Tree News: Scientists Revived a 2,000-Year-Old Extinct Tree From Seeds

date palm

Welcome to the latest edition of “Tree News,” where we bring you the most exciting updates and groundbreaking developments in the world of botany and dendrology. Today, we have a compelling story to share with you that has captured the attention of scientists and nature enthusiasts alike. In a remarkable achievement, a 2,000-year-old extinct tree species has been successfully revived from seeds, marking a significant breakthrough in the field of plant biology.

Join us as we explore the fascinating details of this extraordinary discovery and its potential implications for the future of plant conservation and agriculture.

Resurrecting An Extinct Tree Species

In 2021, scientists announced that they had successfully revived a 2,000-year-old Judean date palm tree from seeds found in the 1960s and 1970s in the ancient fortress of Masada, Israel.

How Did the Tree Go Extinct? 

The Judean date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is believed to have gone extinct in the 15th century CE due to a combination of factors, including the destruction of the forests in which it grew, changes in climate, and the introduction of new diseases that affected the plant’s ability to reproduce. Additionally, the Judean date palm was prized for its fruit, and overharvesting likely played a role in its decline. Despite its extinction, the tree’s fruit was still mentioned in ancient texts and depicted in artwork, which helped preserve its memory and importance in Jewish culture and history.

The tree’s seeds were thought to have lost their viability over time. However, after decades of efforts by scientists, they managed to germinate one of the ancient seeds and grow a healthy tree, which they named Methuselah, after the oldest person in the Bible.

How and Where Did Researchers Find Seeds? 

Archaeologists found the seeds of the Judean date palm in the 1960s and 1970s at the archaeological site of Masada, a fortress in the Judean Desert of Israel. Masada was built by King Herod the Great in the first century BCE and later became the site of a Jewish revolt against Roman rule in the first century CE. When the Romans captured the fortress in 73 CE, they destroyed much of the surrounding vegetation, including the Judean date palm trees.

The seeds were discovered in a storage room at the site, preserved in a dry and cool environment for nearly 2,000 years. In the 2000s, a team of scientists led by Dr. Sarah Sallon of the Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem obtained some of the seeds and attempted to germinate them, but without success. However, in 2021, a team of researchers from the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies in Israel managed to germinate one of the ancient seeds, leading to the successful revival of the Judean date palm tree.

The Revival Process

The process of reviving the tree was not an easy one. The scientists used a combination of techniques, including radiocarbon dating to determine the age of the seeds, and careful nurturing of the seedlings in a specialized environment to ensure their survival.

The Methuselah tree is currently growing in a greenhouse at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies in Israel, where researchers continue to study it. The tree is male and is incapable of producing fruit, but its successful revival is a significant achievement in plant biology. It has raised hopes that scientists could similarly revive other extinct or endangered plant species.

The Judean date palm was an important crop in ancient times, and its fruits were prized for their sweetness and nutritional value. They were used as a staple food by ancient civilizations and were also considered a luxury item, often given as gifts to royalty and other dignitaries.

The Judean date palm also has great symbolic significance in Jewish culture and history. In ancient times, it represented prosperity, beauty, and righteousness, and its leaves were used to create ceremonial decorations and other items. The tree is mentioned several times in the Bible, and its fruits are said to have been one of the seven species of the land of Israel, which were considered to be the fruits of the Promised Land.

The tree’s revival has sparked interest in reintroducing the species to modern agriculture, as it may be able to grow in harsh desert conditions and provide a valuable food source for people living in arid regions.

Other Extinct Trees that We May See Again

Yes, scientists are working on reviving several other extinct or endangered tree species using a variety of techniques including seed banks, tissue culture, and genetic engineering. One notable example is the American chestnut tree (Castanea dentata), which was once a dominant species in the eastern forests of North America, but was decimated by a fungal disease termed “ink disease” in the early 20th century. Scientists are now working to develop a blight-resistant variety of the tree using genetic engineering.

Another example is the Hawaiian hibiscus (Hibiscus brackenridgei), which is native to the Hawaiian islands and is considered to be critically endangered. Scientists are working to conserve the species through seed banking and other techniques, and there have been successful efforts to reintroduce the plant to certain parts of its native range.

In addition to these examples, many other plant species are currently threatened by habitat loss, climate change, and other factors. Scientists are working to conserve and protect these species through various methods.

Climate Change’s Impact on Tree Species 

Climate change has already profoundly impacted tree species worldwide, with many facing increased threats from rising temperatures, altered rainfall patterns, and more frequent extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and wildfires.

One of the most visible effects of climate change on trees is the shift in their geographic ranges. As temperatures warm, many tree species are moving northward or to higher elevations in search of suitable habitats. This can result in changes to the composition and structure of forest ecosystems as different species interact and compete for resources in new ways.

In addition to range shifts, climate change can affect tree growth, reproduction, and survival. Warmer temperatures can cause trees to flower earlier in the year, disrupting the timing of pollination and affecting fruit and seed production. Droughts and water stress can also cause tree mortality, particularly in regions that are already arid or experiencing water scarcity.

Climate change can also exacerbate existing threats to tree species, such as habitat loss and invasive species. For example, warming temperatures and altered precipitation patterns can make forests more vulnerable to insect outbreaks and diseases, which can have devastating impacts on tree populations.

Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities for trees to play a role in mitigating the effects of climate change. Forests are important carbon sinks, sequestering and storing large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Efforts to restore degraded forests, reduce deforestation, and promote sustainable forest management can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect important tree species.

Is It Dangerous To Revive Old Tree Species? 

The revival of old tree species is not necessarily dangerous, but it raises important ethical and ecological questions that must be carefully considered.

One concern is the potential impact of reintroducing extinct or rare species to modern ecosystems. Revived trees may be vulnerable to the same threats that caused their extinction in the first place, such as habitat loss, climate change, and invasive species. Additionally, reintroducing a previously extinct species may have unintended consequences for existing species, potentially disrupting ecosystem dynamics and altering the balance of native plant communities.

Another concern is the potential for revived trees to be exploited for commercial or agricultural purposes, which could further threaten their survival and potentially harm local communities and ecosystems. It is essential to carefully consider the potential benefits and risks of introducing revived species into modern agriculture or industry.

Finally, there are also ethical considerations around the use of resources and funding for the revival of extinct tree species, particularly when pressing environmental and social challenges require immediate attention and resources.

Overall, the revival of old tree species is a complex and nuanced issue that requires careful consideration of ecological, social, and ethical factors. While risks and challenges are associated with this work, there is also potential for it to contribute to the conservation and protection of valuable plant species and ecosystems.

Together, we can work to protect and preserve our planet’s trees for future generations and ensure a sustainable future for both humans and the natural world. Let’s make our trees sexy again! For all your Bay Area tree care needs, contact our professional arborists at Sexy Trees.

How to Deal With Foamy Bark Cankers

foamy bark cankers

Foamy bark cankers are a common problem that affects various tree species, including maple, oak, and dogwood. These cankers are caused by a fungal infection that leads to the formation of foam on the bark of the affected trees. If left untreated, foamy bark cankers can significantly damage the tree, leading to stunted growth, dieback, and even death.

However, with the right approach, dealing with foamy bark cankers effectively and saving your trees is possible. In this blog post, we’ll explore the causes and symptoms of foamy bark cankers, as well as provide tips and strategies for managing and preventing this issue from occurring. Whether you’re a homeowner or a professional arborist, the information provided in this article can help you keep your trees healthy and thriving.

How to Identify Various Canker Types

Identifying the type of canker affecting your trees is crucial in developing an effective treatment plan. Different kinds of cankers have unique characteristics that can help you distinguish between them. Here are some common canker types to look out for:

Sunken Cankers

One of the most common types of cankers is the sunken canker. This canker appears as a depression on the tree’s bark and is caused by a fungal infection. Over time, it can lead to dead wood and wood rot.

Blister Cankers

Another type of canker is the blister canker, which appears as a raised, blister-like lesion on the bark. Bacteria cause this type of canker and can lead to the formation of sunken cankers over time.

Target Cankers

A third type of canker is the target canker, which appears as a series of concentric circles on the tree’s bark. Fungal infection also causes this type of canker and can significantly damage the tree’s vascular system.

Foamy Bark Canker

A foamy bark canker is a fungal infection that affects the bark of various tree species, including maple, oak, and dogwood. The condition leads to foam production on the bark, which can be a telltale sign of this type of canker. The foam is caused by the activity of the fungus, which produces gas as it consumes the bark tissue. Foamy bark cankers can cause significant damage to the tree if left untreated, leading to stunted growth, dieback, and even death. It’s essential to promptly identify and address foamy bark cankers to prevent the spread of the fungus and preserve the health of the affected tree.

How and Why Do Foamy Bark Cankers Form? 

The fungus responsible for foamy bark cankers belongs to the genus Geosmithia, and it commonly enters the tree through wounds or cracks in the bark. Once inside the tree, the fungus begins to consume the bark tissue, producing gas as a byproduct of its metabolism. The gas production leads to the formation of foam on the bark, a distinctive symptom of this type of canker.

Foamy bark cankers can form on various tree species, but they are most commonly found on maple, oak, and dogwood trees. The fungus is particularly active during warm and humid weather conditions, which can promote the growth and spread of the infection.

The presence of foamy bark cankers can weaken the tree’s immune system, making it more susceptible to other diseases and pests. As the infection spreads, it can lead to the formation of cankers, dead wood, and wood rot, which can ultimately cause the tree’s decline or death. Therefore, it’s essential to identify and address foamy bark cankers as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the tree.

What to Do If You Identify a Foamy Canker on Your Tree

If you spot a foamy canker on your tree, it’s essential to take prompt action to address the issue and prevent further damage. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Prune the Affected Area

The first step is to prune the affected area of the tree to remove the infected bark and wood. It’s crucial to make the cut at least 4-6 inches below the visible signs of the infection to ensure that you remove all the infected tissue.

2. Sanitize Your Tools

After pruning, it’s important to sanitize your tools to prevent the spread of the fungus to other parts of the tree or other trees in the area. You can use a solution of 10% bleach or 70% alcohol to sanitize your tools.

3. Apply Fungicide

After pruning and sanitizing your tools, you can apply a fungicide to the affected area of the tree. Fungicides containing copper are effective in treating foamy bark cankers. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when applying the fungicide.

4. Monitor the Tree

Monitor the tree for any signs of further infection or decline. If you notice any new symptoms, such as cankers, dead wood, or stunted growth, you may need to take further action to address the issue.

5. Consult a Professional

If you’re not comfortable addressing the issue yourself, it’s best to consult with a professional arborist. They can accurately diagnose the problem and provide you with a treatment plan that is tailored to your tree’s specific needs. Remember, early detection and intervention are key to preventing the spread of foamy bark cankers and preserving the health of your trees.

Preventing Cankers

Preventing cankers is an essential part of maintaining the health of your trees. Here are some steps you can take to prevent cankers from forming:

1. Proper Tree Maintenance

Proper tree maintenance is crucial in preventing cankers. Regular pruning can help remove dead or diseased wood and promote healthy growth. Be sure to prune during the dormant season to reduce stress on the tree.

2. Avoid Wounding the Tree

Avoid wounding the tree as much as possible. Cankers often form on trees that have been injured or wounded. Be careful when mowing or using other equipment near the tree to avoid damaging the bark.

3. Practice Good Hygiene

Good hygiene can help prevent the spread of fungal infections that can lead to cankers. Be sure to sanitize your tools between uses to prevent cross-contamination.

4. Manage Stressors

Managing stressors, such as drought or nutrient deficiencies, can help keep your tree healthy and less susceptible to cankers. Proper watering and fertilization can go a long way in preventing stress.

5. Apply Fungicides

Applying fungicides preventively can also help prevent the formation of cankers. Fungicides containing copper are effective in preventing fungal infections. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when applying fungicides.

By following these preventive measures, you can help reduce the risk of canker formation and maintain the health and vitality of your trees.

Don’t let cankers and other tree issues cause irreversible damage to your beautiful trees. Contact Sexy Trees today for a consultation, and let us help you keep your trees healthy and thriving. With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, you can trust that you’re getting the best possible service. 

If you’re a Bay Area resident looking for expert tree care services, then Sexy Trees is the company for you! Our team of certified arborists has the knowledge and experience to help you with all your tree care needs. Whether you need pruning, tree removal, or help with a canker infestation, we’ve got you covered.

Wildfire Risk Reduction for Californians: Prepare for Fire Season

Wildfire Risk Reduction: Protecting Your Property and Community

Wildfires have become an all too common occurrence in California, with devastating consequences for communities and ecosystems alike. As climate change worsens, the risk of wildfires continues to grow, making it more critical than ever for Californians to take proactive steps to prepare for fire season. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the key strategies for reducing wildfire risk and protecting your home and community. 

From creating defensible space around your property to staying informed about fire conditions and evacuation protocols, there are many steps you can take to minimize the impact of wildfires and stay safe during these dangerous times. Whether you’re a longtime resident of California or a recent arrival, it’s crucial to be prepared for the possibility of wildfire and to take action to mitigate its potential effects.

Wildfire Risks

This year, there have already been 252 wildfires in California, burning 62 acres. When it comes to wildfires, there are several key factors that can increase the risk of ignition and make fires more difficult to control. 

Here are some of the most significant wildfire risks that Californians should be aware of:

Drought and Dry Weather

California’s hot, dry summers provide ideal conditions for wildfires to start and spread quickly. In recent years, drought conditions have only exacerbated this risk, as vegetation becomes more parched and prone to ignition. When there is less water in the soil and air, plants and trees become more susceptible to fire, and fires can spread faster and burn more intensely.

Overgrown Vegetation

Overgrown vegetation can be a major contributor to the spread of wildfires, especially in areas where homes and other structures are located near wildland areas. When dry vegetation is allowed to accumulate, it creates fuel for fires and makes it easier for flames to jump from one location to another. Homeowners must maintain defensible space around their properties by clearing away dead brush, trimming trees, and keeping grass and other vegetation mowed and watered.

Human Activity

Human activity is responsible for a significant portion of wildfires in California, whether through intentional arson, accidental sparks from vehicles or power equipment, or other causes. Campfires and other open flames should be used with caution, and smoking should be restricted to designated areas. Power equipment should be used with care, and vehicles should not be driven over dry grass or vegetation.

Strong Winds

Strong winds can quickly spread wildfires and make them much more difficult to contain. In California, the Santa Ana winds are a particularly dangerous weather phenomenon that can cause fires to spread rapidly across vast areas. When high winds are forecast, it’s important to be especially vigilant and prepared for potential evacuation.

Wildfire Risk Reduction

Wildfire Risk Reduction (WRR) is a critical step Californians can take to protect their homes and properties from the devastating effects of wildfires. One important aspect of WRR is zoning, which involves dividing the area around a structure into three zones: the immediate zone (0-5 feet), the intermediate zone (5-30 feet), and the extended zone (30-100 feet).

The Immediate Zone

The immediate zone is the most critical area to focus on during WRR. This zone includes anything that is flammable and is very close or touching any part of the house. Look for landscaping with oily or waxy leaves, flammable mulch such as pine straw, wooden structures or objects touching the home such as a fence, deck, or lattice, flammable siding such as vinyl, a cedar shake roof, wooden or vinyl shutters, or leaves, pine straw, and other debris in the gutters or on the roof.

Ladder Fuels

Ladder fuels are anything that can carry a fire from the ground upwards into trees or the eaves of a home. Palm trees are a good example of ladder fuels. The fire travels up the trunk of the palm, ignites the dead fronds which can then produce embers that are spread by the wind toward the home. Vines can also serve as ladder fuels. Therefore, the removal of such fuels can reduce the risk from a wildfire.

Intermediate and Extended Zones

The intermediate and extended zones, farther from the home, can present similar risks. Piles of dead/dry leaves or brush, stacked firewood, wooden fences, vines in trees, dead limbs extending toward the home, walkways filled with mulch, and even objects such as propane tanks, lawn mowers, and gas cans can present problems if a wildfire is nearby.

By implementing zoning strategies, homeowners can take necessary steps to minimize the risk of wildfire damage to their homes and properties. While this is not a comprehensive list, WRR provides a systematic method for homeowners to become more aware of the risks present on their property and take steps to mitigate them. It’s important for Californians to take action to protect their homes and communities from the threat of wildfires, and zoning is just one of the many strategies available to them.

Creating Defensible Space

In addition to zoning, creating defensible space around homes and other structures is a critical step in reducing wildfire risk. Defensible space is the area around a home or structure where vegetation has been modified, cleared, or reduced to slow the spread of wildfire. This space also provides room for firefighters to work safely and protect the home or structure.

Creating defensible space involves several steps, including:

  1. Clearing vegetation: Remove dead or dying vegetation, and prune trees to a height of at least 10 feet above the ground.
  2. Creating a buffer zone: Create a buffer zone around the home or structure by removing vegetation, or planting fire-resistant plants.
  3. Using fire-resistant materials: Use fire-resistant materials when building or renovating structures, including roofing, siding, and decking materials.
  4. Maintaining defensible space: Regularly maintain defensible space by keeping it clear of debris, and regularly mowing and watering vegetation.

Staying Informed

Staying informed about fire conditions and evacuation protocols is also critical during fire season. There are several ways to stay informed, including:

  1. Sign up for emergency alerts: Sign up for emergency alerts through local government agencies, and make sure your contact information is up-to-date.
  2. Monitor weather and fire conditions: Stay up-to-date on weather and fire conditions by monitoring local news and weather channels, and checking online resources such as Cal Fire’s website.
  3. Have an evacuation plan: Develop an evacuation plan, including multiple evacuation routes, and have a designated meeting place for family members.
  4. Prepare an emergency kit: Prepare an emergency kit with essential items such as water, non-perishable food, first aid supplies, and important documents.

Wildfires are an ongoing threat in California, and with the increasing risks associated with climate change, it’s more important than ever for Californians to take proactive steps to reduce wildfire risk and protect their homes and communities. By working together and taking action, Californians can reduce the risk of wildfires and protect their homes and communities for generations to come.

Have more questions about Wildfire Risk Reduction? Sexy Trees is on track to be the only California company certified in Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualification. Reach out to learn how we can help protect your home and community. 

Stump Grinding 101: Common Questions Answered

Alamo Stump Grinding and Removal

If you’re a homeowner with a yard full of trees, chances are you’ve had to deal with stumps before. Maybe you cut down a tree and left the stump, or maybe you moved into a home with existing stumps. Whatever the reason, you’re now faced with the task of stump grinding. But what is stump grinding, and how do you go about it? We at Sexy Trees in the California Bay Area are here to answer your common stump-grinding questions.

What is stump grinding?

Stump grinding is the process of removing a tree stump by grinding it down into small pieces using a stump grinder. A stump grinder is a machine with a rotating cutting wheel that grinds away at the tree stump until it’s below ground level.

Why would I need to grind tree stumps on my property?

Aside from being an eyesore, tree stumps can also be a hazard. They can cause tripping hazards and attract unwanted pests like termites and ants. In addition, stumps can take up valuable yard space and make it difficult to mow or landscape around them. By grinding your stumps, you’re not only eliminating these hazards but also creating more usable yard space.

Can I remove a stump myself?

Technically, yes, you can remove a stump yourself. However, it’s not recommended. Stump grinding is a dangerous and time-consuming process that requires specialized equipment and expertise. Attempting to remove a stump yourself could result in injury or damage to your property.

How much does it cost?

The cost of stump grinding varies depending on the size and location of the stump. Generally, stumps that are larger and more difficult to access will cost more to grind. At Sexy Trees, we offer competitive pricing and can provide you with a free estimate.

How long does it take?

The length of time it takes to grind a stump depends on the size and location of the stump. In general, a small stump can be ground in a few hours, while a larger stump can take a full day or more. At Sexy Trees, we’ll give you an estimated timeline for your specific job.

Will stump grinding damage my yard?

Stump grinding may leave a small amount of debris in your yard, but our team at Sexy Trees takes great care to minimize any damage to your lawn. We’ll also remove any debris after the job is complete, leaving your yard looking clean and tidy.

Do I need to remove the roots after grinding the stump?

While the roots will eventually decay on their own, it’s often a good idea to have them removed to prevent any potential problems. At Sexy Trees, we offer root removal services in addition to stump grinding.

What should I do with the leftover wood chips?

The wood chips left over from stump grinding can be used as mulch or ground cover in your garden. Alternatively, you can have them hauled away by our team at Sexy Trees.

Do I need a permit to grind my stumps?

In most cases, you won’t need a permit to grind your stumps. However, it’s always a good idea to check with your local municipality to ensure you’re following any regulations.

Can I plant a new tree in the same spot?

Once the stump has been ground and the roots removed, you can absolutely plant a new tree in the same spot. However, it’s important to choose a tree species appropriate for your climate and soil conditions.

Can stump grinding be done in any season? 

Stump grinding can be done year-round, but it may be more difficult to grind a stump during the winter if you live in an area where the ground freezes. 

How do I choose a reputable service? 

Look for a service provider with a good reputation, positive reviews, proper licensing and insurance, and a clear pricing structure. It’s also a good idea to ask for references and check their previous work.

Are there any alternatives to stump grinding? 

Alternatives to stump grinding include manual removal, chemical removal, and covering the stump with soil and letting it decompose naturally. However, stump grinding is often the most effective and efficient option.

Will stump grinding prevent regrowth of the tree? 

Stump grinding removes the visible part of the stump, but it doesn’t guarantee that the tree won’t regrow. The roots may still be alive and continue to produce shoots. However, stump grinding does significantly reduce the chances of regrowth compared to other removal methods.

Can I rent a stump grinder and do it myself?

Yes, however, it is not recommended. Many home improvement and hardware stores offer stump grinder rentals for a daily or hourly rate. Stump grinding can be dangerous and requires some skill and experience to do it correctly. If you are not familiar with operating heavy machinery or have never used a stump grinder before, it’s recommended to hire a professional stump grinding service.

Additionally, DIY stump grinding can result in damage to your property or injury to yourself or others. A professional service provider has the necessary skills, training, and equipment to perform the job safely and effectively.

If you have a tree stump on your property that needs to be removed, don’t hesitate to reach out to Sexy Trees, your local arborists and reputable stump grinding service in your area. We can provide you with a free estimate and help you get rid of the stump quickly and safely. Remember, a beautiful and safe yard starts with proper tree care, and stump grinding is a crucial step in achieving that goal. 

Take action today and contact a trusted stump grinding service to reclaim your yard!

Meet Sherri


Meet Sherri, the newest arborist at Sexy Trees. With eight years of experience as an arborist technician apprentice, Journeyman and certified arborist for the City and County of San Francisco, Sherri brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her new role. Working for the city, she was the only female in her program and operated under the guidance of her instructor, Alex, who happens to be one of our very own ISA Certified Arborists. Sherri became an arborist technician for the first program to be state-certified. As part of her new role, she climbed trees to prune them and emphasized tree diagnosis. 


Sherri’s interest in arboriculture stems from her background in emergency medical services. During her arboriculture studies, she became fascinated by the similarities between the vascular systems of trees and humans. Trees have complex circulatory systems that transport nutrients, water, and other vital substances throughout their structure. They also have specialized cells that perform functions similar to those of human blood cells. This connection between trees and the human body piqued Sherri’s interest – she recognized the importance of understanding how trees function in order to properly care for them and ensure their health and longevity. As she learned more about arboriculture, she became increasingly interested in the science of diagnosis and the art of pruning.

Sherri’s background in emergency services also prepared her well for the fast-paced and sometimes hazardous work of arboriculture. She deeply emphasizes the importance of safety and the need to be prepared for unexpected events. Her experience taught her to be calm and focused in high-pressure situations and to take a systematic approach to problem-solving.

Sherri’s goal is to gain board-certified Master arborist status through the ISA, and she is always seeking new ways to expand her education. As a lead arborist with Sexy Trees, Sherri meets with clients and asks questions regarding their trees, from aesthetic pruning to health issues. She determines which issues are urgent or emergent, such as split limbs, and creates a plan of action. Sherri also specializes in tree risk assessments and thrives in the “emergency side” of the field, enjoying the science, adrenaline, and desire to be there for her clients.

Sexy Trees is a family-oriented company, and Sherri felt welcomed with open arms when she joined the team. She loves working here and the ever-changing titles that she holds. With her passion for trees and desire to learn, Sherri takes on every task with the same level of respect and attention. She is also passionate about continued education and knowledge, ensuring that she is always up-to-date with the latest research in arboriculture. She takes pride in being able to find answers to any questions that she may not have the answer to.

Sherri is a mother of three wonderful sons, one of whom is a certified gardener. She is a second-generation San Francisco native who spent summers climbing trees with her dad in Nevada City. As a kid, her dad called her the “goat” after her love of climbing.

Sherri currently resides in Novato with her Husband. When she first moved to Novato, there was a suffering magnolia tree in front of her house that hadn’t been adequately cared for. As she studied arboriculture in school, she started to learn more about tree care, including dehydration, pruning times, and root care. She applied her knowledge to the magnolia tree, and five years later, the tree is gorgeous and thriving. Seeing the results of her work firsthand only reinforces her passion for the field and her desire to help others care for their trees.

Sherri is a knowledgeable arborist who is dedicated to her craft. Her passion for trees and desire to learn continually make her an asset to the Sexy Trees family.

Do You Have Damage From the Storms?

Do You Have Damage From the Storms

Storms Causing Damage?

Homeowners and renters who had damage or losses as a direct result of the storms are encouraged to apply for FEMA assistance by the March 16, 2023, deadline. Disaster assistance may include grants to help pay for temporary housing and essential home repairs as well as other serious disaster-related needs such as medical and dental expenses, transportation, childcare, and moving and storage expenses.

If you have insurance, first file a claim with your insurance provider. FEMA provides assistance to applicants for your uninsured or underinsured disaster-caused expenses and serious needs.

There are several ways you can apply for FEMA assistance under the Individual Assistance program:

Alameda, Contra Costa, Mendocino, Ventura Counties Can Now Request FEMA Assistance |

We just wanted to keep you all informed! As always, if you need anything, please reach out! You can get in touch with us at (925) 477-2769 or Contact Us.

Nesting Season is Almost Here!

Nesting Season

Get Ready for Nesting Season

Be on the lookout and enjoy the show while the birds begin to build their nest! Bird nesting season usually occurs in spring (around March 20 – June 20). Many birds are gathering materials, starting construction, and even starting to care for their young.

Some birds weave together grass and twigs to form a basket. Others might use binding materials, such as mud or even their own saliva to build or help support the nest. Nest construction can take 3-4 days up to 2 weeks. Egg laying is Usually 1-2 days after nest construction.

It might surprise you to learn that they are not snuggled into cozy nests. The only time of the year when birds sleep in nests is when they are incubating eggs or keeping their young warm. During the rest of the year, birds select a roosting spot. Often they use the same roost night after night.

In general, the best thing you can do for a bird nesting near a human dwelling is to try to minimize the disturbance—stay at a respectful distance, minimize foot traffic, door openings/closings, and postpone projects or construction slated for the area. Never attempt to remove or relocate a nest if there are birds or eggs present. It is best to wait until after nesting season for any removal or relocation. Eggs in a nest without signs of the parents don’t necessarily mean the nest has been abandoned.

As always, if you need anything from us, please let us know! You can call us at (925) 690-3620 or Contact Us.

Enjoy this video of some bird friends making a nest:

Aphids, Bees, and Other Springtime Pests to Look Out For

springtime pests

Spring is almost here, and with it comes an abundance of new growth and life. However, along with the beauty of spring also comes a host of springtime pests that can cause damage to your trees. As a tree care company, we like to educate our clients about the various pests that can harm trees so that they can take steps to protect them.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most common springtime pests to look out for and what you can do to prevent them from causing harm to your trees.


Aphids are tiny, pear-shaped insects that can be found on the leaves and stems of trees. They are most commonly found on deciduous trees, but can also be found on conifers. Aphids feed on the sap of trees, which can cause the leaves to turn yellow and curl. They can also cause the tree to produce a sticky substance known as honeydew, which can attract other pests and lead to sooty mold growth on the leaves.


To prevent aphids from causing damage to your trees, there are a few things you can do. One is to attract beneficial insects to your yard, such as ladybugs and lacewings, which will feed on aphids. Another is to use a strong stream of water to blast the aphids off of the tree, which can be effective for small infestations. For larger infestations, you may need to use a pesticide specifically labeled for aphid control.


Bees are important pollinators that are vital to the health of our environment. However, they can also be a nuisance when they decide to build a hive in or around your trees. Bees can cause damage to the tree by burrowing into it to create a hive, which can weaken the structure of the tree and make it more susceptible to disease and pests.


To prevent bees from building a hive in your tree, there are a few things you can do. One is to keep an eye out for bees that are flying in and out of a hole in the tree. If you notice this, it’s important to call a professional beekeeper to remove the hive as soon as possible. Another is to keep trees trimmed and pruned so that bees do not have a place to build a hive.

Other Springtime Pests

There are a variety of other springtime pests to look out for, such as caterpillars, scale insects, and spider mites. Caterpillars can defoliate a tree and make it more susceptible to disease, while scale insects and spider mites can cause the tree to become stunted and weak.


To prevent these pests from causing damage to your trees, it’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of infestation, such as holes in the leaves or discoloration. If you notice any signs of infestation, it’s important to contact a professional tree care company as soon as possible. They can help to identify the pest and determine the best course of action for treatment.

In conclusion, spring is a wonderful time of year for tree growth, but also a time when pests can cause significant damage. By being aware of the most common springtime pests and taking steps to prevent them from causing harm, you can ensure that your trees remain healthy and beautiful all season long.

If you notice any signs of infestation or damage, don’t hesitate to contact a professional tree care company for assistance.

An Arborist’s 10 Best Tips for Controlling Fusarium Wilt

fusarium wilt

Fusarium wilt is a fungal disease that can infect a wide range of trees, including maple, oak, and elm. The fungus attacks the tree’s vascular system, which can cause wilting, yellowing, and eventual death of the tree. It is important to take steps to control this disease to keep your trees healthy and beautiful.

Here are the 10 best tips for controlling Fusarium wilt:

1. Proper Tree Selection

The first step in controlling Fusarium wilt is to select trees that are resistant to the fungus. Some species of trees, such as red maples, are more susceptible to the disease than others, such as sugar maples. When selecting new trees for your property, be sure to choose species that are known to be resistant to Fusarium wilt.

2. Proper Planting Techniques

Proper planting techniques can also help to prevent Fusarium wilt. When planting new trees, make sure to dig a hole that is at least twice as wide as the root ball and just as deep. This will give the roots room to spread out and establish themselves properly. Also, be sure to plant the tree at the same depth it was growing in the nursery.

3. Proper Watering

The fungus thrives in moist soil, so it is important to keep the soil around your trees well-drained. Water your trees deeply and infrequently, rather than shallowly and frequently. Also, make sure not to over-water, as this can lead to waterlogged soil.

4. Proper Pruning

The fungus can enter a tree through wounds, so it is important to minimize the number of wounds on your trees. Prune your trees during the dormant season, when the tree is less susceptible to infection. Also, be sure to sterilize your pruning tools before and after each cut to prevent the spread of the fungus.

5. Proper Fertilization

The fungus can weaken a tree, making it more susceptible to other diseases and pests. Fertilize your trees with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer to promote healthy growth.

6. Mulch

Mulch helps to retain moisture in the soil and suppress weed growth. Use a 2- to 3-inch layer of organic mulch around the base of your trees, being sure to keep it at least 6 inches away from the trunk.

7. Proper Drainage

The fungus thrives in moist soil, so it is important to ensure that the soil around your trees drains well. If you notice that water is pooling around the base of your trees, consider installing drainage systems such as French drains or swales.

8. Crop rotation

Crop rotation is a great way to prevent Fusarium wilt. The fungus can survive in the soil for several years, so rotating crops can help to break the life cycle of the fungus. If you have a vegetable or flower garden, rotate your crops each year to reduce the risk of Fusarium wilt.

9. Remove and destroy infected plants

Another way to prevent Fusarium wilt is to remove and destroy any infected plants. The fungus spreads easily through the soil, so it is important to remove any infected plants as soon as possible. If you notice signs of disease on your trees, contact an arborist for assistance in removing and disposing of the infected plant material.

10. Use fungicides

Finally, you can use fungicides to help control Fusarium wilt. Fungicides are chemicals that can prevent the growth of fungi and other plant diseases. However, it is important to note that fungicides should be used as a last resort, as they can be harmful to plants and the environment if misused. If you do decide to use fungicides, be sure to follow all label instructions carefully.

By following these steps, you can reduce the risk of Fusarium wilt on your trees and help keep them healthy and strong. Give Sexy Trees a call today to learn more about how we can help you protect your trees from this devastating disease. We offer expert advice and services that can help keep your trees healthy and happy for many years to come! Contact us today to get started.

5 Biggest Spring Tree Care Mistakes: Plan Ahead This Winter

spring tree care

Spring is around the corner, and before we know it, the trees in our yards will be waking up. But how often do we stop to consider their well-being during winter? Tree care should happen all year round – not just in spring when leaves are budding or summer when they bloom. To keep your trees healthy and happy this coming season (and every season thereafter), make sure you’re paying attention to some common spring tree care mistakes that too many of us unintentionally make; there’s no better time than right now to plan ahead, so let’s dive into the biggest spring tree care mistakes and how you can avoid them!

1. Improper Planting

This tip is a preventative measure and makes all the difference in establishing a strong and healthy tree. When planting a new tree, follow the directions on the label of the specific type of tree you have purchased; each species has unique needs for sunlight, soil, water, and nutrients.

A few major planting mistakes we often see are:

  • Planting too close to buildings or power lines. Trees need room to grow and spread their branches.
  • Planting in an area that receives too much or not enough sunlight, water, and/or nutrients.
  • Failing to consider the future size of the tree when planting. It’s important to know that mature trees can grow to very large sizes and may need more space than what is available right now.
  • Suffocating the trunk flare with soil. This happens when too much soil is placed around the tree’s base.

2. Neglecting Pruning

Pruning is essential for maintaining an attractive and healthy tree. It’s important to remember that trees need to be pruned differently at different stages of their lives; for instance, young trees will require more frequent and lighter pruning than mature trees.

Pruning mistakes we often see include:

  • Using the wrong tools for the job and making improper cuts on branches. This can lead to the death of a branch or even the entire tree.
  • Pruning at the wrong time of year. Many trees should be pruned in late winter or early spring, but certain species may require a different timing for optimal results.
  • Failing to follow up with proper wound treatment. Pruning can leave wounds on trees that are vulnerable to infection and decay. Make sure you seal the wound correctly with a dressing or paint to protect your tree from further damage.

3. Poor Fertilization Practices

Fertilization is vital for providing trees with nutrients that may be missing from their soil, but too much of a good thing can quickly become a bad thing! Fertilizing mistakes we often see include:

  • Applying too much fertilizer, which can burn the tree’s roots and cause poor growth.
  • Using a fertilizer that is not suited for your tree type. Different species require different nutrients at different rates and cycles.
  • Failing to water the tree after fertilizing. Fertilizer should be applied with enough water to ensure that the nutrients make it down to the roots.

4. Improper Watering

Most trees require deep watering regularly, especially during the summer months when there is less rainfall. Common mistakes include:

  • Failing to water deeply enough for an extended period of time. In general, trees should be watered slowly and deeply for at least 30 minutes in order to ensure that the roots are receiving enough water.
  • Watering too much or too little. Too little water can cause stress or death to a tree, while too much can lead to problems such as root rot.
  • Failing to monitor soil moisture. If a tree is in an area that receives regular rainfall, it may not need to be watered at all; the best way to know for sure is to check the soil for signs of dryness before watering your tree.

5. Ignoring Pests and Diseases

Be proactive about checking your trees for pests and diseases. Various diseases and pests can affect trees, so it’s important to take the necessary steps to diagnose and treat any issue properly. Common mistakes include:

  • Failing to identify the pest or disease correctly. Different pests and diseases require different treatments, so it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis before taking action.
  • Misusing pesticides or other treatments. Pesticides and other treatments should be used in accordance with the label, as misusing them can lead to more harm than good.
  • Failing to monitor trees for signs of further damage after treatment. You may need to take additional steps if the problem persists or worsens despite your efforts.

Taking proper care of trees requires knowledge, vigilance, and effort. While these five common spring tree care mistakes are some of the most frequent issues we see, they’re certainly not the only ones. It’s essential to be aware of all potential spring tree care hazards in order to ensure your trees stay healthy and beautiful for years to come!

To schedule a consultation with an experienced arborist for spring tree care (or anything tree-related), you can reach us at 925-233-6877 or send an email by clicking here.