Easy Guide to Killing Your Trees Year-Round

berkeley tree service

If you look out your window and feel rage at the lush, green foliage staring back at you, this article is for you. 

Are you tired of the mature, healthy trees taking up precious space in your yard? Do you despise the shade that your trees’ canopies provide? Or do you, for one reason or another, have a personal grudge against trees? Well, there are a number of things you can do as a tree owner to encourage the death of your trees. Read on for the following most pleasant ways to indirectly or directly commit arboricide. 

How to Kill A Tree in Every Season

[Disclaimer: The following tips are not recommended by Sexy Trees Berkeley Tree Services unless you want to kill your trees.]


  • Don’t rake – leave the leaves to rot. By allowing fallen leaves to sit and accumulate moisture, you will encourage your tree to contract disease-causing fungi. 
  • Don’t fertilize – Fertilizing the soil will only bolster your tree’s strength for winter. Keep your tree stressed and nutrient-deprived to kill it faster. 


  • Don’t prune – Of course, to keep a healthy tree, you’d prune the dying or diseased branches in preparation for winter dormancy. But since you want your trees dead, leave those old branches! They contribute to limb failure and poor structure in young trees. 
  • Don’t mulch (or pile it on) – Without mulch, the tree won’t retain soil moisture and organic matter. Plus, the tree won’t have insulation to protect it from the winter cold. Alternatively, you can pile the mulch directly on top of the tree’s root flare to slowly suffocate it and make it susceptible to root rot. 


  • Don’t pull weeds – Weeds steal water and nutrients from your tree, so let them take over! The moist soil has the perfect conditions for weeds to thrive and grow deep, impossible-to-remove roots. 


  • Ignore deep watering advice – Arborists suggest deep watering trees for good health, disease prevention, and strong root formation. By ignoring this advice, you will encourage your trees to develop weak shallow roots and die faster. 
  • Don’t hire Berkeley Tree Services – These expert arborists will make your trees radiate with inner health. Their comprehensive Berkeley tree services keep the city’s trees robust and wide-canopied. Obviously you want your trees atrophied and sickly, so avoid arborists at all costs. 

Of course, you can kill trees in any season by planting them too close together, wounding them with mowers, leaving insect and disease problems untreated, planting it in terrible soil or bad terrain, and incorrect pruning known as “topping” a tree. 

Talk to Us 

Skip the murder plotting and opt for Berkeley Tree Removal. At Sexy Trees, our tree removal services can rid you of the vegetation you so despise. We can even grind the stump and erase any trace that the tree was ever there. Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions! 

How Root Flare Exposure Affects Tree Health

Birch Tree Roots Removal

One of the biggest overlooked tree care mistakes is a relatively simple one: your tree was planted too deep. If a tree seems to be declining despite efforts to regularly prune it, trim its branches, and give it adequate water, it might be time to take a look at the root cause of the issue (pun intended). In addition to regularly scheduling maintenance with your local Berkeley tree service experts, get acquainted with how a buried root flare could be suffocating your tree – and how to fix it.  

What is root flare and how can Berkeley tree services help?

The root flare of a tree is the area around the base of the trunk, where the trunk meets the roots and creates a sloping outward flare into the soil. A tree’s root flare is a powerful indicator of its health, and a damaged or improperly developed root flare can cause a number of detrimental effects for fledgling and established trees. A certified arborist will be able to identify an underexposed root flare and provide recommendations or services to fix it. 

Signs that your tree’s root flare is suffocating:

If you can’t see a tree’s root flare, soil or mulch is likely covering it (which it should not be). Indicators that the tree is suffering due to its improperly exposed root flare are: 

  • Prematurely dropping leaves in the fall or delayed leaf growth in spring 
  • New shoots have a narrow reach, which gives the appearance that the foliage is hugging close to the branches
  • The tree appears like a telephone pole sticking out of the ground: completely cylindrical with no visible flare. Though this is natural for some varieties of tree, most should slope outwards as the trunk meets the roots and enters the soil. 

Health Consequences of a Buried Root Flare 

Soil or mulch covering a tree’s root flare comes with immediate and long-term consequences. Immediately, the tree experiences reduced oxygen availability to its roots, reduced water infiltration, and reduced access to shallow nutrient pools. If chronically underexposed, buried root flare could cause: 

  • Fungal wood decay. When mulch or soil is mounded over the base of the tree, moisture can accumulate over the tree’s root flare and deprive it of crucial oxygen. Over time, this can cause fungal wood decay at the root flare, which weakens the structural integrity of the tree while compromising the vascular system.
  • Girdling roots. The excess moisture at the root flare causes dormant buds to emerge from the base of the tree. Although these girdling roots start out small, they quickly grow into a restrictive tangle that abrades the buttress roots and suffocates the vascular system. These unnatural roots are a direct result of covering the tree’s root flare. 

Talk to Us

If you are looking for the best Berkeley tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on. Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions! 

Maximize Shade with These Summer Tree Services

Summer tree services

Hire a locally-owned and operated tree service to take care of your property this summer. Our professionals are licensed, bonded, and insured for your protection. Check out these Maximize Shade with These Summer Tree Services.

Here in California where the summers are hot and dry, walking into a full-sun yard can feel like walking into an oven. Without areas of shade or protection from the sun, it can be nearly impossible to enjoy your yard the way it should be enjoyed in the summer: with big outdoor barbecues, hammocking, sitting poolside, playing volleyball, and harvesting summer fruits. Fortunately, protecting your yard from the sun is as simple as a bit of tree maintenance and strategic planting. If you’re looking for a professional Berkeley tree service to maximize shade in your yard this summer, read on for our advice.

The Science of Shade

Trees can reduce the temperature of the surrounding air by six degrees Farenheit. This occurs through the dual effects of shading and evapotranspiration, or the process by which the tree releases water vapor. The air is even cooler directly under the tree – cool air settles near the ground, so the temperature under the tree’s canopy can be twenty five degrees cooler than the temperature of nearby concrete.

Maximizing Shade

Planting Strategically

Depending on the variety of bushes or trees you plant in your yard, you can expect results right away, in a few years as the plant grows, or a decade or two in the future when the plant has matured. Before purchasing plants, be familiar with where and when the sun is hitting your yard at full strength.

To shade your home and reduce energy costs, plant tall trees with wide crowns to the south of your home. Shorter trees or trees with lower crowns can shade low afternoon sun angles from the west – plant these along the property line to increase the yard’s privacy. Hedging trees allow shade to stretch across the yard during the late morning and early afternoon. High-density foliage creates the best shade – a few popular northern California varieties are the Monterey Cypress, Indian Laurel, Waxleaf Privet, Wax Myrtle, and Olive.

Tree Pruning

Summer tree pruning services help keep your trees healthy and well-shaped, which can improve the growth and density of the foliage long-term. This necessary service allows your trees to grow a healthy canopy with robust branches and dense leaves, which means fuller shade protection.

When pruning, remove any damaged, diseased, or dead tree limbs. These waste the tree’s valuable resources and cause it unnecessary stress.

Tree Care

Unkempt and neglected trees won’t produce quality shade – plus, they’ll be messy visual eyesores. Simple summer tree care includes deep watering, pruning, inspecting for insects, refreshing the soil, adding mulch, and fertilizing when the summer is over. For recommendations based on a particular tree, consult an arborist or tree care professional.

Schedule a Berkeley Tree Service

If you are looking for an excellent Berkeley tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on.

Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions!

How to Choose the Best Berkeley Tree Service

Berkeley tree service

You probably already know to hire a certified arborist when you need to schedule a Berkeley tree service for your property. But how to hire the right company? If you’re wondering, follow these simple tips to help you avoid tree care scams.

Choose Certified

Sometimes homeowners opt to do things themselves that should really be left to a professional. Part of the reason for this is because they’re just not sure who to trust and they’re afraid of being taken advantage of. Almost anyone who owns a vehicle has had this experience when it comes to finding a reliable and honest mechanic.

When it’s time to schedule your Berkeley tree service, a certified arborist is your best option. Anyone can pick up some pruning shears, but only a certified arborist can offer the depth of knowledge and experience you need when it comes to professional tree care. Their education, experience, and equipment will ensure that the job gets done right, and they will also be a reliable resource if you have any questions.

Verify Insurance

Liability insurance is a top priority when you need to schedule a Berkeley tree service. If it’s a company, also verify that they carry workers compensation insurance for their employees. It’s preferable if proof of insurance certificates are sent from the provider to you. This eliminates the possibility of fraudulent documents.

Why is this such a top priority? Well, if you hire a Berkeley tree service company that doesn’t have insurance, that means you get stuck paying for any injuries or property damage that occur on your land. It may seem unlikely, but it’s just not worth the risk. Take a little extra time to verify that an arborist is insured.

Review Ratings

Testimonials and complaints really count when you’re looking for the best Berkeley tree service. It shouldn’t be hard to find out what kind of reputation a local tree service company has, either. You’ll just need to do a little online sleuthing. In fact, you can learn a lot about a company with a quick web search. Pay close attention to things like how long they’ve been in business, and what kind of comments previous clients have left. Of course, you can always ask for references as well.

Pass on Door-to-Door Tree Services

If someone knocks on your door offering a Berkeley tree service, it’s best to pass on these types of offers. They’re usually scams, especially when it comes to selling unnecessary tree care services to the elderly. Someone knocks on your door and says they were just in the area, working in your neighbor’s yard, and noticed you need an expensive tree removal, etc.

Berkeley Tree Service

To learn more about tree care, talk to a certified arborist today. At Sexy Trees, we’re happy to help you make the best decisions for your trees. If it’s time to schedule tree pruning or another important Berkeley tree service, we’re here to help. Give us a call at 925.233.6877 to schedule a consultation for an estimate. You can also view our client testimonials by clicking this link.

Can Mistletoe Kill Your Trees?

mistletoe removal

Trees play a vital role. They provide shade and contribute to fresh air. Their roots keep soil from washing away, and wild animals nest in them. Sometimes trees can seem invincible, but the trees in your yard need special care. If you’ve noticed mistletoe cozying up to your trees, it’s best to remove it now before it becomes an issue. But can something as festive as mistletoe really kill your trees? Here’s what you need to know about mistletoe removal from trees.

What is Mistletoe?

Mistletoe is a bushy plant that grows on a variety of trees, particularly oak, pine, birch, hickory, and apple. It’s a semi-parasitic plant known as a hemiparasite, and it draws water and nutrients from the host tree it attaches to.

Because mistletoe grows very slowly it is not considered an immediate threat to a tree. Although, if left unchecked, over time it can slowly spread to cover the tree. This, of course, weakens the tree by robbing it of essential nutrients that are necessary for its survival.

Technically, the mistletoe itself will not result in the death of the tree, but will instead make the tree more vulnerable to harsh weather conditions, especially drought. The tree is then unable to sustain itself by storing enough water and nutrients to withstand drought conditions. In particular, young trees are especially vulnerable to mistletoe.

The University of Georgia found that trees infected with mistletoe suffered a 66% mortality rate after a severe drought. This was compared with 3% of non-infected trees. All in all, mistletoe creates a weakened immune system, which makes trees susceptible to any kind of sickness or harsh environmental conditions.

Caring for Your Trees

For health, mistletoe removal from trees is essential. It’s best to completely remove mistletoe from your trees as soon as possible, preferably in its early stages of development.

Unfortunately, mistletoe removal from trees is much more extensive than simply removing the visible part of the plant’s structure. Mistletoe can grow inside of tree branches. This can make some pruning necessary as well. However, removing too many branches from a tree can also harm its health.

Professional Mistletoe Removal From Trees

The best way to deal with a tree that has large amounts of mistletoe is to remove the outer mistletoe structure, provide extra amounts of water during drought conditions, and surround the infected tree with a 2-3 inch layer of mulch to conserve moisture. For professional tree services in the Alamo area, contact us at Sexy Trees. Contact us by phone at 925-481-3860, or send a message by clicking here.

Top Benefits of Preventive Tree Maintenance

benefits of preventive tree maintenance

One of the best ways to keep your yard looking great is to have your trees maintained throughout the year. Reaching out to a local tree service company is an excellent way to save yourself a lot of time, and ensure the job is done right. These professionals use the latest tools in the landscaping industry, so your trees look fantastic, while also minimizing the impact of potential damages due to a storm.

Interested in learning more? Here are a few of the top benefits of using preventative tree maintenance services.

1. Increased Property Value

One of the many advantages of preventative tree maintenance is that it helps to boost your property value. Keeping your trees looking great maximizes the curb appeal of your home, creating a much more pleasing and relaxing environment for you and your family.

2. Professional Expertise

Trimming trees on your own is a major safety risk, especially if you lack the proper tools and training. Scheduling professional tree maintenance services saves you a lot of hassle and ensures the job is done without any mistakes.

3. Healthy Trees

Pruning your trees is a great way to stimulate new growth and eliminate any weak spots that can cause damage to your trees. For example, it’s best to remove unhealthy branches before they break. Scheduling pruning services on a yearly basis is a proactive step that keeps your trees healthy over time.

Sexy Trees was established in 2012. We take pride in always providing top-quality tree services for our clients in the Alamo area. We offer a variety of tree services, such as tree pruning, stump grinding and removal, tree care, mistletoe removal, and much more. Feel free to contact our experienced team at (925) 481-3933 to learn more about the many landscaping services we offer. We look forward to hearing from you.