5 Trees that Butterflies Love

5 trees that butterflies love

Butterfly gardens are a growing trend in the Bay Area, but what about trees that birds and butterflies love?

Many types of trees that do well in California are sure to attract beautiful wildlife visitors that are fun to watch. Planting a variety of flowering trees is one of the best ways to entice them to your yard. But you don’t have to be a pro at tree care or tree pruning to lure in brightly colored birds and butterflies.

Here are the 5 best trees for attracting wildlife, and boosting your home’s curb appeal…

1) Oak Trees

The humble oak tree can host a wide variety of butterfly species, and this tree does well in many different regions. Various species of hairstreak butterfly are particularly drawn to oaks, as well as duskywings. Another bonus is that there are about 450 different types of oak tree, 20 of which are native to California. We are even seeing hybrid species. Although, valley oak, interior live oak, and the blue oak are most common in the Bay Area.

2) Sweetbay Magnolias

The lightly lemon-scented white flowers of the sweetbay magnolia attract a variety of species, including the tiger and zebra swallowtail. Those who enjoy tree pruning a few blossoms will love having this tree near a patio for shade. Watch the beautiful butterflies that flock to it, while sipping on a summer beverage. These trees instantly remind most people of the southern states, but they can actually do quite well in California.

3) Elm Trees

The elm is another popular tree that can provide a banquet for hungry butterfly species. These butterflies include (but are not limited to) the question mark butterfly, eastern comma, tawny emperor, and many more.

When properly taken care of with regular tree pruning, elm trees also offer a beautiful lush green setting. Later in the year, elm leaves turn a lovely shade of yellow and gold, a sight that’s common in some of the most visually striking regions of our country—like New England. This is another tree that does surprisingly well in the Bay Area.

Related Content: Common Questions About Tree Pruning

4) Dogwoods

Dogwood trees, especially the pink dogwood has been known to lure in American snouts, white admirals, and banded hairstreaks. It yields delicate pink blooms in the spring, and shiny red berries that ripen by fall. These berries aren’t considered toxic, but it’s not a good idea to eat them, as people have reported rashes. This is also a great tree for beginning arborists.

5) Cherry Trees

Cherry trees have more to offer than their stunning beauty. Their fruit is wildly popular, and they also attract many species of butterflies that love to spend time in their fragrant flowers.

Cherry trees can do well across much of North America. They tend to entice American snouts, red spotted purples, viceroys, hummingbird clearwings, spring azures, and white admirals, along with many others. It’s easy to see why butterfly lovers often find the cherry tree to be a classical favorite.

Related Content: Tree Care for Sexy Trees in 2021

Tree Pruning & Other Tree Care

Try one or several of these trees in your yard to begin attracting more butterflies this season. Again, you don’t need to have a background in tree pruning or professional tree care to successfully grow these beauties, but it does help to schedule regular appointments with an arborist. You can also buy trees at any stage of growth to suit your needs.

For help with tree pruning, or general tree care in the Bay Area, contact us today. Our team is here to answer all of your questions. Just call 925-233-6877 to speak with a professional arborist.


Why Do Trees Need Pruning?

tree pruning

Is pruning trees necessary? Periodic pruning helps trees look better, yes, but it also keeps them healthy. Some trees can live for thousands of years, so we often don’t think of them as being vulnerable. In fact, in California and Nevada, the bristlecone pine is one of these remarkable species. But lack of care can actually lead to a tree’s death. Let’s take a look at why tree pruning is so important.

Fruit Growth

If you have a fruit tree in your yard, proper pruning can make it more productive. Over time, some branches may become unhealthy or die. Getting rid of these limbs promotes the growth of healthy branches because the tree is no longer wasting energy on them. And, as a result, the tree is able to produce more fruit.

Healthier Branches

But even when it comes to trees that don’t bear fruit, proper pruning is necessary in order to keep branches as healthy as possible. This is because unkempt branches can make a tree less structurally sound, and even prone to falling limbs that can damage property, or injure people. Additionally, pruning can be used to give trees different shapes to increase their aesthetic appeal.

Better Visibility

Overgrown trees can also block your view of the landscape or other blooming plants. Plus, they may overshadow smaller plants that are trying to grow but can’t get enough light.

Disease Treatment

Pruning services can effectively spot disease or fungi on trees before they get worse. This is especially important in order to avoid the spread of the disease towards healthy portions of the tree. Besides, tree pruning allows inner branches to receive more sunlight, which is a natural way to combat diseases that cause rot.

Accident Prevention

As mentioned above, it’s not uncommon for weak, diseased branches to break off and fall. For instance, this can happen during strong winds, such as a winter storm. These branches are a great risk for anyone who lives on the property, or even your neighbors, depending on how large the tree is. Fortunately, regular pruning by a trained arborist allows you to avoid accidents and property damage.

Is Tree Pruning Necessary?

As you can see, yes, tree pruning really is necessary for the health and safety of your landscaping. For an estimate, or other questions, please contact Sexy Trees at 925-438-0634. Or, you can learn more about our team by clicking here.

Common Tree Diseases in the East Bay

Fog, humidity, and wetness can adversely impact the way trees grow, and the Bay Area has all of those elements. Trees are not only prone to weather patterns, but damage can also be caused by pollution and human activity. One of the best things to do to help protect your trees is to regularly look them over.  If you know how to spot the symptoms of tree diseases, you’ll be able to do something about it early on. This article reviews some common tree diseases and East Bay tree care.

 #1: Sooty Mold

This condition is characterized by a black coating on bark and leaves, the presence of aphids, and yellow, curling leaves. Trees are usually affected by this disease during the summer and spring seasons.

The main problem in having trees with sooty mold is that they attract pests, specifically aphids. If the infestation is not quickly taken care of, it will spread to your other trees in a short amount of time.

While this disease probably won’t kill your trees,  it does change their appearance. Mold growth and yellow, curling leaves is definitely a cosmetic issue, but it’s more dangerous for younger trees because it blocks light from reaching their leaves.  So, it’s best to seek East Bay tree care services if you find this mold in your yard.

#2: Coryneum Blight

You can tell a tree is affected by this disease if you see small holes on the leaves, yellowing stems, and browning around the holes. This particular disease targets trees belonging to the family Prunus, which includes almond and stone fruit trees.

Coryneum blight is a fungal disease caused primarily by warm, wet weather. The adverse effects of the disease are worsened by pollutants. It’s dangerous to your trees because it damages leaf tissue. It’s a major problem in the fruit industry.

#3: Fire Blight

If you notice blossoms turning brown, or leaves and stems with a scorched look to them, your trees are probably experiencing fire blight.

The fire blight is a contagious bacterial disease that usually attacks trees during the early spring. Affected trees look burnt, taking 1 to 2 weeks for the full effect to happen.

Even worse, the spreading of the disease is hastened by birds, bees, insects, wind, and rain. Fortunately, fire blight doesn’t affect many types of trees, commonly targeting pear and apple trees.

East Bay Tree Care for Your Home

While some tree diseases are generally harmless, it’s still best to have them inspected and cared for by a professional. If you need East Bay tree care services, our team of certified arborists is here to help. Contact Sexy Trees at (925) 233-6877. We love to hear from you.

How to Prevent a Tree From Falling

Lafayette Tree Pruning

Trees fall for several reasons, including root rot, extreme weather temperatures, and incorrect pruning. But, no matter what the cause is for your tree falling, it poses a danger to you and your loved ones, not to mention the potential for expensive property damage.

A falling tree can land on a house, or block the road, affecting transportation. Sometimes trees even fall on cars! Of course, prevention is best, so here are some ways you can prevent your trees from falling.

Remove Trees in Unsuitable Locations

All trees need the right environment to thrive, and this includes enough space. For example, if your tree doesn’t have enough room for its roots to develop, its chances of toppling over are higher because it has a weak root system. Trees with shallow roots can raise and crack sidewalks, or interfere with your home’s plumbing. If this is the case, you may want to call in a tree removal service.

Care For Your Trees

Proper pruning ensures that trees remain healthy and grow stronger over time. Remember, even broken branches can cause significant harm. They’re heavier than they look! Here are some of the easiest ways to prevent your trees from falling:

• Prune correctly to maintain their strength and structural integrity
• Water and fertilize properly
• Avoid using heavy equipment that damages your tree roots
• Trim trees to remove dead branches

Tree Falling? Stake It

For young trees, staking them to the ground is the best way to prevent them from toppling over. This can be an important step when new trees are just getting established.

Professional Tree Maintenance Services

While you can’t prevent things like storms from contributing to your tree falling, some issues like rot, disease, and pest infestations can be controlled. A specialist will determine if any of your trees are a hazard. So, planning for regular maintenance and inspection with an arborist can identify any problems before they get out of hand.

Tree Falling and Removal Services

Regular maintenance minimizes the risk of a tree falling, maintains its health, and protects your home. Do you have a fallen tree, or are you worried about a tree on your property? Tree removal is an involved and delicate process. At Sexy Trees, we can conduct the appropriate risk assessments, and give you an estimate. Contact us at (925) 233-6877.

The Dangers of Improper Tree Pruning

Concord Tree Service

Trees offer homeowners so much, while requiring little in return. They provide shade and add beauty to any landscape. But did you know your mature trees can become a safety hazard if they aren’t pruned correctly? When trees become diseased or die, we offer Concord tree removal, but hopefully your trees just need a regular pruning schedule to keep them healthy. Read on to learn more about the dangers that can result from improper tree care.

A Botched Job

The most obvious downside of improper pruning, from an aesthetic standpoint, is that it’s the equivalent of a bad haircut. There’s really nothing you can do but let it grow out. In the meantime, your trees will look a bit awkward.

Weakening Trees

Poor technique can also weaken trees, making them more vulnerable to a number of things, like storms. It’s possible for the inner wood to become less dense, even though the tree looks healthy from the outside. When this happens, it increases the likelihood of broken branches.

The Risk of Injury

Inexperienced pruners run the risk of accidental injury to themselves, as well as property. Trees are heavy. Even branches often weigh a considerable amount, so they can cause significant damage when falling from what may seem like even a minor height.

Cutting through wood requires sharp, heavy-duty equipment. And a novice won’t have the experience needed to properly secure branches, or know where it’s best to cut. These kinds of mistakes can be fatal.

Branch Decay

Trees are alive, which means that while necessary for the structural integrity of the tree, pruning creates wounds that take time to heal. Improper pruning can compromise the health of a tree, creating needless cuts. Over time, this can lead to decaying branches.

Concord Tree Removal

We hope you now have a better understanding of the importance of proper tree pruning. If you’d like to schedule an appointment or speak with us about our Concord tree removal service, please call our office at 925-233-6877 or email us at [email protected] with any questions! We offer estimates.

The Most Popular Indoor Trees

We offer our Berkeley tree service to residents with backyards, but this week we want to talk about how special indoor trees are too. They can add a living structural element to your home, and even boost your mood. Plus, they help improve air quality. Here are a few of the most popular homebound trees.

Parlor Palm

Parlor palms can help brighten up rooms that don’t receive a lot of natural light. They’re independent and don’t need much love, light, or water to thrive. So if you tend to forget about your leafy friends, or have north-facing windows, the forgiving parlor palm might be right for your home.

Malabar Chestnut

But the giant chestnut craves a bright, indirect light source, and extra water because it comes from swampy wetlands. Make sure your tree is in a pot with good drainage, though. The giant chestnut has a braided trunk and is sometimes called a “money tree.”

Fiddle Leaf Fig

The flowering fiddle leaf fig would be happy in a bright bathroom, where it’s shielded from drafts, but gets some extra humidity. After all, it originated from a lowland tropical jungle in Africa.

Jade Tree

Jade trees are for beginners or people with a black thumb. They have succulent leaves and don’t mind sporadic watering. They just need a sunny window, making them one of the easiest trees to care for.

Norfolk Island Pine

The Norfolk Island pine is an adorable, long-lived variety of tree that you could eventually transfer to your yard. They’re those little holiday trees you see in December, but they can grow quite large, so keep that in mind. If you live in an apartment, this pine will eventually outgrow your space.


Citrus trees are a sweet-smelling option, and although they might be a little fussier than some of the other indoor trees, they’re worth it. They have dazzling blooms, plus, just think of the fresh lemonade and citrus pound cake recipes.

Berkeley Tree Service

At Sexy Trees, our team is passionate about the work we do. We believe beautiful trees make the world a better place, and we offer estimates on our Berkeley tree services. If you have any questions about your indoor or outdoor trees, please call us at 925-233-6877 or email me at [email protected].

Tree Removal: What Happens to a Tree After You Remove It?

Lafayette Tree Pruning

Cutting down a loved tree is a hard decision, but sometimes an essential one. When a tree becomes a trouble or a safety hazard, whether due to its falling fruit, fragile wood, or disease, the best choice may be to cut it down. After a tree removal job, you may be speculating what happens to the tree’s roots after the tree is cut down. What about the stump?

Always consult a proficiently trained arborist to inspect your trees for damage and to help you decide the best solution for your landscape.


What happens to a tree’s roots after it’s cut down?

Once a tree is cut down, the trunk is broken off into mulch and hauled away or cut into smaller logs or blocks for extra purposes, but the roots stay in the ground. Without leaves, the cut tree cannot make food for the growth of its roots. However, the roots might have sufficient nutrients left to allow the development of sprouts from the roots or the leftover stump. If a sprout grows enough leaves, it can eventually grow back into a tree. If a tree doesn’t create root sprouts, then it’s doubtful it’ll re-grow. Instead, the roots will ultimately decompose.

Once your tree is cut down, you are left with the tree base. Now you have to make one more important decision—let it settle or get it removed.


Does a tree stump and its roots need to be removed?

It’s up to you whether to remove a tree stump from your yard or not. There are many reasons why it could benefit your landscape and property.  Here are three things to think about when you make this decision:


1. Tree stumps can be hazardous

Stumps sticking out of the ground can spree children running around in your backyard, causing injury. Furthermore, yard work becomes harder, as you have to maintain the area around the stump, and avoid tree stumps and root areas while mowing your grass. If you don’t, you run the danger of ruining your lawnmower by running them over.


2. Tree stumps can ruin your aesthetic

Tree stumps scattered around a well-manicured lawn stand out like sore thumbs, ruining the aesthetic of your scenery. The aesthetic of your land, in turn, has a result on its real-estate value. A large number of tree stumps could force your property value down. Besides that, tree stumps take up a lot of valuable space in your yard. This space could be re-purposed into an outdoor porch or a space to entertain guests and hold family picnics.


3. Tree stumps can give access to pests and insects

Tree stumps are breathing systems that can be host to several pests and insects. During the long decomposition procedure stumps go through, they encourage insects like ants, termites, and beetles. These pests can increase to other plants in your lawn, or even your house, if not restricted properly.


If you have questions about tree removal in your yard, contact Sexy Trees, certified arborist.

Why Hire a Professional Tree Service?

Lafayette Tree Service

When is it time to hire a professional tree service? For most of us, trees are a necessary part of our landscapes, and it’s essential for your property that you take care of them and keep them well. Tree removal is a proactive way to protect your house when storms come through and keep the wreckage a little more controlled. And when you need storm clean up, you should call in the pros to ensure that the work is done with complete awareness to detail.

Full Tree Service

What precisely does a tree service company do? Beyond just trees, they offer stump removal or grinding, tree trimming, firewood services, limb trimming, pruning and maintenance of trees and bushes. They can also recommend you on how to keep pests and diseases away from valuable landscaping. Some companies will also offer fertilization, soil ventilation, tree planting, removal of dust, tree cabling and bracing, and evaluations.

Tree Trimming Adds Beauty and Value to Your Landscape

Tree care is a brilliant way to tighten and improve the look of your landscape. An arborist service adds pleasant aesthetics, as well as improves your curb appeal. If you’re trying to sell your house, you’ll discover that your property makes an impression within the first few seconds, and you want that to be a positive one. If you plan on living in your house somewhat permanently, then guests and neighbors will love the gorgeous look of your trees, and you’ll appreciate being in your outside space even more. The professionals will also offer roof cleaning services to improve the look so that you don’t have to worry about leaves and branches cluttering your space when the work is done.

Time Saving

When you hire experts to do the job, you are hiring people who know what they are doing. They make a complex task look easy and do the work within half the time of what you might perform. This will save you a lot of time, and money, as they may complete the whole project in one day. Tree services take time and effort, and unless you have the gear, time, and means to get it done professionally, it is not worth the effort to do it yourself. Leave this to the experts.

It’s More Affordable than You Realize

When you understand it’s time to trim a tree, many people end up spending a considerable amount of money getting new equipment. However, when you bring in the pros, you’ll discover that it’s more reasonable than you realize and the best companies will work within your budget. Further than trimming trees, you’ll have access to base grinding services. A full-service company will offer everything from stump elimination to cleaning your roof to planned trimming techniques. Once you hire a professional tree service, you’ll wonder why you didn’t begin sooner!

Sexy Trees offers a wide range of services, including tree trimming, pruning, stump grinding, tree removal, and much more. To learn more, please contact us at (925) 233-6877.

Adding New Trees

Tree Care Pleasant Hill

Can you imagine a community without trees?  There is a reason why cities invest so much in parks.  The effect that trees have is unbelievable.  So what are the benefits of adding new trees even when your city has some?


Trees provide the air we breath while filtering many of the toxins in the air.  A single tree can provide the air for at least a dozen individuals.  At the same time, the trees will get rid of carbon dioxide and pollution in the air.  This is all done through the tree’s process of photosynthesis.


In the heat of the day, don’t you always wish to be under the shade of a tree.  More trees mean greater shade and cool sections around town to thwart the summer heat.  Similarly, this helps keep your home cooler so you save on energy costs.  In addition, the shade also reduces the need for water in your yard.  As a result, you can save on the amount of water for your landscaping when you have more shaded areas.

Water Runoff

A great way to prevent flooding and erosion of your yard is to add trees to your landscaping.  They act as a barrier and canopy to rain water.  Thus, the water runoff is prevented and/or slowed down.  At the same time, the impact on the runoff also slows down the rate of pollution in our water supplies.

Tree Care and Maintenance

As you are growing them, it’s important to take proper care and maintenance of them.  You should understand the soil and water needs for each type of tree.  Also, identify the best location to plant them to maximize the impact they have around your home and neighborhood.  We strongly recommend that you contact the certified arborist at Sexy Trees if you have questions or need help with your tree planting needs.

Japanese Maple Tree Care

Danville Tree Service

Japanese maples are generally hearty, healthy trees. Japanese maples are pretty easy to raise and care for. They tend not to succumb to disease or infection, but will perform poorly when their needs aren’t being met.

Your Japanese maple will appreciate it if you keep these things in mind:

Don’t Allow Japanese Maple Tree Roots to Sit in Water

If your Japanese maple doesn’t look healthy and well, there’s a good chance that the roots are overwatered. If the soil is too heavy, contains a lot of clay, or doesn’t drain well, that can be affecting the health of the tree. 

Before planting a Japanese maple, you can be sure that the ground is properly aerated with appropriate soil, and plant with the root ball only half burried. Once a tree is in its place, your best move is to monitor soil wetness. Be sure not to overwater, and your tree with thank you.

Don’t Spray Foliage

When you spray the leaves of a tree (any tree really) the water droplets act as little magnifying glasses, concentrating the sun’s power on a small spot until the water evaporates. Some leaves are bothered by this more than others. Although it certainly won’t kill your Japanese maple, this tree would prefer you spray the ground rather than the leaves. Or if you must spray the leaves, don’t do it on a sunny day, please. 

Don’t Over Fertilize 

These trees like soil rich in nutrients, but not rich in commercial fertilizers. In fact, they do better with no fertilization at all rather than many of the fertilizers available at the plant store. If you think your Japanese maple needs fertilizing, consult your trusted arborist.

Threats to Your Japanese maple tree

Of course, sometimes outside influences do attack your tree. Some of the problems that arise for this particular type of tree include: 

Pseudomonas Syringae

Pseudomonas syringae is opportunistic bacteria that usually attacks plants that are already damaged by other threats. It affects woody plants, including Japanese maples, which can display spotted leaves, and veins within the leaves can be blackened when infected. It can also cause dieback of small branches.

To learn more visit: Pseudomonas Syringae

Verticillium Wilt

Verticillium Wilt is caused by a soil borne fungi but usually attacks plants that are stressed by other things like drought, frost, or wet soil. This fungus lives in the soil as small, darkened structures called microsclerotia. These microsclerotia may lie dormant in the soil for years. 

One or more branches, usually on one side of the tree, wilt suddenly. Sometimes the leaves turn yellow before they wilt, or leaf margins turn brown and appear scorched. Branches that die will need to be removed.

The best prevention for this fungi is a strong, healthy tree. There is some evidence that unbalanced fertilization (too much or too little nitrogen, for example) exacerbates this disease, but there’s no specific prevention or treatment. 

To learn more visit: Verticillium Wilt

Japanese Maple Scale

Scale insects are sucking insects that extract plant sap from the host plant. These scale have an armored exoskeleton, usually white. Scale insects are predatory, generally attacking unhealthy plants. The healthier your plants, the less likely they are to be attacked by scale insects. 

In trees with heavy infestations scale can cause premature leaf drop, branch dieback, or death of the plant. On Japanese maples, scale insects usually only attach themselves to the stems of the tree and not the leaves, so scrubbing the tree with soapy water and a scrub brush may solve an infestation.

To learn more visit: Japanese Maple Scale

Tree Borers

Tree Borers are a group of insects that lay their eggs on or inside of trees, where the young larvae eat through living tissues. Anything that bores into tree stems is commonly called a tree borer, whether it be beetles or clearwing moths. The symptoms and treatments are the same.

You can avoid initial infestation by having a professional prune your tree, eliminating unnecessary tree damage. Also, adding mulch around your tree and providing it with appropriate water and fertilizer will help it fight off borers and heal any previous damage.

To learn more visit: Tree Borers


Affected trees often show spots that may look like scorching on the leaves. This fungal disease is prevalent during rainy seasons and conditions of high humidity. Rainy weather can empower this fungus, and drought can slow it down or stop it. 

Anthracnose remains active on leaves and twigs that have fallen to the ground, which helps it spread. Eventually spores are released from dropped leaves and re-attach themselves to the tree or new leaves. The easiest method of control is to keep dead twigs and leaves raked up from under your trees, and keep leaf litter that you suspect out of your compost pile.

To learn more visit: Anthracnose

Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew covers leaves and stems starting with the underside, but becomes most obvious when it shows on the top of leaves with a white or grey powdery film. It thrives in hot, or hot and humid conditions, especially where a lot of plants are grouped together and air circulation is poor.

Trees are weakened by this mildew, but rarely seriously injured. Rake up and dispose of any affected leaves. It’s best not to put the affected leaves in your compost bin. 

Cut off affected portions, restrict fertilizing, water only at the soil level and do what you can to increase air circulation to control a powdery mildew infection.

To learn more visit: Powdery Mildew


Aphids feed by attaching themselves to the leaves of a plant and sucking nutrients out of the leaves. Resulting leaf damage can be unattractive, but your Japanese maple tree will likely not suffer more than some leaf loss. They have a number of natural predators including lady bugs, so they usually don’t last long once they appear. You can treat them with insecticidal soap or rinse them off with a blast of water.

To learn more visit: Aphids

Phytophthora Root Rot

This is a fancy way of saying that the root system is rotted because of excess moisture. Japanese maples are susceptible because they don’t tolerate wet heavy soils that drain poorly. Of course solutions include planting shallowly, and never overwatering. If you’re having a problem with root rot, consult a qualified arborist for advice.

To learn more visit: Phytophthora Root Rot