How do I know when a tree is sick?

alamo tree service

Trees are just like us. They need nutrients, water and sun to grow strong and robust, and if they don’t get the proper care or get infected by pathogens, they will get sick. Unfortunately, if your tree gets too sick, you might have to opt for tree removal services instead. Our Alamo tree service is here to help you figure out if your tree is sick and exactly what you can do about it.

How Do Trees Get Sick?

Trees are alive, and like any living creature, they are susceptible to injuries and illnesses. Usually, these factors are the culprits making your tree sick:

  • Insects and pests
  • Bacteria
  • Fungi
  • Environmental stress
  • Viruses
  • Human activity

Look Out For These Symptoms 

A sick tree can be nursed back to health, but a dead tree is at risk of falling. As soon as you notice unusual symptoms in a tree, it’s time to take action. A few telltale signs of injury or infection in a tree are:

Wilting Leaves 

A tree’s leaves are it’s way of collecting critical sunlight, so when they wilt, your tree isn’t getting as much nutrition as it should. There are many reasons why a tree’s leaves might wilt, so if you’re not sure, it’s best to consult an arborist. 


Cankers are spots of dead bark on your tree. Similar to a human canker sore, a canker occurs when bacteria and fungi infect an open wound in a tree. These aggressive plant pathogens quickly colonize the wounded tissue. Remove cankers by pruning the infected area off of the tree. 

Powdery Substance On Leaves

Unfortunately that white stuff on your tree’s leaves isn’t powdered sugar: it’s powdery mildew, a common airborne fungus that attacks all sorts of landscape plants. The dusty-looking spores will eventually cause the tree’s leaves to turn yellow and drop early. On the leaves that survive, tiny round orangey-black balls will form within white fungal mats. 

Poor Structure

Trees are healthiest when they grow straight up. Severe storms, high winds, or just uneven pruning are usually the cause of a leaning tree. To prevent the tree from falling, correct the lean by attaching the tree to upright stakes and give it a good symmetrical pruning.

Spotty, Brown Leaves

Leaf spot diseases weaken trees by interrupting photosynthesis – this puts undue stress on the tree and makes it susceptible to other pests and illnesses. These brown or black blotchy spots are usually due to fungi or bacteria, and the best way to prevent them is to prevent overwatering and excessive moisture. 


Sometimes when a tree wound gets infected, it becomes so overcome by pathogens that it cannot close the wound. In cases like these, the disease can begin to eat away at the tree and compromise its internal structure, putting at risk of falling or dropping branches. 

Prevent Tree Illness: Hire an Experienced Arborist! 

If you are looking for the top Alamo tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on. Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions! 

What’s the Best Time of Year to Prune Trees in Alamo?

best time to prune trees

The best time to prune trees is after the winter. Trees are dormant in the winter, and it’s easier to see which limbs are dead.

In this article, our Alamo Tree Service team recommends our best pruning and trimming techniques for excellent tree health and aesthetic beauty. 

A beautiful landscape adds a personalized touch to your property, and regular maintenance is essential to keep it that way. As a part of caring for a landscape, pruning your trees is vital for a healthy, even configuration of branches with robust structural integrity. Regularly pruned trees tend to live longer, resist disease better, and grow larger and more beautiful than their left-alone counterparts. 

Wait – don’t reach for the loppers just yet! There are certain times of year when pruning might do your tree more harm than good. 

When Not To Prune

Avoid pruning in the fall prior to the dormant season. In the cooling weather, trees don’t heal as well from cuts, so pruning in autumn exposes your tree to all kinds of vulnerabilities. Also, fall weather allows fungi spores to proliferate and spread disease in otherwise healthy trees. 

Alamo tree care experts also recommend avoiding the urge to trim certain trees in spring. For many tree varieties, trimming during a growing season causes unnecessary stress to the tree, potentially putting a damper on its growth. 

The Goldilocks Zone: Late Winter or Early Spring

Most plants go dormant during the winter months of temperate regions. This “hibernation” involves the sleeping plants halting active growth, losing their stems and leaves, and otherwise appearing quite dead. (They are not dead – just dormant!) Choose a mild, warm day to prune because it will be more pleasant for both you and the trees or shrubs

B est Time To Prune Trees And Why Winter?

After winter dormancy, plants are primed for new growth. When you remove diseased limbs and dead branches during a winter pruning, the tree can focus on healthy new growth during spring. Since trimming does cause minor injury to the tree, it will need to heal. The most compelling evidence that winter provides the optimal conditions is the season’s decrease in bugs, pests, and diseases that might otherwise harm a tree. 

What to Prune in Winter? 

  • Evergreen shrubs and trees
  • Shade trees including oak, maple, and sweetgum
  • Azalea 
  • Apple 
  • Roses
  • Peach trees
  • Plum trees
  • Butterfly bush 
  • Dogwood 
  • Abelia

Basic Pruning Techniques 

First, remove dead and diseased limbs or branches. All stems, branches, and limbs that are unhealthy should be your first priority – not only are they a strain on the tree, they can actually be quite dangerous. Dead branches cause a lot of trouble when they fall. 

Next, move on to overgrown, tangled, or simply unwanted branches. You can coax branches to grow in a certain direction, but always follow the natural growth of the plant type. 

Tip: Always cut branches at the node, the intersection at which one branch or twig attaches to another. 

Let Us Prune Your Trees for You! 

Contact Alamo Tree Service

If you are looking for the top Alamo tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on. Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions! 

Alamo Stump Grinding and Removal Services

Alamo Stump Grinding and Removal

Tree stumps can be either a nuisance or an asset to a yard, depending on the homeowner’s priorities or aesthetic preferences. It can be tough making the decision to remove a tree stump, because to really excavate a yard, every single deep underground root will need to be removed from the soil – that takes a lot of time and special equipment. If you are looking for reputable stump grinding and removal services in the Bay Area, look no further than Sexy Trees, the best Alamo tree care service. We dig the extra mile to fully and safely remove tree stumps. 


Aesthetics. Stumps are often in odd locations that yard planners dread working around. After all, there’s a reason that somebody removed a tree from that particular spot – the stump is just as much of an eyesore! Decaying, rotting, or moldy tree stumps are particularly unsightly and make a yard feel untended. 

Safety. A stump in the middle of a lawn or frequently tread-upon ground is an accident waiting to happen. Stumps low to the ground and their extending roots can go unnoticed and cause injuries, especially if children or older adults stumble over them. Furthermore, say goodbye to your lawnmower should you accidentally mow over a tree stump. 

Pests and diseases. If you have a pest problem, it might be your decaying tree stump. Old stumps attract insects like termites, beetles, and ants. Diseases and fungi may also sprout up in a decaying stump, which could pose a risk to your other plants. 

There are some serious risks to keeping around a rotting stump, but tree removal by Sexy Trees, the best Alamo tree service, can help.

Unexpected Benefits of Grinding and Removing a Tree Stump 

Lots of leftover wood chips. A tree stump can yield way, way more wood chips than you think, but they can be useful! Wood chips can be used as an organic mulch, to cushion a children’s play area, on an informal garden path, added to a compost pile, and as a part of so many other creative landscaping options. If you have no use for them, offer them to a neighbor or put them in your green bin!

Total landscaping freedom. A tree stump can be obtrusive, out of place, or just plain old bothersome. When it comes to landscaping ventures, you don’t want to have to work around a tree stump that doesn’t fit into your envisioned design. When you get a tree stump ground and removed, you ensure that new plants will be able to flourish in that spot.  

Removing a tree stump is a tough decision because it’s costly and permanent. If you can’t seem to part with a sentimental old tree stump, try using it as a base for potted plants or sculptures, decorating it, painting it, or including it somehow in an eclectic garden design. If you do want your tree removed for whatever reason, you know who to call – Sexy Trees, the best certified arborists for Alamo tree services.

Talk to Us

If you are looking for the best Alamo tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care expertise will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on. Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions!

Alamo Tree Removal: When is Tree Removal Necessary?

alamo tree service

Tips From an Alamo Tree Service Professional

Making the decision to remove a tree from your property can be a long and winding road. Tree removal is expensive, difficult, and often quite dangerous. It’s easier to get comfortable with a potentially hazardous tree – one that has been a polite, quiet, and stalwart companion for decades – than to even imagine the labor-intensive process of getting it removed.

Though tree removal is a last resort for sick or dying trees that can’t otherwise be healed, it’s a last resort that cannot be missed. Eventually, a compromised or dead tree will fall. Choosing an Alamo tree service to help will ensure that the tree can be safely cut down and the stump ground – a much happier alternative to turning a blind eye and one day waking up to a tree crashing through the living room.

If you own property with trees, you are ultimately responsible for the damage or injury inflicted by fallen trees that should have been removed. Luckily, a tree has ways of communicating insufficiency and illness. Here are some red flag indicators that your tree needs an intervention in the way of care or removal.

It’s time to get a professional Alamo tree service if…

There are signs of disease or distress.

If the tree displays vertical cracks, dead branches, soft crumbly wood, crown dieback, misshapen or discolored leaves, or an excess of fungi, it may be infected. An arborist will be able to recommend treatment for the tree – not all infections warrant removal.

The tree is hollow.

A tree can stand for many years with a hollow trunk, but certain conditions can make hollow trees unsafe. Most professionals advise that if one-third of the inside of the tree is hollowed out or rotten, the tree is dangerous and should be removed.

There are large dead branches (or a significant quantity of dead branches).

Dead branches are likely to fall and cause injury to anything below. If the dead branches are clustered to one side of the tree, it could be indicative of a root or trunk infection.

The tree is leaning.

Trees that suddenly lean to one side may be experiencing weak roots. If the tree leans more than fifteen degrees away from its original upright position, it should be removed as soon as possible.

Sprouts or shoots are growing from the base of the tree.

Epicormic shoots, also known as suckers, are an indicator of stress on the tree and may be a sign that the tree has been overpruned.

The tree is growing into power lines.

A tree that is growing into power lines will need to be thinned out or removed. Pruning and removal around power lines must always be done through a professional!

Alamo Tree Removal Service

If you are looking for the best Alamo tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on.

Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions!

5 Signs That You Need To Call a Certified Arborist

signs that you need to call a certified arborist

Are you wondering if it’s time to schedule an  tree service for your yard? Tree care is one of the most important tasks on your home maintenance list when you’re a property owner, and we’re here to help. Keep reading to learn 5 signs that you need to call a certified arborist.

1) Overhanging Branches

If a tree on your property is beginning to hang over a neighboring home or fence, it’s a potential liability. Trees can shed their branches, especially during winter weather. And, because they can become quite heavy, they pose a danger to people and property. Your neighbor would certainly not be happy to have a tree limb come down on their roof. If your trees have gotten a little overgrown, this is a good time to schedule an Alamo tree service to assess what needs to be done. In most cases, some tree pruning can take care of the issue.

2) Sickly Trees

An experienced arborist will likely notice that your trees need care long before you do. For this reason, it pays to schedule an annual Alamo tree service. It’s best to intervene with expert tree care before it’s too late. Look for changes to the leaves, as well as peeling bark. You may also be able to spot burrowing insects. Tree pruning is essential to help your tree keep a healthy shape, and remove ailing branches.

3) Before Seasonal Storms

A certified arborist can also make sure that your trees are ready to withstand spring and winter weather conditions. Heavy winds can be hazardous, especially if your trees have brittle branches that are easier to pull down. A mature tree can have limbs that weigh hundreds of pounds, so be sure to schedule an Alamo tree service before the rainy seasons.

4) Tree Removal

Removing an established tree on your own isn’t safe. A certified arborist will have the right tools and experience to offer safe tree removal services. If there was ever a time to schedule an Alamo tree service, this is it. The risk of injury or property damage is just too high to take a chance on tackling tree removal on your own. Not to mention that it’s a time-consuming process.

5) A Leaning Tree

Leaning trees are another indication that you may have a property hazard on your hands, although, this isn’t always true. It really just depends on the situation. If roots are exposed this is another sign that you need to have the tree assessed by a professional as soon as possible.

Schedule an Alamo Tree Service

Do you need an  tree service? At Sexy Trees, we pride ourselves on offering the best tree services possible. We hope the above guide answers some of your questions about when to call a certified arborist. I you have other questions or feel like tree care is a messy job you don’t want to tackle on your own, please reach out by calling us at 925-233-6877. You can also read client testimonials by clicking this link.

Meet the Team at Sexy Trees

Alamo tree service

Who are you going to call when you need emergency tree services? A certified arborist, that’s who. Sexy Trees has been providing your essential Alamo tree service since 2012. We love serving Alamo residents and surrounding Bay Area communities. We also offer estimates. Do you have questions about tree care? Let us introduce ourselves. You can learn more about Sexy Trees and meet the team below.

How it All Began

Sexy Trees was founded by Alex Llamas. During college at Chico State, Alex took up rock climbing as a hobby. Most people stop there, but his love of rock climbing eventually led to tree climbing and a deep appreciation for everything trees give us. To make some extra money during  those college years, Alex took on tree pruning work at a local ranch until he graduated with a Bachelor of Science. He really enjoyed working with trees, though, so he decided to become a certified arborist and learn as much as he could about tree care. In fact, he continues to take classes to further educate himself and offer the best Alamo tree service in town.

Taking on a Partner

As the demand for tree care services grew, Alex decided to take on a partner to help him expand the business and meet the tree service needs of more clients. His business partner, Sergio Lopez, moved to the United States from Mexico in search of a better life at the age of twenty. Later, a love of the outdoors drew him to the tree care industry. He joined Alex with a diverse background in management and sales. He values taking the time to build authentic relationships, and hopes to help Sexy Trees become the premier tree service company in the US.

Alamo Tree Service

Our team offers a range of tree care services. If you’re a property owner, it’s important to schedule preventive maintenance for a number of reasons. For starters, keeping your trees in good health greatly reduces the risk of injury or property damage from falling branches. A certified arborist can also assess the trees on your property to determine if they need any special treatment, such as fertilizer or tree pruning.

Here’s a list of the main services that we offer at Sexy Trees:

  • Tree removal
  • Emergency tree services
  • Mistletoe removal
  • Tree pruning
  • Wood chips
  • Fertilizer
  • Stump removal
  • Fallen trees

Get an Estimate

For an estimate, contact us at Sexy Trees. We offer Alamo tree service, as well as to the surrounding areas. Our team is standing by to help with all of your tree care needs. You can check out our testimonials by clicking here, or talk to a certified arborist today by calling 925-233-6877. Let’s chat!

Autumn Tree Care

Tree Service Concord

Autumn is not only a beautiful season but also a brilliant time to plant many trees, along with preparing your trees for the winter season. Extensive periods of intense heat can weaken trees, making them more vulnerable to infestations. Helping your trees start to recover from the hot circumstances as they head into winter is significant to care for their long-term health, which also makes them less at risk to storms. Autumn tree care is a must for your trees.


Here are special instructions for outside tree care as the season changes:



At the start of autumn, make sure your trees are getting enough water while the weather changes from hot to cold. Water your trees until the soil freezes. Avoid watering after this point so as not to over-water the ground.  This will assure your trees have enough water to live during the winter.



As the leaves begin to change color and fall, look for signs that might point out your trees have a nutrient problem and may require fertilization. Keep in mind, fertilization can encourage rapid new growth, which could be injured in the winter, therefore, fertilize in the spring instead if possible. To conclude if your trees need fertilization, some of the things you can look for:

  • Leaves varying colors and falling earlier than usual.
  • Reduced development in branches and leaves.



Make certain to remove any dead, unhealthy or spoiled branches. They all serve as points where illness or pests could enter that can cause further damage. And also, removing the dead, diseased and spoiled branches will make your trees look better. You can also trim branches that aren’t growing the way you would like.



Numerous trees can be planted during the autumn. Check with your local nursery to see which ones are good for autumn planting. Trees have a better chance to get their roots established because of the cold temperatures. Another benefit to planting trees during the autumn season is that many nurseries discount their plant supply.


Prevent  injuries

Branch breakage can be caused by frost and snow gathering or chewing and rubbing by animals. You may stop problems with young trees by covering their base in a hard or plastic guard. Wrapping trees with burlap or plastic cloth also can avoid temperature harm. However, it is essential to remember to remove the wraps and guards in the spring to avoid damage when the tree begins to grow. Damage to branches and trunks from plow blades or a sharp shovel can be harmful to trees.


Care for Young Trees

Since the autumn season is a perfect time to plant new trees, it is essential to consider that young trees are typically not developed enough to survive the constant freezing and thawing that might occur and young trees are especially susceptible to extreme temperature changes that come with winter, especially in colder areas. One thing you can do as a preventive measure is to place a wide layer of mulch around the base of the tree.

If you have questions about managing autumn tree care, contact Sexy Trees today!



Signs of a Dying Tree

Tree Service Danville

We rely on trees for our livelihood as they provide the oxygen that we breath to survive. This is why many of us feel a kindred connection to trees and the outdoors. However, trees are not indestructible or immortal. They can get sick and do die over time. As with humans, there are signs that you should be aware of so you can quickly identify a sick or dying tree.


Loss of Leaves

During the autumn and winter months, it is quite common for trees to lose the foliage. This is very normal. Should a loss of leaves occur in the spring and summer months, this is a clear indicator of a problem. Similarly, if the leaves turn brown and brittle during said months. Sometimes, a sick tree may get reddish/brown leaves in these same months.


Inspect the Branches

Beyond the leaves, take a look at the branches of a tree. If no bark exists, this is a sign of an issue. It is called deadwood. Such branches are often prone to falling and be a great area for fungus growth. Should you see such signs, you should contact a certified arborist right away. Even if your tree is not dead, this could be an indication of an infestation and you want to prevent it from attacking the healthier parts of your tree.


Absence of Bark

Related to the above, the peeling or loss of bark is a strong indicator of disease. The presence of missing bark can also be caused by things like weed eaters or environmental conditions that make a tree highly vulnerable to bacteria, disease or fungus. While such situations may not be enough to remove the tree, a tree inspection by a certified arborist would allow you to ensure your tree is kept healthy.


Trunk Firmness

If the tree’s trunk becomes hollow or soft, it is usually a sign of a dying tree. It is similar to a potato that goes bad. It becomes squishy and if you leave it out long enough it starts decomposing from the inside out. Some signs of such decay are mushrooms, cavities, insect damage, or any of the other conditions discussed above.



Although you are unlikely to see this most of the time, damage to the roots is another indicator of a problem with your tree. Some indications of this issue are soil rising around the base of a tree or visible roots that show decay. Another sign could be a reduction in the tree coverage or a lean in the tree.

Regardless of what the factors maybe that lead you to believe there may be a sickness or death to the tree, a certified arborist can both be a great resource to do a proper inspection and/or do routine preventive care. Contact the certified arborist at Sexy Trees at 925.233.6877.

The Effect of Rain Storms on Trees

Lafayette Tree Service

Rain storms can be both positive and detrimental for trees. On one hand, rain storms provide essential water to feed and fuel trees while the force of storm winds also strengthens trees and their roots. But similarly, the power of storms can damage trees, stripping them of leaves and branches, and even completely uprooting them. This becomes a major concern when large trees are growing in close proximity to dwellings or businesses. Understanding the effect of storms on trees is important for both home and business owners, as well as landscapers and professional arborists. This understanding can not only allow us to protect trees from storms and prevent storm damage, but also helps us to make the most of the benefits of rain storms on trees.

The Benefits of Rain Storms

Rain storms don’t have only negative effects on trees. Rain storms are also very beneficial for trees. Tree root systems are uniquely designed to hold large volumes of water if necessary, acting as reservoirs for storm water that helps to reduce flooding. This also acts as a source of water and nourishment for the trees when water supplies are low.

Rain storms usually include strong winds as well, and these can provide a beneficial effect for trees. Occasional strong winds help to strengthen trees and provide reinforced root systems to prevent trees bending, breaking or being uprooted. Research has shown that trees will specifically grow stronger in one direction to protect themselves from strong winds that consistently approach from one side.

How Rain Storms Can Negatively Affect Trees

Of course, the negative effects of rain storms on trees are often clearly seen in the aftermath of rough weather. Fallen branches, cracked, broken and split trunks, and completely uprooted trees can frequently be seen after bad storms. Rain storms can cause property damage for houses and businesses when trees fall on buildings, or branches go through windows. The stripping of leaves and branches from trees can also result in costly clean-up and to maintain the safety of outdoor areas.

How To Manage Storm Damaged Trees

If you have a storm damaged tree on your property, it’s important to control the damage as soon as possible. For minor issues, such as fallen branches and leaves, a simple clean up should eliminate the hazards on the ground, and regular tree care should help your tree recover.

However, more severe or complicated tree damage such as split or cracked trees or uprooted trees may require the work on an arborist to correct. A skilled arborist can prune your tree or remove your tree to control damage and remove hazards. Stump grinding can help to remove traces of a fallen tree and allow you the opportunity to regenerate your garden and replace the tree. It’s best to remove fallen or dead trees promptly, as they can rot or act as reservoirs for pests and disease if left fallen.

How To Prevent Tree Storm Damage

Regular tree care and arborist service helps to keep trees strong and healthy, and reduce the impacts of storm damage. Corrective pruning can eliminate issues as soon as they start, while cabling and bracing can protect weak branches. It’s important to pay close attention to dead or diseased trees, as these trees can be more likely to fall in the event of a rain storm.

By monitoring and correctly pruning the trees on your property, you can avoid tree and property damage, and allow your trees to take advantage of rain storms with less of the drawbacks.

Alamo Tree Pruning

Berkeley Tree Service