Alamo Stump Grinding and Removal Services

Alamo Stump Grinding and Removal

Tree stumps can be either a nuisance or an asset to a yard, depending on the homeowner’s priorities or aesthetic preferences. It can be tough making the decision to remove a tree stump, because to really excavate a yard, every single deep underground root will need to be removed from the soil – that takes a lot of time and special equipment. If you are looking for reputable stump grinding and removal services in the Bay Area, look no further than Sexy Trees, the best Alamo tree care service. We dig the extra mile to fully and safely remove tree stumps. 


Aesthetics. Stumps are often in odd locations that yard planners dread working around. After all, there’s a reason that somebody removed a tree from that particular spot – the stump is just as much of an eyesore! Decaying, rotting, or moldy tree stumps are particularly unsightly and make a yard feel untended. 

Safety. A stump in the middle of a lawn or frequently tread-upon ground is an accident waiting to happen. Stumps low to the ground and their extending roots can go unnoticed and cause injuries, especially if children or older adults stumble over them. Furthermore, say goodbye to your lawnmower should you accidentally mow over a tree stump. 

Pests and diseases. If you have a pest problem, it might be your decaying tree stump. Old stumps attract insects like termites, beetles, and ants. Diseases and fungi may also sprout up in a decaying stump, which could pose a risk to your other plants. 

There are some serious risks to keeping around a rotting stump, but tree removal by Sexy Trees, the best Alamo tree service, can help.

Unexpected Benefits of Grinding and Removing a Tree Stump 

Lots of leftover wood chips. A tree stump can yield way, way more wood chips than you think, but they can be useful! Wood chips can be used as an organic mulch, to cushion a children’s play area, on an informal garden path, added to a compost pile, and as a part of so many other creative landscaping options. If you have no use for them, offer them to a neighbor or put them in your green bin!

Total landscaping freedom. A tree stump can be obtrusive, out of place, or just plain old bothersome. When it comes to landscaping ventures, you don’t want to have to work around a tree stump that doesn’t fit into your envisioned design. When you get a tree stump ground and removed, you ensure that new plants will be able to flourish in that spot.  

Removing a tree stump is a tough decision because it’s costly and permanent. If you can’t seem to part with a sentimental old tree stump, try using it as a base for potted plants or sculptures, decorating it, painting it, or including it somehow in an eclectic garden design. If you do want your tree removed for whatever reason, you know who to call – Sexy Trees, the best certified arborists for Alamo tree services.

Talk to Us

If you are looking for the best Alamo tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care expertise will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on. Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions!

How Root Flare Exposure Affects Tree Health

Birch Tree Roots Removal

One of the biggest overlooked tree care mistakes is a relatively simple one: your tree was planted too deep. If a tree seems to be declining despite efforts to regularly prune it, trim its branches, and give it adequate water, it might be time to take a look at the root cause of the issue (pun intended). In addition to regularly scheduling maintenance with your local Berkeley tree service experts, get acquainted with how a buried root flare could be suffocating your tree – and how to fix it.  

What is root flare and how can Berkeley tree services help?

The root flare of a tree is the area around the base of the trunk, where the trunk meets the roots and creates a sloping outward flare into the soil. A tree’s root flare is a powerful indicator of its health, and a damaged or improperly developed root flare can cause a number of detrimental effects for fledgling and established trees. A certified arborist will be able to identify an underexposed root flare and provide recommendations or services to fix it. 

Signs that your tree’s root flare is suffocating:

If you can’t see a tree’s root flare, soil or mulch is likely covering it (which it should not be). Indicators that the tree is suffering due to its improperly exposed root flare are: 

  • Prematurely dropping leaves in the fall or delayed leaf growth in spring 
  • New shoots have a narrow reach, which gives the appearance that the foliage is hugging close to the branches
  • The tree appears like a telephone pole sticking out of the ground: completely cylindrical with no visible flare. Though this is natural for some varieties of tree, most should slope outwards as the trunk meets the roots and enters the soil. 

Health Consequences of a Buried Root Flare 

Soil or mulch covering a tree’s root flare comes with immediate and long-term consequences. Immediately, the tree experiences reduced oxygen availability to its roots, reduced water infiltration, and reduced access to shallow nutrient pools. If chronically underexposed, buried root flare could cause: 

  • Fungal wood decay. When mulch or soil is mounded over the base of the tree, moisture can accumulate over the tree’s root flare and deprive it of crucial oxygen. Over time, this can cause fungal wood decay at the root flare, which weakens the structural integrity of the tree while compromising the vascular system.
  • Girdling roots. The excess moisture at the root flare causes dormant buds to emerge from the base of the tree. Although these girdling roots start out small, they quickly grow into a restrictive tangle that abrades the buttress roots and suffocates the vascular system. These unnatural roots are a direct result of covering the tree’s root flare. 

Talk to Us

If you are looking for the best Berkeley tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on. Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions! 

The Science of How Trees Talk to Each Other

Professional Berkeley Tree Service

Our Professional Berkeley tree service can fully appreciate the amazing science behind how trees talk to each other. In fact, excellent tree care depends on it! The natural world is full of secrets. From the deepest gorges to the peaks of the highest mountaintops, our world is full of plants, animals, and fungi that coexist in millions of different ecosystems. If a person stands on the beach and looks out at the ocean, they may have no idea that underneath the surface lies 94% of the animal species on this planet. Similarly, when a person stands in a forest, they may have no idea of the invisible messages that are being sent via underground fungal networks or through pheromones attached to spores in the wind.

Read on to learn more about the mystery of how trees communicate with each other.

Through the Air

Trees can communicate with each other using pheromones and scent signals they release into the air. One remarkable tree that utilizes this method of communication to protect its neighboring companions is the umbrella horned acacia, found in the grasslands of the African savanna.

When giraffes chew on this tree’s juicy, sickle-shaped leaves, the umbrella horned acacia notices the injury and emits a distress signal in the form of ethylene gas. The gas signals the surrounding trees to begin pumping tannins into their leaves. When a giraffe or other herbivore munches on these tannin-enriched leaves, they can become deathly sick. Other animals subsequently avoid the tree’s leaves.

Through the Soil

Trees are often thought of as singular entities, but most of the time they are connected to a larger, mutually beneficial community of trees through underground fungal networks. This system allows a collective of trees to share resources and make decisions about nutrient flow, which direction to grow branches, and how to deter predators.

The fungal networks, called mycorrhizal networks, consist of very thin threads of mycelium, or mushrooms, that help trees communicate with each other underneath the soil. By linking to this network, trees can spread information to their neighbors. For example, if an older established tree becomes aware of a struggling sapling through the network, it can draw water towards the surface through its root system to help the sapling. Trees can also agree to sabotage unwelcome plants by directing toxic chemicals through the network.

A Supportive Network

Trees can distinguish their “family” from other neighboring trees. Using seedlings, ecologists at the University of Reading were able to determine that trees can recognize the root tips of their kin and distinguish them from unrelated seedlings. Related trees show kinship by sending extra carbon through the underground mycorrhizal networks. When threatened with drought or disease, predators or insect attacks, trees will warn and prioritize family.

Professional Berkeley Tree Service

If you are looking for excellent Berkeley tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on.

Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions!

Your Checklist for Smart Summer Tree Care

Summer Tree Care

Are you wondering if it’s time for tree pruning or some other important  tree care service? Summer means hotter temperatures and less rain, which can often be a death sentence for plants that aren’t well established. If you’ve ever watched a plant shrivel up, leaves turning yellow, then brown, then crunchy, you’ve certainly seen the effects of dehydration in plant life. Changing up your gardening routine for the summer, particularly paying attention to younger plants and trees, can allow them to thrive, even through the hottest months. Check out what our  tree service experts recommend for your summer tree care plan.

1) Tree Pruning

Summer tree pruning helps keep your tree healthy and well-shaped. We recommend removing damaged, diseased, or dead tree limbs, as these can cause unnecessary stress to a tree. Stone fruit trees in particular benefit from summer pruning to encourage bigger and higher-quality fruit. Pruning in summer can promote robust branch growth, healthier canopy development, and overall shoot growth.

2) Give Your Tree a Deep Watering

California summers can reach high temperatures in certain geographical regions, and the resulting drought can cause extreme stress on trees. To counteract the lack of water in summer, give your trees a deep watering every one to four weeks. Deep watering encourages deeper root development, which increases the tree’s access to nutrients and water in the soil. This can bolster a tree’s resistance to uprooting and protect it from disease.

3) Watch for Signs of Distress

Changes in a tree’s leaves are usually the first indicator that a tree is stressed in some capacity. In the summer, a tree’s leaves may droop, wilt, turn yellow, appear scorched, stop growing, or even fall from the tree. Keep a close eye on trees that are exhibiting any problems and practice consistent tree care.

4) Refresh the Soil

Hard, dry soil can impede a tree’s ability to absorb nutrients and water. Proper soil aeration can soften the soil surrounding a tree, which allows a better environment for helpful microorganisms to thrive.

5) Add a Layer of Mulch

Properly mulching a tree will regulate the soil temperature, slow down moisture evaporation, and help reduce weeds that would otherwise compete with the tree’s resources. Two inches of mulch is enough – any more can suffocate the base of the tree, which needs carbon and air!

6) Keep an Eye on Insects

In the summer heat, some species of insects like to cling to the shade underneath your tree’s canopy. By standing under your tree and looking up, you can check to see if too many insects of a particular type have infested your tree. Not all insects are harmful, so you may want to consider an arborist’s opinion before purchasing an insecticide.

7) Fertilize When Summer is Over

After a harsh summer, trees require a replenishing dose of nutrients. In early fall, make sure to fertilize your trees and check the pH of the soil to ensure that your trees are receiving the nutrients they require.

Tree Pruning & Other Services

If you are looking for excellent Berkeley tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on.

Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions!

What is Eating My Trees?- Common Pests

common tree pests

We spend more time worrying about common tree pests getting inside our homes, but the reality is that they can make trouble outdoors too. If your trees are looking a little down lately, you might need pest control as part of your  tree care services.

Of course, it’s best to catch these tiny invaders sooner rather than later, so here are some common California insects that infest trees as well as how to spot them in your yard.

Common Tree Pests

In California, we need to watch out for the following creepy crawlers in our trees:

California Fivespined Ips

The California fivespined ips is a species of bark beetle with a fancy name. Increased logging in the 40s exposed wide ranges of fresh slash that allowed the beetle to breed under favorable conditions. It is mainly a threat to all species of pine, including hybrid varieties. Unfortunately, this beetle can kill trees, especially those that are already stressed by drought, making Alamo tree care services all the more essential. Look for boring dust, as the beetles dig tunnels through the tree, as well as fading foliage.

Asian Citrus Psyllid

This little sap-sucker is a real problem for citrus tree owners. It loves to snack on the leaves and stems of citrus trees, and can even pass along a bacteria that results in a serious tree illness that’s known as Huanglongbing, or citrus greening disease. It’s best to prevent infestations with proper Alamo tree care services because once your citrus trees are invaded, not much can be done to save them. In fact, tree removal is best to help stop the spread to other citrus trees in the area.

The California Oakworm and Tussock Moths

Oak trees are common in California and so are the species of caterpillars that feed on their leaves. Tussock moth larvae are fuzzy, making them easy to spot. But the California oakworm is smooth with a yellow-green coloring. They feed on oak leaves, reducing the amount of sunlight these tree can harvest for photosynthesis.

Checking for Pests

Different insects will leave behind their own clues of destruction, but a certified arborist will usually start by checking over the leaves. Look for any signs of discoloration, holes, or thinning of the foliage. Next, you can move on to the bark. Take note of how well your trees are growing this year. If they seem to have slowed down from the previous season, you’ll probably want to talk to a certified arborist to rule out pests. Carefully inspect the bark for holes, tunnels, sawdust, and insect frass (bug pellets).

Alamo Tree Care

It’s best to discover common tree pests as soon as possible, so set aside some time each week for regular tree care, or just call a pro. If you need professional Alamo tree care services, contact us today by clicking this link. As professional arborists, we recommend regular inspections to make sure your trees stay healthy and don’t pose any risk to your property. Our friendly team at Sexy Trees is here to answer your questions. Let’s talk!

How to Tell When You Need Tree Removal Services

Alamo tree removal

At Sexy Trees, we offer Alamo tree removal services and one of the questions we’re often asked is: How can I be sure if my tree needs to be removed? We know that tree removal is usually a last resort for homeowners, so the following are some common signs that you need to call a certified arborist.

A Hollow Trunk

A hollow trunk can be an indication that your tree is unwell or has suffered some stressor that exposed its heartwood, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s dead. In some cases, it can be a clear sign that the trunk is breaking down on the inside, though.

This hollowing out is referred to as “piping,” and it can result from things like microbes, insects, or animals consuming the interior wood. If your tree is damaged in this way, it’s very likely that you’ll need Alamo tree removal services. The problem is that piping can cause a tree to become an unstable hazard on your property. And, of course, it may only get worse over time as the tree becomes weaker. Schedule an appointment with a certified arborist who can tell if your tree is structurally sound.

Where are the Leaves?

It takes some trees longer than others for their leaves to grow back after the winter. However, if it’s already mid-summer and your tree is still leafless, you have a problem with your hands. Trees need leaves to take in sunlight for photosynthesis. So if your tree is bare, this is a clue that it’s dead or dying and it might be too late for tree care.

Evergreens are a little different, of course, and you can expect them to have foliage all year long. They do go through cycles of their own, but leaves or needles that are brown in the summer can signal that the tree is unwell.

Brittle Branches

It’s common for large trees to have a dead branch or two, but if this die-off covers part of the canopy, your tree is under stress. It may be possible to save it with proper tree pruning and some extra TLC, but take note of brittle branches before it’s too late. If you decide that you do need Alamo tree removal services, don’t put it off. An ailing tree can drop its branches at any time, resulting in injury or property damage.

Tell-Tale Roots

Excessive mushroom growth at the base of the tree can be a big clue that the roots are in a sorry state of rot. Another thing to watch out for is if you notice the roots are rising above the ground. This isn’t the same thing as shallow roots that grow along the surface, though. Check for tree roots that have actually become separated from the soil altogether. Since roots function as a tree’s anchor, this is definitely cause for concern.

Alamo Tree Removal

If you need Alamo tree removal services, contact us today by calling 925-233-6877. As professional arborists, we recommend regular tree care to make sure your trees stay healthy and don’t pose a risk. Our friendly team at Sexy Trees is here to answer your questions, so let’s talk!

5 Signs That You Need To Call a Certified Arborist

signs that you need to call a certified arborist

Are you wondering if it’s time to schedule an  tree service for your yard? Tree care is one of the most important tasks on your home maintenance list when you’re a property owner, and we’re here to help. Keep reading to learn 5 signs that you need to call a certified arborist.

1) Overhanging Branches

If a tree on your property is beginning to hang over a neighboring home or fence, it’s a potential liability. Trees can shed their branches, especially during winter weather. And, because they can become quite heavy, they pose a danger to people and property. Your neighbor would certainly not be happy to have a tree limb come down on their roof. If your trees have gotten a little overgrown, this is a good time to schedule an Alamo tree service to assess what needs to be done. In most cases, some tree pruning can take care of the issue.

2) Sickly Trees

An experienced arborist will likely notice that your trees need care long before you do. For this reason, it pays to schedule an annual Alamo tree service. It’s best to intervene with expert tree care before it’s too late. Look for changes to the leaves, as well as peeling bark. You may also be able to spot burrowing insects. Tree pruning is essential to help your tree keep a healthy shape, and remove ailing branches.

3) Before Seasonal Storms

A certified arborist can also make sure that your trees are ready to withstand spring and winter weather conditions. Heavy winds can be hazardous, especially if your trees have brittle branches that are easier to pull down. A mature tree can have limbs that weigh hundreds of pounds, so be sure to schedule an Alamo tree service before the rainy seasons.

4) Tree Removal

Removing an established tree on your own isn’t safe. A certified arborist will have the right tools and experience to offer safe tree removal services. If there was ever a time to schedule an Alamo tree service, this is it. The risk of injury or property damage is just too high to take a chance on tackling tree removal on your own. Not to mention that it’s a time-consuming process.

5) A Leaning Tree

Leaning trees are another indication that you may have a property hazard on your hands, although, this isn’t always true. It really just depends on the situation. If roots are exposed this is another sign that you need to have the tree assessed by a professional as soon as possible.

Schedule an Alamo Tree Service

Do you need an  tree service? At Sexy Trees, we pride ourselves on offering the best tree services possible. We hope the above guide answers some of your questions about when to call a certified arborist. I you have other questions or feel like tree care is a messy job you don’t want to tackle on your own, please reach out by calling us at 925-233-6877. You can also read client testimonials by clicking this link.

How to Choose the Best Berkeley Tree Service

Berkeley tree service

You probably already know to hire a certified arborist when you need to schedule a Berkeley tree service for your property. But how to hire the right company? If you’re wondering, follow these simple tips to help you avoid tree care scams.

Choose Certified

Sometimes homeowners opt to do things themselves that should really be left to a professional. Part of the reason for this is because they’re just not sure who to trust and they’re afraid of being taken advantage of. Almost anyone who owns a vehicle has had this experience when it comes to finding a reliable and honest mechanic.

When it’s time to schedule your Berkeley tree service, a certified arborist is your best option. Anyone can pick up some pruning shears, but only a certified arborist can offer the depth of knowledge and experience you need when it comes to professional tree care. Their education, experience, and equipment will ensure that the job gets done right, and they will also be a reliable resource if you have any questions.

Verify Insurance

Liability insurance is a top priority when you need to schedule a Berkeley tree service. If it’s a company, also verify that they carry workers compensation insurance for their employees. It’s preferable if proof of insurance certificates are sent from the provider to you. This eliminates the possibility of fraudulent documents.

Why is this such a top priority? Well, if you hire a Berkeley tree service company that doesn’t have insurance, that means you get stuck paying for any injuries or property damage that occur on your land. It may seem unlikely, but it’s just not worth the risk. Take a little extra time to verify that an arborist is insured.

Review Ratings

Testimonials and complaints really count when you’re looking for the best Berkeley tree service. It shouldn’t be hard to find out what kind of reputation a local tree service company has, either. You’ll just need to do a little online sleuthing. In fact, you can learn a lot about a company with a quick web search. Pay close attention to things like how long they’ve been in business, and what kind of comments previous clients have left. Of course, you can always ask for references as well.

Pass on Door-to-Door Tree Services

If someone knocks on your door offering a Berkeley tree service, it’s best to pass on these types of offers. They’re usually scams, especially when it comes to selling unnecessary tree care services to the elderly. Someone knocks on your door and says they were just in the area, working in your neighbor’s yard, and noticed you need an expensive tree removal, etc.

Berkeley Tree Service

To learn more about tree care, talk to a certified arborist today. At Sexy Trees, we’re happy to help you make the best decisions for your trees. If it’s time to schedule tree pruning or another important Berkeley tree service, we’re here to help. Give us a call at 925.233.6877 to schedule a consultation for an estimate. You can also view our client testimonials by clicking this link.

Signs You Need Tree Removal Services

tree removal

Do you have a problem tree on your property that’s too big for you to tackle by yourself? If you need Alamo tree care, our team can evaluate a sick, damaged, or dead tree and help you decide if tree removal is the best course of action. There are a few different scenarios where a certified arborist can assist you in deciding how to handle an ailing tree.

Dangerous Location

If you have a tree that’s growing near power lines, leaning into your neighbor’s property, or beginning to grow a little too close to your roof, an Alamo tree care specialist can help you assess the situation and decide if tree removal is the best option.

A large tree that grows too close to your house can cause serious damage during a storm. One of the best ways to protect your property from substantial storm damage is to make sure that all of your trees are healthy and located a safe distance from your home. Scheduling professional tree care with an arborist is the best way to assess the well-being of your trees.

Sick or Dead Trees

If you have a tree that you suspect may be sick or dead, it’s important to call a certified arborist who can evaluate it. In some instances, proper tree care can rehabilitate an ailing tree. But if the damage is severe, removing a weakened tree is often the best option.

Bark abnormalities, dead branches, or spots of decay signal that a tree is sick. It’s very important to treat or remove these trees from your property because they tend to be highly unstable, and more likely to cause injury or property damage if they fall. Alamo tree removal services can quickly and safely remove even the largest trees.

Related Content: How Long Does Tree Removal Take?

Pesky Branches

If your tree’s branches appear brittle, or they’re expanding into a problematic area, Alamo tree care can help determine if tree pruning would fix the problem. Or, if tree removal is the best option. Large branches that break loose on a windy day can cause serious property damage, and even injury or death.

Calling an Alamo tree removal service is a lot cheaper than getting caught up in a costly court battle due to property damage in your neighbor’s yard. Large trees that aren’t properly maintained pose a real hazard for homeowners, yet tree care is often overlooked.

Related Content: What You Should Know About Tree Removal

Alamo Tree Care

If you need Alamo tree care, contact us today by calling 925-233-6877. As professional arborists, we recommend regular tree pruning to make sure your trees stay healthy and don’t pose any risk to your property. Our friendly team at Sexy Trees is here to answer your questions. Let’s talk!

5 Trees that Butterflies Love

5 trees that butterflies love

Butterfly gardens are a growing trend in the Bay Area, but what about trees that birds and butterflies love?

Many types of trees that do well in California are sure to attract beautiful wildlife visitors that are fun to watch. Planting a variety of flowering trees is one of the best ways to entice them to your yard. But you don’t have to be a pro at tree care or tree pruning to lure in brightly colored birds and butterflies.

Here are the 5 best trees for attracting wildlife, and boosting your home’s curb appeal…

1) Oak Trees

The humble oak tree can host a wide variety of butterfly species, and this tree does well in many different regions. Various species of hairstreak butterfly are particularly drawn to oaks, as well as duskywings. Another bonus is that there are about 450 different types of oak tree, 20 of which are native to California. We are even seeing hybrid species. Although, valley oak, interior live oak, and the blue oak are most common in the Bay Area.

2) Sweetbay Magnolias

The lightly lemon-scented white flowers of the sweetbay magnolia attract a variety of species, including the tiger and zebra swallowtail. Those who enjoy tree pruning a few blossoms will love having this tree near a patio for shade. Watch the beautiful butterflies that flock to it, while sipping on a summer beverage. These trees instantly remind most people of the southern states, but they can actually do quite well in California.

3) Elm Trees

The elm is another popular tree that can provide a banquet for hungry butterfly species. These butterflies include (but are not limited to) the question mark butterfly, eastern comma, tawny emperor, and many more.

When properly taken care of with regular tree pruning, elm trees also offer a beautiful lush green setting. Later in the year, elm leaves turn a lovely shade of yellow and gold, a sight that’s common in some of the most visually striking regions of our country—like New England. This is another tree that does surprisingly well in the Bay Area.

Related Content: Common Questions About Tree Pruning

4) Dogwoods

Dogwood trees, especially the pink dogwood has been known to lure in American snouts, white admirals, and banded hairstreaks. It yields delicate pink blooms in the spring, and shiny red berries that ripen by fall. These berries aren’t considered toxic, but it’s not a good idea to eat them, as people have reported rashes. This is also a great tree for beginning arborists.

5) Cherry Trees

Cherry trees have more to offer than their stunning beauty. Their fruit is wildly popular, and they also attract many species of butterflies that love to spend time in their fragrant flowers.

Cherry trees can do well across much of North America. They tend to entice American snouts, red spotted purples, viceroys, hummingbird clearwings, spring azures, and white admirals, along with many others. It’s easy to see why butterfly lovers often find the cherry tree to be a classical favorite.

Related Content: Tree Care for Sexy Trees in 2021

Tree Pruning & Other Tree Care

Try one or several of these trees in your yard to begin attracting more butterflies this season. Again, you don’t need to have a background in tree pruning or professional tree care to successfully grow these beauties, but it does help to schedule regular appointments with an arborist. You can also buy trees at any stage of growth to suit your needs.

For help with tree pruning, or general tree care in the Bay Area, contact us today. Our team is here to answer all of your questions. Just call 925-233-6877 to speak with a professional arborist.