What Does Tree Removal Cost?

what does tree removal cost

Trees are such a prominent and long-lasting part of any landscape, so much so that they can start to feel like family. Sadly, there may come a time when you must say goodbye to a tree – for good – due to fallen branches or an unstable structure that makes the tree unsafe – and the cost of tree removal can be high. When you remove a tree from your landscape, here’s what to expect:

The Cost of Tree Removal Generally Varies By Region

Depending on where you live in the country, you should expect differing costs for tree removal. In the Bay Area, the price of tree removal could range from $400 to over $3,000 depending on a huge variety of factors that we will lay out in this article. 

Cost Varies by Situation

Fallen Trees

If the tree has already fallen, the cost will drop significantly compared to if you needed to hire a professional to cut down a standing tree because it requires less effort and equipment. In the past few years, fallen tree service has been booming due to severe weather events that have left thousands of people with fallen trees after a storm or natural disaster struck.

Although fallen trees may be easier and cheaper to remove, you should still expect the price from a fallen tree removal service to start at about $100 for small trees.

Trees Close to Property

For instance, if your average-sized pine tree is located near an outdoor patio or other expensive fixtures that need protection from fallen limbs, you can expect costs to rise because of additional labor needed to protect property/assets. If it’s a close call – whether the tree poses a direct threat to buildings or any power lines/piping in the area – then professional companies just might charge you extra for their time spent assessing the situation.

The Cost Depends On How Large The Tree Is And What Type It Is

Trees vary widely when it comes to size, weight, and general health. The cost of cutting and removing a fallen tree can vary depending on several factors. A fallen tree with a trunk diameter of more than 40 inches will usually cost more than $200. Larger, healthier trees are also likely to be more expensive because they require additional labor and equipment.

Type and Age of the Fallen Tree

If you have an old redwood or sequoia that has fallen, then it’s obviously going to be more expensive than fallen pine limbs, since there might be actual wood value in the fallen giant after all its years above ground! According to one price list we saw while researching this estimate, some services charge up to $1,000 for fallen trees over 100 years old. This price is often negotiable.

Contact a Professional Fallen Tree Removal Service Near Me 

If you are looking for the Bay Area’s favorite tree cutting service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on. 

Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions!

How to Know When it’s Time to Take a Tree Down

local Berkeley tree service

Our Local Berkeley tree service pledges to stand by your trees in sickness and in health. We think there’s nothing more breathtaking than an ancient, magnificently robust and skyscrapingly tall tree—except being told you have to make the decision to cut it down. Even well-established trees can get sick and experience a weakened structure as a result. This puts the tree at risk of falling, and it’s not safe to leave it waiting to collapse. Now, you have to make a decision: can the tree be healed, or does it need to be cut down?  

Here’s a handy article to help you decide whether to ask your local tree service for tree care advice or a saw. 

Trees Showing These Symptoms Must Be Cut Down

A Dying Trunk.

A healthy tree trunk is essential to the structural integrity of the tree. If the trunk shows signs of vertical cracks, sounds hollow when you knock on it, or has lost large amounts of bark, these are all indicators that the tree is dying. Dead trees can suddenly drop limbs or fall. Another danger of leaving a dead tree standing is the risk of spreading disease or pests to other trees or shrubs. 

Root Rot

Root rot attacks the roots of a tree planted in wet soil. Unfortunately there is no solution to root rot except to avoid it in the first place. Your infected tree is looking at a future of poor growth, wilted leaves, early leaf drop, branch dieback, and eventual death.

Loss of Branches.

When large branches suddenly crack off of your tree, it is pretty clear that everything underneath and surrounding the tree is in danger. Sometimes, dropping large, dead branches is a tree’s way of trying to concentrate energy in areas that are still healthy – and you might experience serious property damage or personal harm in the meantime. Otherwise, it might be totally harmless Sudden Branch Drop Syndrome – an arborist will be able to tell the difference. 

Sudden Oak Death 

It’s not just oak trees – rhododendrons, ferns, lilacs, fir trees and dogwoods can also succumb to this fatal fungal infection. If a tree has sudden oak death, it may exhibit leaf spots, shoot dieback, and discolored, sappy cankers. Unfortunately, as the name implies, most trees infected with this fungus will die. 

Trees Showing These Symptoms Need Care 

  • Wilted leaves
  • Spotty, blotchy, or discolored leaves/needles
  • Cankers 
  • Covered with a white, dusty fungus 
  • Leaves with holes 
  • Pest infestation 
  • Girdling roots 
  • Weak branch unions
  • Winter injuries
  • Scab disease
  • Pale green leaves within the canopy

Our Local Berkeley Tree Service Has Your Back

Whether you require tree removal or a diagnosis and tree care advice for a sick tree, our Berkeley tree service can help. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on. 

Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions! 

Easy Guide to Killing Your Trees Year-Round

berkeley tree service

If you look out your window and feel rage at the lush, green foliage staring back at you, this article is for you. 

Are you tired of the mature, healthy trees taking up precious space in your yard? Do you despise the shade that your trees’ canopies provide? Or do you, for one reason or another, have a personal grudge against trees? Well, there are a number of things you can do as a tree owner to encourage the death of your trees. Read on for the following most pleasant ways to indirectly or directly commit arboricide. 

How to Kill A Tree in Every Season

[Disclaimer: The following tips are not recommended by Sexy Trees Berkeley Tree Services unless you want to kill your trees.]


  • Don’t rake – leave the leaves to rot. By allowing fallen leaves to sit and accumulate moisture, you will encourage your tree to contract disease-causing fungi. 
  • Don’t fertilize – Fertilizing the soil will only bolster your tree’s strength for winter. Keep your tree stressed and nutrient-deprived to kill it faster. 


  • Don’t prune – Of course, to keep a healthy tree, you’d prune the dying or diseased branches in preparation for winter dormancy. But since you want your trees dead, leave those old branches! They contribute to limb failure and poor structure in young trees. 
  • Don’t mulch (or pile it on) – Without mulch, the tree won’t retain soil moisture and organic matter. Plus, the tree won’t have insulation to protect it from the winter cold. Alternatively, you can pile the mulch directly on top of the tree’s root flare to slowly suffocate it and make it susceptible to root rot. 


  • Don’t pull weeds – Weeds steal water and nutrients from your tree, so let them take over! The moist soil has the perfect conditions for weeds to thrive and grow deep, impossible-to-remove roots. 


  • Ignore deep watering advice – Arborists suggest deep watering trees for good health, disease prevention, and strong root formation. By ignoring this advice, you will encourage your trees to develop weak shallow roots and die faster. 
  • Don’t hire Berkeley Tree Services – These expert arborists will make your trees radiate with inner health. Their comprehensive Berkeley tree services keep the city’s trees robust and wide-canopied. Obviously you want your trees atrophied and sickly, so avoid arborists at all costs. 

Of course, you can kill trees in any season by planting them too close together, wounding them with mowers, leaving insect and disease problems untreated, planting it in terrible soil or bad terrain, and incorrect pruning known as “topping” a tree. 

Talk to Us 

Skip the murder plotting and opt for Berkeley Tree Removal. At Sexy Trees, our tree removal services can rid you of the vegetation you so despise. We can even grind the stump and erase any trace that the tree was ever there. Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions! 

Alamo Stump Grinding and Removal Services

Alamo Stump Grinding and Removal

Tree stumps can be either a nuisance or an asset to a yard, depending on the homeowner’s priorities or aesthetic preferences. It can be tough making the decision to remove a tree stump, because to really excavate a yard, every single deep underground root will need to be removed from the soil – that takes a lot of time and special equipment. If you are looking for reputable stump grinding and removal services in the Bay Area, look no further than Sexy Trees, the best Alamo tree care service. We dig the extra mile to fully and safely remove tree stumps. 


Aesthetics. Stumps are often in odd locations that yard planners dread working around. After all, there’s a reason that somebody removed a tree from that particular spot – the stump is just as much of an eyesore! Decaying, rotting, or moldy tree stumps are particularly unsightly and make a yard feel untended. 

Safety. A stump in the middle of a lawn or frequently tread-upon ground is an accident waiting to happen. Stumps low to the ground and their extending roots can go unnoticed and cause injuries, especially if children or older adults stumble over them. Furthermore, say goodbye to your lawnmower should you accidentally mow over a tree stump. 

Pests and diseases. If you have a pest problem, it might be your decaying tree stump. Old stumps attract insects like termites, beetles, and ants. Diseases and fungi may also sprout up in a decaying stump, which could pose a risk to your other plants. 

There are some serious risks to keeping around a rotting stump, but tree removal by Sexy Trees, the best Alamo tree service, can help.

Unexpected Benefits of Grinding and Removing a Tree Stump 

Lots of leftover wood chips. A tree stump can yield way, way more wood chips than you think, but they can be useful! Wood chips can be used as an organic mulch, to cushion a children’s play area, on an informal garden path, added to a compost pile, and as a part of so many other creative landscaping options. If you have no use for them, offer them to a neighbor or put them in your green bin!

Total landscaping freedom. A tree stump can be obtrusive, out of place, or just plain old bothersome. When it comes to landscaping ventures, you don’t want to have to work around a tree stump that doesn’t fit into your envisioned design. When you get a tree stump ground and removed, you ensure that new plants will be able to flourish in that spot.  

Removing a tree stump is a tough decision because it’s costly and permanent. If you can’t seem to part with a sentimental old tree stump, try using it as a base for potted plants or sculptures, decorating it, painting it, or including it somehow in an eclectic garden design. If you do want your tree removed for whatever reason, you know who to call – Sexy Trees, the best certified arborists for Alamo tree services.

Talk to Us

If you are looking for the best Alamo tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care expertise will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on. Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions!

Alamo Tree Removal: When is Tree Removal Necessary?

alamo tree service

Tips From an Alamo Tree Service Professional

Making the decision to remove a tree from your property can be a long and winding road. Tree removal is expensive, difficult, and often quite dangerous. It’s easier to get comfortable with a potentially hazardous tree – one that has been a polite, quiet, and stalwart companion for decades – than to even imagine the labor-intensive process of getting it removed.

Though tree removal is a last resort for sick or dying trees that can’t otherwise be healed, it’s a last resort that cannot be missed. Eventually, a compromised or dead tree will fall. Choosing an Alamo tree service to help will ensure that the tree can be safely cut down and the stump ground – a much happier alternative to turning a blind eye and one day waking up to a tree crashing through the living room.

If you own property with trees, you are ultimately responsible for the damage or injury inflicted by fallen trees that should have been removed. Luckily, a tree has ways of communicating insufficiency and illness. Here are some red flag indicators that your tree needs an intervention in the way of care or removal.

It’s time to get a professional Alamo tree service if…

There are signs of disease or distress.

If the tree displays vertical cracks, dead branches, soft crumbly wood, crown dieback, misshapen or discolored leaves, or an excess of fungi, it may be infected. An arborist will be able to recommend treatment for the tree – not all infections warrant removal.

The tree is hollow.

A tree can stand for many years with a hollow trunk, but certain conditions can make hollow trees unsafe. Most professionals advise that if one-third of the inside of the tree is hollowed out or rotten, the tree is dangerous and should be removed.

There are large dead branches (or a significant quantity of dead branches).

Dead branches are likely to fall and cause injury to anything below. If the dead branches are clustered to one side of the tree, it could be indicative of a root or trunk infection.

The tree is leaning.

Trees that suddenly lean to one side may be experiencing weak roots. If the tree leans more than fifteen degrees away from its original upright position, it should be removed as soon as possible.

Sprouts or shoots are growing from the base of the tree.

Epicormic shoots, also known as suckers, are an indicator of stress on the tree and may be a sign that the tree has been overpruned.

The tree is growing into power lines.

A tree that is growing into power lines will need to be thinned out or removed. Pruning and removal around power lines must always be done through a professional!

Alamo Tree Removal Service

If you are looking for the best Alamo tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on.

Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions!

How to Tell When You Need Tree Removal Services

Alamo tree removal

At Sexy Trees, we offer Alamo tree removal services and one of the questions we’re often asked is: How can I be sure if my tree needs to be removed? We know that tree removal is usually a last resort for homeowners, so the following are some common signs that you need to call a certified arborist.

A Hollow Trunk

A hollow trunk can be an indication that your tree is unwell or has suffered some stressor that exposed its heartwood, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s dead. In some cases, it can be a clear sign that the trunk is breaking down on the inside, though.

This hollowing out is referred to as “piping,” and it can result from things like microbes, insects, or animals consuming the interior wood. If your tree is damaged in this way, it’s very likely that you’ll need Alamo tree removal services. The problem is that piping can cause a tree to become an unstable hazard on your property. And, of course, it may only get worse over time as the tree becomes weaker. Schedule an appointment with a certified arborist who can tell if your tree is structurally sound.

Where are the Leaves?

It takes some trees longer than others for their leaves to grow back after the winter. However, if it’s already mid-summer and your tree is still leafless, you have a problem with your hands. Trees need leaves to take in sunlight for photosynthesis. So if your tree is bare, this is a clue that it’s dead or dying and it might be too late for tree care.

Evergreens are a little different, of course, and you can expect them to have foliage all year long. They do go through cycles of their own, but leaves or needles that are brown in the summer can signal that the tree is unwell.

Brittle Branches

It’s common for large trees to have a dead branch or two, but if this die-off covers part of the canopy, your tree is under stress. It may be possible to save it with proper tree pruning and some extra TLC, but take note of brittle branches before it’s too late. If you decide that you do need Alamo tree removal services, don’t put it off. An ailing tree can drop its branches at any time, resulting in injury or property damage.

Tell-Tale Roots

Excessive mushroom growth at the base of the tree can be a big clue that the roots are in a sorry state of rot. Another thing to watch out for is if you notice the roots are rising above the ground. This isn’t the same thing as shallow roots that grow along the surface, though. Check for tree roots that have actually become separated from the soil altogether. Since roots function as a tree’s anchor, this is definitely cause for concern.

Alamo Tree Removal

If you need Alamo tree removal services, contact us today by calling 925-233-6877. As professional arborists, we recommend regular tree care to make sure your trees stay healthy and don’t pose a risk. Our friendly team at Sexy Trees is here to answer your questions, so let’s talk!

Signs You Need Tree Removal Services

tree removal

Do you have a problem tree on your property that’s too big for you to tackle by yourself? If you need Alamo tree care, our team can evaluate a sick, damaged, or dead tree and help you decide if tree removal is the best course of action. There are a few different scenarios where a certified arborist can assist you in deciding how to handle an ailing tree.

Dangerous Location

If you have a tree that’s growing near power lines, leaning into your neighbor’s property, or beginning to grow a little too close to your roof, an Alamo tree care specialist can help you assess the situation and decide if tree removal is the best option.

A large tree that grows too close to your house can cause serious damage during a storm. One of the best ways to protect your property from substantial storm damage is to make sure that all of your trees are healthy and located a safe distance from your home. Scheduling professional tree care with an arborist is the best way to assess the well-being of your trees.

Sick or Dead Trees

If you have a tree that you suspect may be sick or dead, it’s important to call a certified arborist who can evaluate it. In some instances, proper tree care can rehabilitate an ailing tree. But if the damage is severe, removing a weakened tree is often the best option.

Bark abnormalities, dead branches, or spots of decay signal that a tree is sick. It’s very important to treat or remove these trees from your property because they tend to be highly unstable, and more likely to cause injury or property damage if they fall. Alamo tree removal services can quickly and safely remove even the largest trees.

Related Content: How Long Does Tree Removal Take?

Pesky Branches

If your tree’s branches appear brittle, or they’re expanding into a problematic area, Alamo tree care can help determine if tree pruning would fix the problem. Or, if tree removal is the best option. Large branches that break loose on a windy day can cause serious property damage, and even injury or death.

Calling an Alamo tree removal service is a lot cheaper than getting caught up in a costly court battle due to property damage in your neighbor’s yard. Large trees that aren’t properly maintained pose a real hazard for homeowners, yet tree care is often overlooked.

Related Content: What You Should Know About Tree Removal

Alamo Tree Care

If you need Alamo tree care, contact us today by calling 925-233-6877. As professional arborists, we recommend regular tree pruning to make sure your trees stay healthy and don’t pose any risk to your property. Our friendly team at Sexy Trees is here to answer your questions. Let’s talk!

How Long Does Tree Removal Take?

tree removal contractors

When you need to remove a tree, you may have some questions to consider before you begin. Generally, most people wonder about proper safety procedures and the final cost, but have you ever wondered how long it takes to remove a tree? One thing is for sure, cutting down a huge tree isn’t an easy task. It can pose a safety risk to the person removing it, as well as your property, so it’s always important to hire professional tree removal contractors. But even with plenty of expertise and knowledge, removing a tree can be a challenge. Here are some factors that affect how long it takes to remove a tree from your yard.

Factors that Affect the Removal Process

Determining the time required to remove a tree depends on several key factors. Here are three of them…

First, how big is the tree you’re planning to have removed? This is the most important factor that affects the overall scope of the project. It’s also most likely one of the first things tree removal contractors will want to know. Taller and/or wide trees require more work and time, and definitely need an expert to keep the tree removal process safe.

The position and location of the tree also must be taken into account. If a tree is close to structures or power lines, this work must be approached with the utmost care. Otherwise, a branch could fall and hurt someone, or damage property, including your home if it’s within reach.

As for the health and condition of the tree, you should know that the healthier a tree is the harder it is to remove because of its sturdiness. In some cases, property owners even need a permit to remove a healthy tree. On the other hand, pest-ridden, dying, and diseased trees are much easier to remove. You can talk to your local tree removal contractors about city tree removal permits, and whether or not they’re necessary. If your property has several  large trees that need to be removed, this job will obviously take longer to complete.

Local Tree Removal Contractors

Removing trees can be a dangerous job. While we love home improvement DIY projects, we definitely don’t recommend homeowner’s tackle this job alone. The risks are just too high without proper training and experience.

All in all, removing a tree can take half a day or even two days, depending on the factors mentioned above. Contact us at Sexy Trees by calling 925-481-5098, or send a message, just click here.

How to Prevent a Tree From Falling

Lafayette Tree Pruning

Trees fall for several reasons, including root rot, extreme weather temperatures, and incorrect pruning. But, no matter what the cause is for your tree falling, it poses a danger to you and your loved ones, not to mention the potential for expensive property damage.

A falling tree can land on a house, or block the road, affecting transportation. Sometimes trees even fall on cars! Of course, prevention is best, so here are some ways you can prevent your trees from falling.

Remove Trees in Unsuitable Locations

All trees need the right environment to thrive, and this includes enough space. For example, if your tree doesn’t have enough room for its roots to develop, its chances of toppling over are higher because it has a weak root system. Trees with shallow roots can raise and crack sidewalks, or interfere with your home’s plumbing. If this is the case, you may want to call in a tree removal service.

Care For Your Trees

Proper pruning ensures that trees remain healthy and grow stronger over time. Remember, even broken branches can cause significant harm. They’re heavier than they look! Here are some of the easiest ways to prevent your trees from falling:

• Prune correctly to maintain their strength and structural integrity
• Water and fertilize properly
• Avoid using heavy equipment that damages your tree roots
• Trim trees to remove dead branches

Tree Falling? Stake It

For young trees, staking them to the ground is the best way to prevent them from toppling over. This can be an important step when new trees are just getting established.

Professional Tree Maintenance Services

While you can’t prevent things like storms from contributing to your tree falling, some issues like rot, disease, and pest infestations can be controlled. A specialist will determine if any of your trees are a hazard. So, planning for regular maintenance and inspection with an arborist can identify any problems before they get out of hand.

Tree Falling and Removal Services

Regular maintenance minimizes the risk of a tree falling, maintains its health, and protects your home. Do you have a fallen tree, or are you worried about a tree on your property? Tree removal is an involved and delicate process. At Sexy Trees, we can conduct the appropriate risk assessments, and give you an estimate. Contact us at (925) 233-6877.

The Dangers of Improper Tree Pruning

Concord Tree Service

Trees offer homeowners so much, while requiring little in return. They provide shade and add beauty to any landscape. But did you know your mature trees can become a safety hazard if they aren’t pruned correctly? When trees become diseased or die, we offer Concord tree removal, but hopefully your trees just need a regular pruning schedule to keep them healthy. Read on to learn more about the dangers that can result from improper tree care.

A Botched Job

The most obvious downside of improper pruning, from an aesthetic standpoint, is that it’s the equivalent of a bad haircut. There’s really nothing you can do but let it grow out. In the meantime, your trees will look a bit awkward.

Weakening Trees

Poor technique can also weaken trees, making them more vulnerable to a number of things, like storms. It’s possible for the inner wood to become less dense, even though the tree looks healthy from the outside. When this happens, it increases the likelihood of broken branches.

The Risk of Injury

Inexperienced pruners run the risk of accidental injury to themselves, as well as property. Trees are heavy. Even branches often weigh a considerable amount, so they can cause significant damage when falling from what may seem like even a minor height.

Cutting through wood requires sharp, heavy-duty equipment. And a novice won’t have the experience needed to properly secure branches, or know where it’s best to cut. These kinds of mistakes can be fatal.

Branch Decay

Trees are alive, which means that while necessary for the structural integrity of the tree, pruning creates wounds that take time to heal. Improper pruning can compromise the health of a tree, creating needless cuts. Over time, this can lead to decaying branches.

Concord Tree Removal

We hope you now have a better understanding of the importance of proper tree pruning. If you’d like to schedule an appointment or speak with us about our Concord tree removal service, please call our office at 925-233-6877 or email us at [email protected] with any questions! We offer estimates.