Tips From an Alamo Tree Service Professional
Making the decision to remove a tree from your property can be a long and winding road. Tree removal is expensive, difficult, and often quite dangerous. It’s easier to get comfortable with a potentially hazardous tree – one that has been a polite, quiet, and stalwart companion for decades – than to even imagine the labor-intensive process of getting it removed.
Though tree removal is a last resort for sick or dying trees that can’t otherwise be healed, it’s a last resort that cannot be missed. Eventually, a compromised or dead tree will fall. Choosing an Alamo tree service to help will ensure that the tree can be safely cut down and the stump ground – a much happier alternative to turning a blind eye and one day waking up to a tree crashing through the living room.
If you own property with trees, you are ultimately responsible for the damage or injury inflicted by fallen trees that should have been removed. Luckily, a tree has ways of communicating insufficiency and illness. Here are some red flag indicators that your tree needs an intervention in the way of care or removal.
It’s time to get a professional Alamo tree service if…
There are signs of disease or distress.
If the tree displays vertical cracks, dead branches, soft crumbly wood, crown dieback, misshapen or discolored leaves, or an excess of fungi, it may be infected. An arborist will be able to recommend treatment for the tree – not all infections warrant removal.
The tree is hollow.
A tree can stand for many years with a hollow trunk, but certain conditions can make hollow trees unsafe. Most professionals advise that if one-third of the inside of the tree is hollowed out or rotten, the tree is dangerous and should be removed.
There are large dead branches (or a significant quantity of dead branches).
Dead branches are likely to fall and cause injury to anything below. If the dead branches are clustered to one side of the tree, it could be indicative of a root or trunk infection.
The tree is leaning.
Trees that suddenly lean to one side may be experiencing weak roots. If the tree leans more than fifteen degrees away from its original upright position, it should be removed as soon as possible.
Sprouts or shoots are growing from the base of the tree.
Epicormic shoots, also known as suckers, are an indicator of stress on the tree and may be a sign that the tree has been overpruned.
The tree is growing into power lines.
A tree that is growing into power lines will need to be thinned out or removed. Pruning and removal around power lines must always be done through a professional!
Alamo Tree Removal Service
If you are looking for the best Alamo tree service, look no further. At Sexy Trees, our wide range of services and care will keep your trees healthy and beautiful for decades to come. We believe in supporting our communities of trees through evidence-based techniques that you can depend on.
Give us a call at 925-233-6877 for an estimate, or email us at [email protected] anytime with questions!