Certified Arborist

Is your landscaping looking a little rough around the edges? You’re in luck, a Hiring a Certified Arborist can help you with a variety of essential tree care services to beautify your yard. These specialists can expertly handle jobs like tree removal and tree pruning, as well as fertilizing, stump grinding and mistletoe removal. They can also safely clear away fallen branches, or diagnose ailing trees and what to do for them. A certified arborist is like the tree whisperer of landscaping professionals.

Read on to learn more about why this profession is so essential. Here are 4 reasons to hire an arborist…

1) The Threat of Injury

Tree pruning for large branches and tree removal are too dangerous for the untrained homeowner to try to manage on their own. While it may not seem that way, trees are denser and heavier than they look, and their branches can cause injuries. On average, over a hundred people die each year due to tree-related fatalities. According to OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the tree care industry is among the top most dangerous industries in America. Your safety is the main reason to call in a specialist who has the proper tools and equipment for the job.

2) Investing in Your Home

Proper tree care is a long-term investment. Beautiful, healthy trees increase the value of your property in the long run. Although, the converse is true as well. Neglected trees can weigh down the value of your home. This is something to consider if you ever plan to list your house on the market. A certified arborist can also help you prevent plumbing issues that are related to overgrown tree roots, which is never a cheap fix.

3) Avoiding Liability Issues

Without proper tree pruning services, your landscaping can become a liability. Trees can drop brittle, dead, or diseased branches at  any time, especially during stormy weather. We already discussed how heavy falling limbs can be. To figure out the exact weight of your trees would require a bit of math, but hardwood trees are always heavier. A lack of expert tree care can result in down limbs that cause injuries or property damage. It’s just not worth the risk. Hiring a certified arborist is the best way to ensure that your trees aren’t a hidden safety hazard.

4) Professional Tree Care

It’s also important to hire a pro to make sure that your trees get everything they need to thrive. A certified arborist has specialized training and the right tools. Most professionals also work with a team of skilled experts.

Anyone can offer tree pruning services, but only a licensed arborist has the necessary depth of knowledge to provide tree care. Unfortunately, someone with less experience may unintentionally harm your trees. This is another reason why it’s so important to consult with a local arborist when you need tree services for your property.

Criteria for Hiring a Certified Arborist

And finally, be sure to hire an arborist who is also insured, otherwise you’re liable for damages if any accidents occur during the tree service.

To speak with an  ISA Certified Arborist, please contact us at Sexy Trees. Give us a call at 925-233-6877 to schedule an appointment. If you aren’t quite sure which tree services you need, we’re always happy to answer questions.

Tree Removal: What Happens to a Tree After You Remove It?

Lafayette Tree Pruning

Cutting down a loved tree is a hard decision, but sometimes an essential one. When a tree becomes a trouble or a safety hazard, whether due to its falling fruit, fragile wood, or disease, the best choice may be to cut it down. After a tree removal job, you may be speculating what happens to the tree’s roots after the tree is cut down. What about the stump?

Always consult a proficiently trained arborist to inspect your trees for damage and to help you decide the best solution for your landscape.


What happens to a tree’s roots after it’s cut down?

Once a tree is cut down, the trunk is broken off into mulch and hauled away or cut into smaller logs or blocks for extra purposes, but the roots stay in the ground. Without leaves, the cut tree cannot make food for the growth of its roots. However, the roots might have sufficient nutrients left to allow the development of sprouts from the roots or the leftover stump. If a sprout grows enough leaves, it can eventually grow back into a tree. If a tree doesn’t create root sprouts, then it’s doubtful it’ll re-grow. Instead, the roots will ultimately decompose.

Once your tree is cut down, you are left with the tree base. Now you have to make one more important decision—let it settle or get it removed.


Does a tree stump and its roots need to be removed?

It’s up to you whether to remove a tree stump from your yard or not. There are many reasons why it could benefit your landscape and property.  Here are three things to think about when you make this decision:


1. Tree stumps can be hazardous

Stumps sticking out of the ground can spree children running around in your backyard, causing injury. Furthermore, yard work becomes harder, as you have to maintain the area around the stump, and avoid tree stumps and root areas while mowing your grass. If you don’t, you run the danger of ruining your lawnmower by running them over.


2. Tree stumps can ruin your aesthetic

Tree stumps scattered around a well-manicured lawn stand out like sore thumbs, ruining the aesthetic of your scenery. The aesthetic of your land, in turn, has a result on its real-estate value. A large number of tree stumps could force your property value down. Besides that, tree stumps take up a lot of valuable space in your yard. This space could be re-purposed into an outdoor porch or a space to entertain guests and hold family picnics.


3. Tree stumps can give access to pests and insects

Tree stumps are breathing systems that can be host to several pests and insects. During the long decomposition procedure stumps go through, they encourage insects like ants, termites, and beetles. These pests can increase to other plants in your lawn, or even your house, if not restricted properly.


If you have questions about tree removal in your yard, contact Sexy Trees, certified arborist.

Why Hire a Professional Tree Service?

Lafayette Tree Service

When is it time to hire a professional tree service? For most of us, trees are a necessary part of our landscapes, and it’s essential for your property that you take care of them and keep them well. Tree removal is a proactive way to protect your house when storms come through and keep the wreckage a little more controlled. And when you need storm clean up, you should call in the pros to ensure that the work is done with complete awareness to detail.

Full Tree Service

What precisely does a tree service company do? Beyond just trees, they offer stump removal or grinding, tree trimming, firewood services, limb trimming, pruning and maintenance of trees and bushes. They can also recommend you on how to keep pests and diseases away from valuable landscaping. Some companies will also offer fertilization, soil ventilation, tree planting, removal of dust, tree cabling and bracing, and evaluations.

Tree Trimming Adds Beauty and Value to Your Landscape

Tree care is a brilliant way to tighten and improve the look of your landscape. An arborist service adds pleasant aesthetics, as well as improves your curb appeal. If you’re trying to sell your house, you’ll discover that your property makes an impression within the first few seconds, and you want that to be a positive one. If you plan on living in your house somewhat permanently, then guests and neighbors will love the gorgeous look of your trees, and you’ll appreciate being in your outside space even more. The professionals will also offer roof cleaning services to improve the look so that you don’t have to worry about leaves and branches cluttering your space when the work is done.

Time Saving

When you hire experts to do the job, you are hiring people who know what they are doing. They make a complex task look easy and do the work within half the time of what you might perform. This will save you a lot of time, and money, as they may complete the whole project in one day. Tree services take time and effort, and unless you have the gear, time, and means to get it done professionally, it is not worth the effort to do it yourself. Leave this to the experts.

It’s More Affordable than You Realize

When you understand it’s time to trim a tree, many people end up spending a considerable amount of money getting new equipment. However, when you bring in the pros, you’ll discover that it’s more reasonable than you realize and the best companies will work within your budget. Further than trimming trees, you’ll have access to base grinding services. A full-service company will offer everything from stump elimination to cleaning your roof to planned trimming techniques. Once you hire a professional tree service, you’ll wonder why you didn’t begin sooner!

Sexy Trees offers a wide range of services, including tree trimming, pruning, stump grinding, tree removal, and much more. To learn more, please contact us at (925) 233-6877.