Alamo Stump Grinding and Removal Services

Alamo Stump Grinding and Removal

Tree stumps can be either a nuisance or an asset to a yard, depending on the homeowner’s priorities or aesthetic preferences. It can be tough making the decision to remove a tree stump, because to really excavate a yard, every single deep underground root will need to be removed from the soil – that takes a lot of time and special equipment. If you are looking for reputable stump grinding and removal services in the Bay Area, look no further than Sexy Trees, the best Alamo tree care service. We dig the extra mile to fully and safely remove tree stumps. 


Aesthetics. Stumps are often in odd locations that yard planners dread working around. After all, there’s a reason that somebody removed a tree from that particular spot – the stump is just as much of an eyesore! Decaying, rotting, or moldy tree stumps are particularly unsightly and make a yard feel untended. 

Safety. A stump in the middle of a lawn or frequently tread-upon ground is an accident waiting to happen. Stumps low to the ground and their extending roots can go unnoticed and cause injuries, especially if children or older adults stumble over them. Furthermore, say goodbye to your lawnmower should you accidentally mow over a tree stump. 

Pests and diseases. If you have a pest problem, it might be your decaying tree stump. Old stumps attract insects like termites, beetles, and ants. Diseases and fungi may also sprout up in a decaying stump, which could pose a risk to your other plants. 

There are some serious risks to keeping around a rotting stump, but tree removal by Sexy Trees, the best Alamo tree service, can help.

Unexpected Benefits of Grinding and Removing a Tree Stump 

Lots of leftover wood chips. A tree stump can yield way, way more wood chips than you think, but they can be useful! Wood chips can be used as an organic mulch, to cushion a children’s play area, on an informal garden path, added to a compost pile, and as a part of so many other creative landscaping options. If you have no use for them, offer them to a neighbor or put them in your green bin!

Total landscaping freedom. A tree stump can be obtrusive, out of place, or just plain old bothersome. When it comes to landscaping ventures, you don’t want to have to work around a tree stump that doesn’t fit into your envisioned design. When you get a tree stump ground and removed, you ensure that new plants will be able to flourish in that spot.  

Removing a tree stump is a tough decision because it’s costly and permanent. If you can’t seem to part with a sentimental old tree stump, try using it as a base for potted plants or sculptures, decorating it, painting it, or including it somehow in an eclectic garden design. If you do want your tree removed for whatever reason, you know who to call – Sexy Trees, the best certified arborists for Alamo tree services.

Talk to Us

If you are looking for the best Alamo tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care expertise will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on. Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions!

Alamo Tree Removal: When is Tree Removal Necessary?

alamo tree service

Tips From an Alamo Tree Service Professional

Making the decision to remove a tree from your property can be a long and winding road. Tree removal is expensive, difficult, and often quite dangerous. It’s easier to get comfortable with a potentially hazardous tree – one that has been a polite, quiet, and stalwart companion for decades – than to even imagine the labor-intensive process of getting it removed.

Though tree removal is a last resort for sick or dying trees that can’t otherwise be healed, it’s a last resort that cannot be missed. Eventually, a compromised or dead tree will fall. Choosing an Alamo tree service to help will ensure that the tree can be safely cut down and the stump ground – a much happier alternative to turning a blind eye and one day waking up to a tree crashing through the living room.

If you own property with trees, you are ultimately responsible for the damage or injury inflicted by fallen trees that should have been removed. Luckily, a tree has ways of communicating insufficiency and illness. Here are some red flag indicators that your tree needs an intervention in the way of care or removal.

It’s time to get a professional Alamo tree service if…

There are signs of disease or distress.

If the tree displays vertical cracks, dead branches, soft crumbly wood, crown dieback, misshapen or discolored leaves, or an excess of fungi, it may be infected. An arborist will be able to recommend treatment for the tree – not all infections warrant removal.

The tree is hollow.

A tree can stand for many years with a hollow trunk, but certain conditions can make hollow trees unsafe. Most professionals advise that if one-third of the inside of the tree is hollowed out or rotten, the tree is dangerous and should be removed.

There are large dead branches (or a significant quantity of dead branches).

Dead branches are likely to fall and cause injury to anything below. If the dead branches are clustered to one side of the tree, it could be indicative of a root or trunk infection.

The tree is leaning.

Trees that suddenly lean to one side may be experiencing weak roots. If the tree leans more than fifteen degrees away from its original upright position, it should be removed as soon as possible.

Sprouts or shoots are growing from the base of the tree.

Epicormic shoots, also known as suckers, are an indicator of stress on the tree and may be a sign that the tree has been overpruned.

The tree is growing into power lines.

A tree that is growing into power lines will need to be thinned out or removed. Pruning and removal around power lines must always be done through a professional!

Alamo Tree Removal Service

If you are looking for the best Alamo tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on.

Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions!

Maximize Shade with These Summer Tree Services

Summer tree services

Hire a locally-owned and operated tree service to take care of your property this summer. Our professionals are licensed, bonded, and insured for your protection. Check out these Maximize Shade with These Summer Tree Services.

Here in California where the summers are hot and dry, walking into a full-sun yard can feel like walking into an oven. Without areas of shade or protection from the sun, it can be nearly impossible to enjoy your yard the way it should be enjoyed in the summer: with big outdoor barbecues, hammocking, sitting poolside, playing volleyball, and harvesting summer fruits. Fortunately, protecting your yard from the sun is as simple as a bit of tree maintenance and strategic planting. If you’re looking for a professional Berkeley tree service to maximize shade in your yard this summer, read on for our advice.

The Science of Shade

Trees can reduce the temperature of the surrounding air by six degrees Farenheit. This occurs through the dual effects of shading and evapotranspiration, or the process by which the tree releases water vapor. The air is even cooler directly under the tree – cool air settles near the ground, so the temperature under the tree’s canopy can be twenty five degrees cooler than the temperature of nearby concrete.

Maximizing Shade

Planting Strategically

Depending on the variety of bushes or trees you plant in your yard, you can expect results right away, in a few years as the plant grows, or a decade or two in the future when the plant has matured. Before purchasing plants, be familiar with where and when the sun is hitting your yard at full strength.

To shade your home and reduce energy costs, plant tall trees with wide crowns to the south of your home. Shorter trees or trees with lower crowns can shade low afternoon sun angles from the west – plant these along the property line to increase the yard’s privacy. Hedging trees allow shade to stretch across the yard during the late morning and early afternoon. High-density foliage creates the best shade – a few popular northern California varieties are the Monterey Cypress, Indian Laurel, Waxleaf Privet, Wax Myrtle, and Olive.

Tree Pruning

Summer tree pruning services help keep your trees healthy and well-shaped, which can improve the growth and density of the foliage long-term. This necessary service allows your trees to grow a healthy canopy with robust branches and dense leaves, which means fuller shade protection.

When pruning, remove any damaged, diseased, or dead tree limbs. These waste the tree’s valuable resources and cause it unnecessary stress.

Tree Care

Unkempt and neglected trees won’t produce quality shade – plus, they’ll be messy visual eyesores. Simple summer tree care includes deep watering, pruning, inspecting for insects, refreshing the soil, adding mulch, and fertilizing when the summer is over. For recommendations based on a particular tree, consult an arborist or tree care professional.

Schedule a Berkeley Tree Service

If you are looking for an excellent Berkeley tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on.

Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions!

The Science of How Trees Talk to Each Other

Professional Berkeley Tree Service

Our Professional Berkeley tree service can fully appreciate the amazing science behind how trees talk to each other. In fact, excellent tree care depends on it! The natural world is full of secrets. From the deepest gorges to the peaks of the highest mountaintops, our world is full of plants, animals, and fungi that coexist in millions of different ecosystems. If a person stands on the beach and looks out at the ocean, they may have no idea that underneath the surface lies 94% of the animal species on this planet. Similarly, when a person stands in a forest, they may have no idea of the invisible messages that are being sent via underground fungal networks or through pheromones attached to spores in the wind.

Read on to learn more about the mystery of how trees communicate with each other.

Through the Air

Trees can communicate with each other using pheromones and scent signals they release into the air. One remarkable tree that utilizes this method of communication to protect its neighboring companions is the umbrella horned acacia, found in the grasslands of the African savanna.

When giraffes chew on this tree’s juicy, sickle-shaped leaves, the umbrella horned acacia notices the injury and emits a distress signal in the form of ethylene gas. The gas signals the surrounding trees to begin pumping tannins into their leaves. When a giraffe or other herbivore munches on these tannin-enriched leaves, they can become deathly sick. Other animals subsequently avoid the tree’s leaves.

Through the Soil

Trees are often thought of as singular entities, but most of the time they are connected to a larger, mutually beneficial community of trees through underground fungal networks. This system allows a collective of trees to share resources and make decisions about nutrient flow, which direction to grow branches, and how to deter predators.

The fungal networks, called mycorrhizal networks, consist of very thin threads of mycelium, or mushrooms, that help trees communicate with each other underneath the soil. By linking to this network, trees can spread information to their neighbors. For example, if an older established tree becomes aware of a struggling sapling through the network, it can draw water towards the surface through its root system to help the sapling. Trees can also agree to sabotage unwelcome plants by directing toxic chemicals through the network.

A Supportive Network

Trees can distinguish their “family” from other neighboring trees. Using seedlings, ecologists at the University of Reading were able to determine that trees can recognize the root tips of their kin and distinguish them from unrelated seedlings. Related trees show kinship by sending extra carbon through the underground mycorrhizal networks. When threatened with drought or disease, predators or insect attacks, trees will warn and prioritize family.

Professional Berkeley Tree Service

If you are looking for excellent Berkeley tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on.

Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions!

5 Signs That You Need To Call a Certified Arborist

signs that you need to call a certified arborist

Are you wondering if it’s time to schedule an  tree service for your yard? Tree care is one of the most important tasks on your home maintenance list when you’re a property owner, and we’re here to help. Keep reading to learn 5 signs that you need to call a certified arborist.

1) Overhanging Branches

If a tree on your property is beginning to hang over a neighboring home or fence, it’s a potential liability. Trees can shed their branches, especially during winter weather. And, because they can become quite heavy, they pose a danger to people and property. Your neighbor would certainly not be happy to have a tree limb come down on their roof. If your trees have gotten a little overgrown, this is a good time to schedule an Alamo tree service to assess what needs to be done. In most cases, some tree pruning can take care of the issue.

2) Sickly Trees

An experienced arborist will likely notice that your trees need care long before you do. For this reason, it pays to schedule an annual Alamo tree service. It’s best to intervene with expert tree care before it’s too late. Look for changes to the leaves, as well as peeling bark. You may also be able to spot burrowing insects. Tree pruning is essential to help your tree keep a healthy shape, and remove ailing branches.

3) Before Seasonal Storms

A certified arborist can also make sure that your trees are ready to withstand spring and winter weather conditions. Heavy winds can be hazardous, especially if your trees have brittle branches that are easier to pull down. A mature tree can have limbs that weigh hundreds of pounds, so be sure to schedule an Alamo tree service before the rainy seasons.

4) Tree Removal

Removing an established tree on your own isn’t safe. A certified arborist will have the right tools and experience to offer safe tree removal services. If there was ever a time to schedule an Alamo tree service, this is it. The risk of injury or property damage is just too high to take a chance on tackling tree removal on your own. Not to mention that it’s a time-consuming process.

5) A Leaning Tree

Leaning trees are another indication that you may have a property hazard on your hands, although, this isn’t always true. It really just depends on the situation. If roots are exposed this is another sign that you need to have the tree assessed by a professional as soon as possible.

Schedule an Alamo Tree Service

Do you need an  tree service? At Sexy Trees, we pride ourselves on offering the best tree services possible. We hope the above guide answers some of your questions about when to call a certified arborist. I you have other questions or feel like tree care is a messy job you don’t want to tackle on your own, please reach out by calling us at 925-233-6877. You can also read client testimonials by clicking this link.

How to Choose the Best Berkeley Tree Service

Berkeley tree service

You probably already know to hire a certified arborist when you need to schedule a Berkeley tree service for your property. But how to hire the right company? If you’re wondering, follow these simple tips to help you avoid tree care scams.

Choose Certified

Sometimes homeowners opt to do things themselves that should really be left to a professional. Part of the reason for this is because they’re just not sure who to trust and they’re afraid of being taken advantage of. Almost anyone who owns a vehicle has had this experience when it comes to finding a reliable and honest mechanic.

When it’s time to schedule your Berkeley tree service, a certified arborist is your best option. Anyone can pick up some pruning shears, but only a certified arborist can offer the depth of knowledge and experience you need when it comes to professional tree care. Their education, experience, and equipment will ensure that the job gets done right, and they will also be a reliable resource if you have any questions.

Verify Insurance

Liability insurance is a top priority when you need to schedule a Berkeley tree service. If it’s a company, also verify that they carry workers compensation insurance for their employees. It’s preferable if proof of insurance certificates are sent from the provider to you. This eliminates the possibility of fraudulent documents.

Why is this such a top priority? Well, if you hire a Berkeley tree service company that doesn’t have insurance, that means you get stuck paying for any injuries or property damage that occur on your land. It may seem unlikely, but it’s just not worth the risk. Take a little extra time to verify that an arborist is insured.

Review Ratings

Testimonials and complaints really count when you’re looking for the best Berkeley tree service. It shouldn’t be hard to find out what kind of reputation a local tree service company has, either. You’ll just need to do a little online sleuthing. In fact, you can learn a lot about a company with a quick web search. Pay close attention to things like how long they’ve been in business, and what kind of comments previous clients have left. Of course, you can always ask for references as well.

Pass on Door-to-Door Tree Services

If someone knocks on your door offering a Berkeley tree service, it’s best to pass on these types of offers. They’re usually scams, especially when it comes to selling unnecessary tree care services to the elderly. Someone knocks on your door and says they were just in the area, working in your neighbor’s yard, and noticed you need an expensive tree removal, etc.

Berkeley Tree Service

To learn more about tree care, talk to a certified arborist today. At Sexy Trees, we’re happy to help you make the best decisions for your trees. If it’s time to schedule tree pruning or another important Berkeley tree service, we’re here to help. Give us a call at 925.233.6877 to schedule a consultation for an estimate. You can also view our client testimonials by clicking this link.

Meet the Team at Sexy Trees

Alamo tree service

Who are you going to call when you need emergency tree services? A certified arborist, that’s who. Sexy Trees has been providing your essential Alamo tree service since 2012. We love serving Alamo residents and surrounding Bay Area communities. We also offer estimates. Do you have questions about tree care? Let us introduce ourselves. You can learn more about Sexy Trees and meet the team below.

How it All Began

Sexy Trees was founded by Alex Llamas. During college at Chico State, Alex took up rock climbing as a hobby. Most people stop there, but his love of rock climbing eventually led to tree climbing and a deep appreciation for everything trees give us. To make some extra money during  those college years, Alex took on tree pruning work at a local ranch until he graduated with a Bachelor of Science. He really enjoyed working with trees, though, so he decided to become a certified arborist and learn as much as he could about tree care. In fact, he continues to take classes to further educate himself and offer the best Alamo tree service in town.

Taking on a Partner

As the demand for tree care services grew, Alex decided to take on a partner to help him expand the business and meet the tree service needs of more clients. His business partner, Sergio Lopez, moved to the United States from Mexico in search of a better life at the age of twenty. Later, a love of the outdoors drew him to the tree care industry. He joined Alex with a diverse background in management and sales. He values taking the time to build authentic relationships, and hopes to help Sexy Trees become the premier tree service company in the US.

Alamo Tree Service

Our team offers a range of tree care services. If you’re a property owner, it’s important to schedule preventive maintenance for a number of reasons. For starters, keeping your trees in good health greatly reduces the risk of injury or property damage from falling branches. A certified arborist can also assess the trees on your property to determine if they need any special treatment, such as fertilizer or tree pruning.

Here’s a list of the main services that we offer at Sexy Trees:

  • Tree removal
  • Emergency tree services
  • Mistletoe removal
  • Tree pruning
  • Wood chips
  • Fertilizer
  • Stump removal
  • Fallen trees

Get an Estimate

For an estimate, contact us at Sexy Trees. We offer Alamo tree service, as well as to the surrounding areas. Our team is standing by to help with all of your tree care needs. You can check out our testimonials by clicking here, or talk to a certified arborist today by calling 925-233-6877. Let’s chat!

4 Reasons to Hire a Certified Arborist

Hiring a Certified Arborist

Is your landscaping looking a little rough around the edges? You’re in luck, a Hiring a Certified Arborist can help you with a variety of essential tree care services to beautify your yard. These specialists can expertly handle jobs like tree removal and tree pruning, as well as fertilizing, stump grinding and mistletoe removal. They can also safely clear away fallen branches, or diagnose ailing trees and what to do for them. A certified arborist is like the tree whisperer of landscaping professionals.

Read on to learn more about why this profession is so essential. Here are 4 reasons to hire an arborist…

1) The Threat of Injury

Tree pruning for large branches and tree removal are too dangerous for the untrained homeowner to try to manage on their own. While it may not seem that way, trees are denser and heavier than they look, and their branches can cause injuries. On average, over a hundred people die each year due to tree-related fatalities. According to OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the tree care industry is among the top most dangerous industries in America. Your safety is the main reason to call in a specialist who has the proper tools and equipment for the job.

2) Investing in Your Home

Proper tree care is a long-term investment. Beautiful, healthy trees increase the value of your property in the long run. Although, the converse is true as well. Neglected trees can weigh down the value of your home. This is something to consider if you ever plan to list your house on the market. A certified arborist can also help you prevent plumbing issues that are related to overgrown tree roots, which is never a cheap fix.

3) Avoiding Liability Issues

Without proper tree pruning services, your landscaping can become a liability. Trees can drop brittle, dead, or diseased branches at  any time, especially during stormy weather. We already discussed how heavy falling limbs can be. To figure out the exact weight of your trees would require a bit of math, but hardwood trees are always heavier. A lack of expert tree care can result in down limbs that cause injuries or property damage. It’s just not worth the risk. Hiring a certified arborist is the best way to ensure that your trees aren’t a hidden safety hazard.

4) Professional Tree Care

It’s also important to hire a pro to make sure that your trees get everything they need to thrive. A certified arborist has specialized training and the right tools. Most professionals also work with a team of skilled experts.

Anyone can offer tree pruning services, but only a licensed arborist has the necessary depth of knowledge to provide tree care. Unfortunately, someone with less experience may unintentionally harm your trees. This is another reason why it’s so important to consult with a local arborist when you need tree services for your property.

Criteria for Hiring a Certified Arborist

And finally, be sure to hire an arborist who is also insured, otherwise you’re liable for damages if any accidents occur during the tree service.

To speak with an  ISA Certified Arborist, please contact us at Sexy Trees. Give us a call at 925-233-6877 to schedule an appointment. If you aren’t quite sure which tree services you need, we’re always happy to answer questions.

A Quick Guide to Spring Tree Pruning

Despite what Punxsutawney Phil declared, spring is right around the corner. Soon the flowers will be in bloom, but before you get caught up in the earthy magic of this season, make sure that your plants are ready for the changing weather. Any certified arborist will tell you that pruning is essential tree care for your landscaping, and we are certified arborists, so…

Here’s a quick spring guide to tree pruning to help prepare your yard for the warmer months ahead.

When to Prune

A certified arborist considers several factors when it comes to providing the best tree care. When you prune your tree will depend on a couple of things, like the kinds of trees on your property.

Flowering Trees

First and foremost, if your tree is a flowering tree, such as a ornamental cherry or crabapple, you want to prune after the tree blooms. This is generally in late May or early June, depending on where you live. Waiting a little longer prevents excessive flower bud removal, as flower buds were formed during the previous Autumn.

Tree  pruning can vary among flowering, ornamental trees, as some are more sensitive to branch removal. For example, redbud and flowering dogwood are better pruned in late winter or early spring, around February or March, to prevent excessive bleeding, and to speed wound recovery.

Fruit Trees

On the other hand,  if you’re dealing with a fruit tree, the best time to prune is also late winter or early spring. This will allow enough time for wound healing while helping the tree divert more energy to flower buds, and the formation of fruit, rather than vegetative growth.

Tree Pruning for Other Varieties

For all other trees, late fall to early spring are fine times to prune. It’s easier to see the structure of a tree once it’s lost its leaves for the year. Although, not all  trees shed their foliage. A certified arborist can help you determine the best time for tree pruning in your yard.

How to Prune

While tree pruning may seem like a simple process, certified arborists use certain tools and techniques to ensure proper tree care. First, when cutting the branch, a cut that is slightly sloping down and out from the top to the bottom of the branch ensures that moisture drips off of the cut.

This helps prevent dampness that can lead to fungal or bacterial infections. Likewise, it’s best to prune as close to another branch or the trunk as possible, depending on the size of your cut, so that excessive dead material will not remain. When pruning, it’s also best to remove dead or injured material first, as this can lead to further damage.

A certified arborist may remove branches that rub together, particularly ones that cross through the middle of the tree. This helps prevent damage while improving air flow.

What Tools to Use

The basic tools are a hand pruner, a lopper and a pole saw. Hand pruners are best used for soft wood or small branches less than a 1/2 inch in diameter. Loppers come in various sizes, but are generally sized to cut limbs that are 1.5″ or thinner. For anything bigger, a manual or engine-powered pole saw will get the job done.

Regardless of the tool, a certified arborist will make sure that the blade is sharp to make the cleanest possible cut. They will also wear gloves and protective eye wear, since branches can have a mind of their own.

When cutting infected material, certified arborists will also use alcohol to sanitize the blade after tree pruning in order to prevent infecting other plants.

Talk to a Certified Arborist

At Sexy Trees, we pride ourselves on offering the best tree care possible. We hope the above guide answers some of your questions about spring tree pruning. I you have other questions or feel like this is a messy job you don’t want to tackle on your own, please reach out by calling us at 925-233-6877. You can also read client testimonials by clicking this link.

Tree Pruning for Topiary Designs

tree pruning

Topiary is a shrub and tree pruning art form that involves crafting shapes or likenesses out of foliage. Some of the most popular designs range from animals to living fences.

Shaping trees and shrubs can be a fun hobby to explore, even if you’re still a novice. If this unique landscaping art interests you, you’ll need to learn more about tree pruning. Now, not all trees and shrubs are suitable for shaping, but there are a few favorites that people often turn to in landscaping. Let’s review some of the most common species used in topiary design.

Classic Boxwood Shrubs

While not technically a tree, the average boxwood is an evergreen shrub that can grow up to six feet tall. Although, there are some varieties that can grow even taller than this once they reach full maturity, so be sure to read labels at the nursery or you might be in for a surprise.

Boxwood shrubs have been used in topiary design for a long time. They tend to be very popular with landscapers. This is likely because they provide year-round color and can be shaped into crisp lines, making boxwoods easy to work with. There are also dwarf varieties if you’re limited on space for your topiary. If you’re going small, consider the Baby Gem Boxwood, and the North Star Boxwood.

To Evergreen, or Not to Evergreen?

Most people select evergreens when designing their topiary, but deciduous topiaries that shed their leaves in the autumn are trending. Tree pruning can be easier during this time as well. A professional arborist is able to more clearly see the structure of bare trees. If you want to try something a little different, consider the colorful beech tree. The hornbeam is another popular species of deciduous tree that’s seen in garden topiaries.

If you want a classic year-round structure, though, stick to evergreen varieties for your tree pruning art. They won’t shed their leaves. Yew trees are often seen in topiary gardens as well as the flowering burkwood viburnum.

Herbal Topiaries

Lavender and rosemary are both fragrant options when it comes to creating an herbal topiary. This is an inexpensive way to dip your toes in the waters of topiary design. You can use the clippings indoors for potpourri, dried flowers, and floral arrangements. Rosemary is also prized in the kitchen, which is an added bonus if you enjoy cooking. If you’re interested in creating an herbal topiary, you may also enjoy adding moss to your garden.

Tree Pruning and Topiary Design

To learn more about the best species to grow in your region, talk to a professional arborist today. At Sexy Trees, we’re happy to help you make the best decisions for your trees. If it’s time to schedule tree pruning or other important tree care services, we’re here to help. Give us a call at 925.233.6877 to schedule a consultation. You can also view our client testimonials by clicking this link.