Is My Oak or Birch Tree Dying? How Can I Save My Tree?

Walnut Creek Tree Pruning

There’s nothing worse than realizing that one of the trees in your yard may be diseased or dying. Not only is there the loss of the tree to take into account and the effect that will have on your garden and landscape, there is also the difficulty of having a dying tree removed. There has recently been an increase in oak and birch trees dying the Bay Area, so if you have one of these trees in your yard, now is the time to perform a checkup and get some essential tree care for your beloved birch and oak trees.

Tree Identification

The oak tree and the birch tree are two of the most popular California trees, renowned for their beauty and stature. Birch trees are popular among homeowners for their beautiful and characteristic fine bark, moderate size and elegant branches. The oak tree is a classic American tree, with characteristic leaves and over 400 species. If you think you might have one of these beautiful trees in your garden but you aren’t sure, a skilled arborist can help you accurately identify which species of tree you have, and the best way to care for each tree as well.

Birch Tree Care

Birch trees are beautiful and elegant trees that help to provide structure and shade in moderate sized spaces. However, due to their shallow root systems, they are especially vulnerable to heat and drought. A position where the birch tree’s roots are shaded, yet where adequate sunlight can still reach the canopy, is ideal for these delicate ornamentals.

Trimming a birch tree can be most effectively done by a tree specialist, to shape and nurture your tree according to its unique needs for the best results. Regular tree maintenance including monitoring, pruning and watering helps to reduce the chance of pest infestation and maintains the health of the birch tree. Birch trees also respond well to having mulch placed around the root systems, to help maintain a more stable soil temperature.

Oak Tree Care

This noble American tree flourishes with regular watering, pruning and fertilizer, which will help to produce a large and beautiful tree that will be the centerpiece of your landscape. Because oak trees can be large and long lived, it’s critical to provide regular tree care and maintenance to your oak to correctly guide its growth and prevent disease and pests.

A skilled arborist can prune your young oak tree to produce a strong central leader branch, while removing dead and broken branches on older trees is essential for maintain structure and integrity. Oak tree should regularly be monitored for disease and pests as well, as they are susceptible to a range of diseases and pests, and left untreated affected trees could die.

Signs of Tree Pests or Disease

Spending some time in your garden taking care of your trees, or regularly enlisting the assistance of a professional arborist should keep tree diseases and pests at bay, or at least help you to recognize them as soon as possible.

Some common signs of problems include –

  • Visible bugs, beetles, worms, caterpillars or other insects in large numbers
  • Discolored or spotted foliage
  • Dead or dying foliage or branches
  • Thinning canopy
  • Shelf mushrooms
  • Wet patches on trunk
  • White coating

If you notice any of these symptoms on your oak or birch tree, call your local professional arborists immediately for accurate diagnosis and the appropriate care to heal or remove your tree.

How To Manage Overgrown Tree Roots

Alamo Tree Pruning

We’ve all seen the trees planted in gardens or the sidewalk whose roots are simply bursting from their planters. This can lead to cracked pathways, uneven walkways and overgrown gardens, creating undesirable effects both for safety and aesthetics.

The full effects of overgrown roots can go deep under the surface of the ground as well, with tree roots growing into drains and piping, causing plumbing issues and even cracking home foundations. But how do you deal with overgrown tree roots without allowing them to destroy your home or garden? Here are the vital steps you should take as soon as tree roots start to overwhelm your property.

Diagnose The Issues

Before taking action on exposed and overgrown tree roots on your yard, it’s important to fully diagnose the problem, and what the likely effects of different actions you might take could be. It’s difficult for the untrained eye to take all the possible scenarios into account, so you should consult a tree specialist, arborist or landscaper in order to correctly diagnose your tree root issues.

A qualified tree company can provide the right diagnostics for your roots and the best approach to tree care for every tree variety in your garden.

Prune Your Trees

Balancing the right amount of pruning can help to control the growth of your trees, and partially restrain root growth if you want to take a low impact approach to managing tree roots. With the assistance of a highly skilled arborist, you can maintain your trees by pruning the active pathway of tree growth, and in some cases limit root growth.

Work Around the Roots

If you value your trees, and the overgrown roots are merely an aesthetic issue, the best approach is to adjust your landscaping plans, and learn to accommodate the exposed tree roots. You can build a bed around the root system and cover with mulch to hide the roots if you like. Covering the roots with soil or trying to plant ‘cover’ plants around the roots is not advised, as these plants will fail to thrive, and the root system could be suffocated.

Tree Removal

In some cases, the tree roots may simply be causing too many issues, and the tree will need to be removed. If you decide to remove the tree, be sure to call in professional arborists or a tree company to remove the tree for you, as trees with advanced root systems are generally large, and not just difficult, but also dangerous to remove on your own.

Stump Grinding

A qualified tree surgeon has the right tools, experience and skills to properly remove any type of trees in California and can safely preserve your property while completely removing the tree and the roots. After the tree has been removed, the tree company can fully remove any remaining stump by grinding it down even below the surface of the ground.

While often just a cosmetic issue, exposed and overgrown roots can quickly turn into a major problem for your property when left unchecked. Caring for your trees, keeping them pruned and removing trees when needed allows you to keep your garden safe and beautiful.

6 Essential Reasons You Should Choose a Certified Arborist

Berkeley Tree Removal

Tree cutters, tree pruners, tree surgeons or tree services – the name really doesn’t matter that much in the end. But when it comes to choosing a professional tree pruning company, there are some important factors you want to consider, as not all tree companies are the same. Just as you would want a qualified and experienced doctor to perform your surgery, when looking for someone to prune trees, manage your tree’s health or remove a tree, you should always choose a certified arborist. Here we look at 6 reasons why choosing a certified arborist is better for you and your trees.

  1. Keeping Your Home Safe

Tree care can be a risky business. Sometimes entire trees need to be removed, the ground needs digging, or trees need to be climbed, so it’s absolutely crucial to be working with a professional when these jobs need to be done. Certified arborists know how to steer clear of property, houses, electricity wires and gas lines so you get the job done right with no fuss or damage.

  1. In Depth Pruning Knowledge

Arborists are tree experts, which means they know what type of care is best for each type of tree and plant. Pruning your trees incorrectly can actually result in more rapid growth and the need for more frequent pruning, or in some cases, can even result in the tree’s death. With an arborist working on your trees you can get the perfect look and trim you want while ensuring the best health for your trees.

  1. Tool Skills

A chainsaw in the hands of the unexperienced can spell disaster. Arborists are not only trained in proper tool use and first aid, they also know when to use each type of tool. Switching to a hand saw to trim and thin out the tree helps to prevent the bark damage that can occur trying to do this fine work with a chainsaw.

  1. Tree Health

Arborists not only know how to trim a tree perfectly, but also how to keep the tree in the best of health. You want a tree company that leaves your yard beautiful both inside and out, and your trees free from suckers, disease, insects, parasites and mistletoe.

  1. Cutting Edge Techniques

Because qualified arborists are certified with the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), they are passionate about their work and always strive to stay on the cutting edge of the latest techniques and expert knowledge for tree care.

  1. Better Long Term Results

Poor tree trimming not only makes your yard look unappealing in the short term, it can also cause damage, growth problems and the opportunity for disease in the long term. Prevention is always better than cure. Getting tree care done right the first time is critical for maintaining a healthy and beautiful yard.

If you want outstanding results for safety, tree health and tree beauty, make sure you choose a qualified and experienced I.S.A. arborist next time you need work done on the trees in your yard.